
Recently, we've done several changes to help out this wiki, from deleting empty pages, improving the navigation, adding a rules page, as well as merging film infoboxes.

You can check out the latest overhauls that we have done on this wiki so far, as well as upcoming updates in our announcement post here.


These footers are no longer updated by Fandom staff.
Please leave a message for StarLightNova for updates
Movie Footers

The movie footers serve to bring communities of like-minded people on Fandom closer together. They used to be curated by Fandom staff. Since staff currently don't have the capacity to keep doing that, and since we're working on some long-term projects to connect communities more efficiently, these footers are no longer staff-maintained. That means staff won't be reviewing requests for new links for these footers or review the current links on a regular basis.

We won't delete these footer templates or remove them from the wikis where they are currently embedded. The community can take ownership of these templates, or you can create your own footer template with links to related wikis if you'd like to network with them on your own terms. That way, you can be sure your gaming footer only contains the wikis you want to partner up with and is updated as often as you'd like it.

Please note: If you create your own footer template based on Fandom's footers, please make sure not to include the Fandom logo and to make it otherwise clear that it's not a staff-sponsored footer template. If you copy any one else's footer's design, make sure to add attribution by linking back to the original template. The templates are maintained by MechQueste. He is a regular editor who has an interest in film and television.

Other genre footers:
Gamia Wordmark Literature Wordmark Music Wordmark Entertainment Wordmark
Gaming Literature Music Television

The following is the archive of existing footers and previous submissions.



Approved (16)


Note: this category is for animated films targeting younger audiences. For adult audiences, please use other categories.
Approved (54)


Cartoon Animated Movies

Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki!

HerculesAladdinBambiSimpsonsFuturama101 DalmatiansPhineas and FerbRugratsTarzanLilo & StitchScooby-DooSpongeBob SquarePantsPhineas and FerbBuzz Lightyear of Star CommandLady And The TrampThe AristocatsBrother BearPeter PanHey Arnold!Fairly Odd ParentsHanna-Barbera WikiEnsemble Dark Horse Wiki

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Note: this category is for animated films targeting younger audiences. For adult audiences, please use other categories.
Computer Animated Movies

Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki!

Big Hero 6CarsCloudy with a Chance of MeatballsDespicable MeFrozenHotel TransylvaniaHow to Train Your DragonIce AgeThe IncrediblesKung Fu PandaMadagascarMickey and FriendsMonsters, Inc.PixarThe Polar ExpressRioThe Secret Life of PetsShrekSingSony Pictures AnimationTangledToy StoryTrollsWallace and GromitWreck-It RalphZootopia

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Note: this category is for animated films targeting younger audiences. For adult audiences, please use other categories.


Crime, Police, & Spy Movies

Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki!

Die HardDie Hard ScenarioFargoThe GodfatherJames BondJohn WickKingsmanLethal WeaponMission: Impossible

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Approved (9)


Live Action Movies

Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki!

AladdinBatmanSuperman AnthologyOz the Great and PowerfulScooby-DooThe MuppetsHarry PotterRaimi Spider-Man Trilogy

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Note: this category is for animated films targeting younger audiences. For adult audiences, please use other categories.



Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki!

SpongeBob SquarePantsThe Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonaldEnchantedSpace Jam

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Note: this category is for animated films targeting younger audiences. For adult audiences, please use other categories.


Fantasy Movies

Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki!

The Chronicles of NarniaDescendantsDisneyFinal FantasyHalloweentownHarry PotterHellboyJungle BookLord of the RingsPirates of the CaribbeanUnderworldThe Wizard of Oz

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Approved (9)




Horror Movies

Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki!

AlienArachnophobiaThe BabysitterThe Cabin in the WoodsChild's PlayCreepshowDraculaEvil DeadFinal DestinationFrankensteinFriday the 13thGodzillaGremlinsHalloweenHorror FilmsInvisible ManJawsJu-on & The GrudgeKing KongNightmare on Elm StreetPredatorPuppet MasterA Quiet PlaceSAWScreamStabWar of the Worlds

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Approved (13)

Science Fiction[]

Science Fiction Movies

Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki!

AlienAlien vs. PredatorBack to the FutureBlade RunnerBumilangit UniverseCloverfieldStar WarsEnder's GameGhostbustersJudge DreddThe MatrixMen in BlackPacific RimReal SteelRiddickTerminatorTron

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Approved (16)