Загвар:Template link with bold
{{Загвар:Template link with bold}}
![]() | Энэ загвар дараах Lua-г ашигладаг: |
Ихэнхдээ {{tlb}}, гэж товчилдог энэхүү загвар нь загварыг өөрөө ашиглахгүйгээр загварын дэлгэцэнд загварчлагдсан формат өгөхөд ашиглагддаг.
[кодоор засварлах]With the exception of alttext, the named parameters are toggles that are either omitted (default in most cases) or activated (by being assigned a value such as "on", "yes", "true", "include", etc.). They may be included in any order (see Examples below). Certain templates have the parameter "on" by default; see the main table for all alternate options.
Параметр | Action | Use with {{example}} |
Default active |
Default (without accessory parameters) | {{example}} | ||
brace | Include braces as part of the template link | {{example}} | {{tlw}}/{{tn}} |
braceinside | Include innermost braces as part of the template link | {{example}} | |
bold | Renders the template link/name in bold | {{example}} | {{tlb}}, {{tlxb}} |
code | Display output using HTML <code>...</code> tags (monospaced font) |
{{example}} |
{{tlc}}, {{Template link expanded}}, etc. |
italic | Display any parameters accompanying the template link/name in italics | {{example|param}} | {{tlxi}} |
kbd | Display output using HTML <kbd>...</kbd> tags (monospaced font) |
{{example}} | |
nolink | Don't render the template name as a link | {{example}} | {{tlf}}, {{tnull}} |
nowrap | Prevent the insertion of line breaks (word wrap) in the output | {{example}} | |
nowrapname | Prevent word wrapping in the output of template name/link (parameters will wrap if needed) | {{example}} | |
plaincode | Uses <code style="border:none; background:transparent;">...</code> |
{{example}} |
{{tltss}} |
subst | Include a subst: prefix before the template link/name | {{subst:example}} | {{tls}}, {{tlxs}}, etc |
|alttext=[text] |
Use [text] as the label for the template link | {{Other}} | {{tla}} |
_show_result | Will also display the result of the template. | {{Min|7|-5}} → -5 |
_expand | Will add a link to the expanded template page. | {{Min|7|-5}} [1] |
Unnamed (Positional)
[кодоор засварлах]This template can take any number of unnamed parameters as parameters accompanying the template link (or name); see Examples below.
[кодоор засварлах]- Note
- On the source sister projects, en.wikipedia and Meta, X0, X1, X2, ..., X9 are sandbox templates for experimentation on involved templates that need be in template space. An auto-cleansing software facility exists that might be used to duplicate the facility on other Sister projects.
Code | Output | Remarks |
{{tlb|Banner}} | {{Banner}} | Template:Banner does not exist. (Non-existent template is redlinked.) |
{{tlb|Abc}} | {{Abc}} | Template:Abc exists. |
{{tlb|abC}} | {{abC}} | Template names are case-sensitive |
{{tlb|abc}} | {{abc}} | (but the first letter is case-insensitive). |
{{tlb|x0}} | {{x0}} | параметр байхгүй |
{{tlb|x1|one}} | {{x1|one}} | нэг параметр |
{{tlb|x2|one|two}} | {{x2|one|two}} | хоёр параметр |
{{tlb|x3|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}} | {{x3|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10}} | арван параметр |
{{tlb|convert|<nowiki>14|m|ftin|abbr=out|sp=us</nowiki>}} | {{convert|14|m|ftin|abbr=out|sp=us}} | Unlimited parameters, as one <nowiki>...</nowiki> string. |
{{tlb|x2||two||}} | {{x2|two}} | Empty parameters are discarded. |
{{tlb|x0|code=on}} | {{x0}} | <code> style |
{{tlb|x0|plaincode=on}} | {{x0}} | plaincode style |
{{tlb|x0|kbd=on}} | {{x0}} | <kbd> style |
{{tlb|x0|bold=on}} | {{x0}} | bold link/name |
{{tlb|x1|one|italic=on}} | {{x1|one}} | parameter(s) in italics |
{{tlb|x0|nolink=on}} | {{x0}} | |
{{tlb|x0|subst=on}} | {{subst:x0}} | |
{{tlb|x0|brace=on}} | {{x0}} | all braces in link |
{{tlb|x0|braceinside=on}} | {{x0}} | inside braces in link |
{{tlb|x0|alttext=x0 link}} | {{x0 link}} | |
{{tlb|x0|bold=on|code=on|brace=on}} | {{x0}} | Combine multiple parameter settings. |
{{tlb|x1|{{spaces}}one{{spaces}}}} | {{abc| one }} | Using {{spaces}} before and after a parameter. |
{{tlb|x2|bold=on|code=on|one|two}} | {{x2|one|two}} | Can combine named and anonymous parameters ... |
{{tlb|x2|one|two|bold=on|code=on}} | {{x2|one|two}} | ... in any order ... |
{{tlb|x2|one|code=on|two|bold=on|three}} | {{x2|one|two|three}} | ... even intermixed ... |
{{tlb|x2|one|code=on|two|bold=on|three|italic=on}} | {{x2|one|two|three}} | ... with many configurations. |
{{tlb|x1|x=u}} | {{x1}} | = won't work |
{{tlb|x1|x=u}} | {{x1|x=u}} | = is okay |
{{tlb|x1|x{{=}}u}} | {{x1|x=u}} | {{=}} is okay (see Template:=) |
{{tlb|x1|x<nowiki>=</nowiki>u}} | {{x1|x=u}} | Sticky nowiki is okay. |
{{tlb|x2|3=two|2=one}} | {{x2|one|two}} | Right-to-left is okay |
{{tlb}} | tlb | With no arguments, it emits the current page name without braces. |
{{tlb|x2|3=one|4=two}} | {{x2}} | Null parameter stops parsing. |
Code | Output |
{{tlb|long template name that would wrap to new line|this is a long value for the 1st parameter that would wrap}}
{{long template name that would wrap to new line|this is a long value for the 1st parameter that would wrap}} |
Code | Output |
{{tlb|nowrap=on|long template name that would wrap to new line|long value for the 1st parameter that would wrap}}
{{long template name that would wrap to new line|long value for the 1st parameter that would wrap}} |
Code | Output |
{{tlb|nowrapname=on|long template name that would wrap to new line|long value for the 1st parameter that would wrap}}
{{long template name that would wrap to new line|long value for the 1st parameter that would wrap}} |
See also
[кодоор засварлах]Загвар:Template-linking templates Загвар:Semantic markup templates