My Little Pony Collectible Card Game Wiki
Rainbow Dash,
Flier Extraodinaire
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Card Type Mane Character
Start Side
Power 1
Color Blue
Traits Pegasus
Game Text Home Limit 3
When you confront this card's problem, if you have a Troublemaker at that Problem, turn this card over.
Flavor Text Stupendous? Astonishing? Breathtaking?
Boosted Side
Power 3
Color Blue
Traits Pegasus
Game Text Home Limit 4, Swift
When you move this card from home to a Problem, you may pay 1 action token to move another one of your Friends from home to that Problem.
Flavor Text How about super-ultra-extreme-awesome-mazing?
Release Information
This Card's Artwork Comes From:
Season 1, Episode 3: The Ticket Master (start side)
  • None
Start Side
  • The Troublemaker must be face-up when this card confronts a Problem in order to turn this card over. (505.2)

Boosted Side

  • Swift only applies to a Main Phase move action (which is when a player pays 2 action tokens to move this character during their Main Phase) and stacks with the abilities of other cards that raise/lower the Main Phase move action cost. The cost to move a character with the Main Phase move action cannot go below 1 action token. (506.3) (609.2b)
  • This card’s triggered ability does not count as a Main Phase move action (which is when a player pays 2 action tokens to move one of their characters during their Main Phase). (506.4)
