I wish you would let me go.
Luna and Celestia, as they talk about the "next level" for Twilight.
Discussing Twilight's next step.
"Trust me, Little Sister."
Luna walking towards the exit.
Taking a quick glance at Twilight as she passes by.
Twilight is ready, while Princess Luna walks out of the room.
Luna alongside Celestia, as they defeat King Sombra.
The power of two princesses is not deniable.
Princess Luna does not look the slightest happy.
Luna, glancing at Twilight.
Princess Luna with her wings spread out.
The moon behind Luna and the sun behind Celestia.
Luna, with a less than happy face.
Don't mind me, I'm just trotting through your forest, haunting your nightmares.
Luna appears inside the (dreamed) moon as a silhouette
Princess Luna appears in place of the Headless Horse
Flying towards Scootaloo. I wonder if she chose to enter Scoot's dream because she reminds her of
Don't we all wish Luna would visit our dreams?
Scootaloo is surprised and relieved to find out she is only dreaming
"I am the Princess of the Night."
Princess Luna talking to Scootaloo about confronting her fears.
"Thus, it is my duty to come into your dreams."
You sure this is a dream, Luna?
"I assure you that you are asleep. But when you wake, the thing that frightens you the most will still exist."
"...Is the Headless Horse really what frightens you the most?"
"Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way."
"But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue."
Luna in the moon, telling Scootaloo to face her fears.
Princess Luna appearing behind the trees
I knew you could do it, Scootaloo.
Princess Luna, at the coronation for Twilight.
Luna, Cadance and Celestia.
Princess Luna, smiling up at Celestia.
She just stands there, being all quiet and formal.
Luna is proud of dear Twilight Sparkle.
Our newest Princess, sister.
"It was just a terrible reminder that I had to banish my own sister." ~Celestia
Why is Luna so angry all of a sudden...?
Umm Luna you're kind of freaking me out...What are you doing?
"Did you really expect me to sit idly by while they all basked in your precious light?"
"There can only be one princess in Equestria..."
"And that princess... will be ME!"
No more overshadowing for this pony
Swallowed whole by darkness
Rise of the Night Eternal!
Her magic aura is actually cyan instead of purple. Time to redo all the art, bronies!
I won't be in your shadow anymore, Celestia!
"I have but one royal duty now!"
"And where do you think you're going?!"
These Three Princesses of Equestria are...chasing each other?
You won't get away from me!
Say your prayers, Celestia! You're going down!
Nightmare Moon prepares to fight once more
...Or not. Nnnoooooooo!!!!
Luna and Celestia are not pleased
"Playtime is over for you, Discord!"
Princess Luna is so not happy.
Yay! Now we know what Elements the sisters represented!
You're going down, Discord
Discord is quite ignorant of the powers of harmony
Day and Night combine their magic
Luna is lowering the moon
May my lunar magic be safe with you, Princess Twilight...
Did our transfer work, my sister? I don't know...
I was a blank flank when I got my crown...now it is as if I never took my place as Guardian of the Moon...
Go ahead, Tirek...You're not getting squat from me!
You are not breaking me, my sister, or my niece that easily.
Tirek: Why bother? You can rot like I did in Tartarus!
Cadance: Save us, Twilight!
Celestia: It's up to you now, Twilight! Defeat Tirek and win our freedom!
Well done, Princess Twilight!
Impressed with Twilight's new home
Enjoy finally being a good guy now, Discord?