Taking the food from Spike.
Mrs. Cake, offering cupcakes to Princess Celestia.
The Cakes are very pleased.
Mrs. Cake watching Rarity.
Would you care for a treat, Princess?
"A thousand pardons, Your Majesty."
"Empty teacup at four o' clock!"
Ready to refill it when it's time.
Celestia's too modest to say anything about them overdoing it.
Taking the food away, before Applejack can even have a tiny nibble.
Mr. Cake, a father now. Woohoo!
"And!" Says the joyful father.
The love in the father's eyes.
Mr. Cake does not know how to react to this.
I think Nurse Redheart might be back.
Trying to be sneaky, are you?
Yeah she's coming if you want to know Pinkie.
Explaining some recessive traits.
Well magic and flying don't sound so bad.
You ruined that nice cake Pinkie.
Mr. Cake with a ton of diapers.
Mrs. Cake restocking candy.
This is pretty repetitive no?
"Who needs a diaper change?"
Mr. Cake, why are you washing your hooves when you held everything with your mouth?
Correct interpretation, Mr. Cake.
Loud burps were a little too unexpected.
Oh. It's time to put them down on the floor and let them have their fun.
You shouldn't have that in your mouth, my dear.
"We don't chew on things."
Yes, what Pinkie said sounds very reasonable.
"Great cinnamon sticks!!"
"We need to find a babysitter!!"
Oh, Pound Cake, why are you so happy in a time like this?
"Who will be available on such short notice?"
The Cake family, all smiles.
Well, so much for the cute Pegasus.
Oh, Twilight won't help us.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Cake have concerned expressions.
So help me Celestia and Luna.
Oh, just how do we deal with you?
Mr. Cake with a lot of cakes.
"Pinkie Pie." Says the nervous father.
Mr. Cake is tense beyond reason.
Nose to nose with Pinkie Pie.
"Not just play with them."
Antsy and we can't blame her.
A sign of maternal worry.
Mr. Cake rushing things up.
"Take good care of our two precious gingersnaps."
Mrs. Cake waving good bye.
Looking in on their children.