Jet Set and Upper Crust, walking through Canterlot.
Rarity is sipping her cappuccino when...
... two fancy ponies show up.
"Please excuse our interruption. I'm Jet Set, and this is my wife Upper Crust."
"...Where did you get that simply marvelous chapeau?"
A wild Hayseed Turnip Truck appears!
Staring at the scruffy window-washing pony.
Apparently she isn't from Canterlot!
Upper Crust and Jet Set, clearly not happy with Rarity.
Oh my gosh what's that?! And Upper Crust has missing eyelashes.
I know my husband and I didn't make the best first impression but you don't mind if I kiss up to you, right?
Oh so THAT'S who Rarity spit-took on!
Is Upper Crust going to LICK Rarity?!
Playing pretend to be nice, are they?
Ooh, so now they're nice to Rarity!