"... that she would introduce me, to him! Her nephew."
The stallion of
Rarity's dreams...
She fell for him, he fell for her..
Dancing across the floor.
Prince Blueblood in Rarity's fantasy.
Prince Blueblood in Rarity's fantasy
First glimpse of Blueblood
"Even better than I imagined."
Don't let that grin fool you, Rarity.
Why yes, it does look rather nice on me, don't you think?
Rarity upset with Prince Blueblood.
Blueblood takes the last seat, much to Rarity's dismay.
Rarity is quite upset with Blueblood at the moment.
Sure, this seems like a gentlemanly gesture, but don't hold your breath.
Rarity talking to Prince Blueblood.
Open the door, would you Rarity?
Rarity politely pointing Prince Blueblood to the door.
Tilting his head, to motion Rarity to open the door.
Rarity insists Blueblood shows his chivalry.
Bye Bye Rarity. I cannot tolerate your bad attitude.
I am much too regal for these carnival food.
These two get along together as well as oil and water.
Blueblood did not like the taste.
"My royal lips have touched common carnival fare!"
"I'm going to the buffet for some hors d'oeuvres."
Blueblood is pleased, while Rarity is not.
A big cake is on the way.
Blueblood pulls Rarity in front of him, as to shield himself from an oncoming apple cake. (Hey, where did Rarity's tiara go?)
It looks like Prince Blueblood didn't even have the smarts (let alone decency) to not upset Rarity.
"I just had myself groomed!"
This will not make him any sweeter.