Rarity bumps into Fancy Pants.
Fancy Pants surrounded by feathers.
Fancy Pants and Fleur Dis Lee.
Fleur Dis Lee, smiling at Fancy Pants.
Fleur Dis Lee and Fancy Pants looking amazing.
Fancy Pants levitating his monocle.
Rarity picking up her stuff
You may be right my dear.
Fleur Dis Lee and Fancy Pants.
Having a chat with Rarity.
Rarity cheering with Fancy Pants.
Fancy Pants and his friends.
Fancy Pants and Fleur Dis Lee.
Fancy Pants greeting Rarity.
How can Fancy Pants not notice Rarity's cuteness?
Hmmm...Rarity looks adorable.
Oh, I'm ever so sorry to interrupt.
Rarity looking at Fancy Pants.
Watching them party Canterlot style.
What in tarnation I've just eat?
Don't you stick your tongue at me.
Fancy Pants inspecting Twilight ensemble.
Just looking at Twilight.
Sudden interruption by Rarity.
Room? Don't you mean garden.
"This lovely filly from Ponyville."
Fancy Pants talking about Twilight.
Don't worry my dear the ponies gathering around won't scare you with their smiles.
For how long can Fancy Pants keep that face?
I'm just as surprised as you are dear.
Fancy Pants is just looking on.
Fancy Pants approves of Rarity's friends.
Rarity dear, I think this dress is very lovely.
"Mmhm, I dare say every mare in Canterlot will be wanting one."
Good to see you smiling dear.
"How about you introduce me to your friends?"