Pinkie at the end of the
Smile Song; Cranky is cranky.
Pinkie, reading the back of Cranky's wagon.
Ouch, Pinkie has pulled your ears!
Ponies, ponies everywhere!
Pinkie waves to Cherry Berry and Lemon Hearts.
...Can you tie 'em in a bow?
This donkey is really, REALLY bald.
Pinkie, checking for a smile.
How did she get in there?
Cranky has a camera as well
The dear book has been ruined
I know! I'll hide behind this statue of Princess Celestia!
Not even statue Celestia can help you
Cranky learned a valuable lesson that day: you can never escape Pinkie. Ever.
Cranky and Matilda in Cranky's flashback, they look so cute together.
PINKIE! You're ruining the moment!