Excuse me, Pipsqueak the Pirate at your service.
Argh! I be here to plunder ye of yer candy!
"Pipsqueak the Pirate, at your service!"
"My first Nightmare Night ever!"
The medication isn't working.
Adorability equals front seats at all major events!
Those eyes are watching us.
Nightmare Moon will gobble you up!
Nightmare Moon is gonna get us!
You should watch where you going.
"If we wear costumes to hide from Nightmare Moon, so she won't gobble us up, how come we still need to give her some of our candy?"
Ah, stop! I'm just a pirate.
Even Pip's eyepatch is scared- it's trying to jump off of him!
Pipsqueak in a group shot with the other foals.
Oh no, he's going to fall.
Princess Luna trying to save Pipsqueak.
"Help! My backside has been gobbled!"
"I never thought my very first Nightmare Night would be my very last."
"What's Nightmare Night without the annual candy offering?"
"Goodbye Nightmare Night."
Pipsqueak with Princess Luna.
Talking to Princess Luna.
You're my favorite princess ever!
Pipsqueak, giving Luna a hug.
Getting Luna's attention by biting her tail
Here's some candy, Princess Luna.
Pipsqueak is back- and as cute as ever!
Four square- man, that's old!
Poor Pipsqueak- he's stuck at the bottom? Wait... that isn't supposed to be a crack at cockney people, is it?
"We love you, Cutie Mark Crusaders!"
"Did someone say 'princess'?"
You can't shove Pipsqueak down! That's abuse of the adorable ones- which is illegal!
Pushing Pipsqueak around again!? That tears it- revolution!
Pipsqueak-brand lemonade- now with 20% more adorable!
Oh, no- the zombies got Pipsqueak! ...he's still adorable, though.
Oops- did I just say that the CMC have been extorting everypony out loud? Sorry.
"Hey- that's my scooter!"
This may be cosmic payback for Pip blurting out what the CMC have been doing.
Scootaloo, you're buying Pip a new scooter.
"I'm running for student pony president!"
He just needs a little help.
Would that all politicians were as determined about keeping their campaign promises.
Guess the rivals have become friends.
Nice of Twilight to help, since as Pip pointed out she kind of had a role in this mess.