Lotus Blossom with a smile.
Lotus Blossom avoiding the hot steam.
The steam compliments her complexion.
Pouring water over hot stones in a sauna.
Rarity,Fluttershy And Lotus blossom all in the sauna
Lotus, looking into the bucket.
Lotus Blossom seems to be enjoying Rarity's story.
Pouring some water before we switch to the next scene.
Lotus giving Rarity a mudmask.
Ja, very good, very good.
A massage with hooves can be amazing.
Lotus, giving Fluttershy a massage.
Tying the seaweed nice and tightly.
After wrapping
Rarity in seaweed.
Rarity and Fluttershy get a mudbath.
The "usual" again please!