Babs Seed, as she departs the train.
Apple Bloom ate too much Gak
Babs Seed, doesn't seem impressed by Sweetie's eagerness.
Mother of Celestia, why did I come here? Babs looking at Apple Bloom.
Sweetie Belle, telling Babs about the Summer Harvest Parade.
Scootaloo, kidnap Babs and take her to the clubhouse!
Babs could feel Scootaloo's hooves almost covering her eyes.
Super wide-eyed, cuteness.
What are you trying to say?
How is she hanging from there?
Babs, looking at the Crusaders.
Why would you make a pumpkin?
And, they're laughing at you three?
Babs, upon being called a "blank flank."
When I smile like this, everypony understands who I really am.
Putting Apple Bloom in her place.
"What are you, a snitch?"
Hand over the milkshakes!
Babs Seed, spinning the table.
Babs Seed drinking milkshakes with Diamond Tiara and
Silver Spoon.
Don't you usually do that with a Watermelon? 0-0
Babs, with a tomato and a milkshake.
A close up of Babs eye, with the reflection shaped like a seed.
You got a seed in your eye, Babs!
Let's all go to the lobby, let's all go to the lobby...
The poor milkshake was never seen or heard from again...
See this book? It's really dusty.
Can you imagine how much that must hurt with eyes as big as theirs'?
Babs dressed as a wolf, scaring the Crusaders.
Who's afraid of the big Babs Wolf?
Painting mustaches on the Crusaders' faces.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders, being laughed at.
Babs, about to splash into a puddle.
Shaking the apples off the tree.
Babs giving the apple tree a shake.
Hey! What are you doing at my clubhouse?
Well it was yours, and now it's mine!
And let's keep it that way!
Signature hoof-shakes are always better with three.
Lets put our butts together!
Babs Seed concealing her flank.
Still a little embarrassed about her flank
I'm sleeping in your bed Apple Bloom, whatcha gonna do about it.
Babs Seed, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.
Looking at Scootaloo with not so nice eyes.
Babs seems to enjoy driving the float.
That float sure is one golden apple.
Ah, hey why can't I control this?
Scootaloo shoving Babs out of the way.
Hey! What did you do that for?
Babs, going to see her cousin,Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.
Babs, the Crusaders and Applejack.
But, why did you do that?
You see Babs, we were just getting you back for being a big bully...
Babs hides her flank with her tail.
Babs, feels sorry for what she did.
Blowing her fringe out of her way.
Babs apologizes for being a bully.
Babs, listening to Applejack.
Babs listening to Sweetie Belle.
That's quite a long paper, Sweetie Belle.
Babs Seed, the new member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders!
Babs stands up for her friends
Babs Seed, about to give a couple of bullies, "The Stare".
The new "stare" master...
Fluttershy's got a new rival. XD
Cutie Mark Crusaders hoof-bump yay!