
അഗസ്റ്റസ് ചക്രവർത്തിയുടെ കാലത്തെ പ്രസിദ്ധനായ റോമൻ കവിയായിരുന്നു ഹൊറസ് എന്ന് ആംഗലേയലോകത്ത് അറിയപ്പെടുന്ന ക്വിന്തൂസ് ഹൊറഷ്യൂസ് ഫ്ലാച്ചൂസ്(വെനോസ, ഡിസംബർ 8, 65 ബി.സി. - റോം, നവംബർ 27, 8 ബി.സി.).വാഗ്മിയായ ക്വിന്റിലിയൻ തന്റെ ഓഡസിന്റെ വായനയിലുളള ഒരേയൊരു ലത്തീൻ ഭാഷയിലെ വരികളെ മാത്രമായിരുന്നു പരാമർശിച്ചത്: അദ്ദേഹം ചിലപ്പോൾ ഉന്നതമായതാവാം. എങ്കിലും അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ ആകർഷകത്വവും, മഹത്ത്വവും തികച്ചും നിഗൂഢത നിറഞ്ഞതാണ്. അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ കണക്കുകൾക്കുമൊപ്പം വ്യക്തിരിക്തനും, വാക്കുകളുടെ തെരഞ്ഞെടുപ്പിൽ ധൈര്യപൂർവ്വം സംസാരിച്ചും കാണപ്പെടുന്നു. [1]
ഇവയും കാണുക
[തിരുത്തുക]- ↑ Quintilian 10.1.96. The only other lyrical poet Quintilian thought comparable with Horace was the now obscure poet/metrical theorist, Caesius Bassus (R. Tarrant, Ancient receptions of Horace, 280)
Library resources |
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[തിരുത്തുക]- Arnold, Matthew (1970). Selected Prose. Penguin Books. ISBN 978-0-14-043058-5.
- Barrow, R (1949). The Romans. Penguin/Pelican Books.
- Barchiesi, A (2001). Speaking Volumes: Narrative and Intertext in Ovid and Other Latin Poets. Duckworth.
- Bischoff, B (1971). "Living with the satirists". Classical Influences on European Culture AD 500–1500. Cambridge University Press.
- Bush, Douglas (1966). Milton: Poetical Works. Oxford University Press.
- Campbell, A (1924). Horace: A New Interpretation. London.
- Conway, R (1921). New Studies of a Great Inheritance. London.
- Davis, Gregson (1991). Polyhymnia. The Rhetoric to Horatian Lyric Discourse. University of California.
- Ferri, Rolando (2007). "The Epistles". The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-53684-4.
- Flesch, William (2009). The Facts on File Companion to British Poetry, 19th Century. Infobase Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8160-5896-9.
- Frank, Tenney (1928). Catullus and Horace. New York.
- Fraenkel, Eduard (1957). Horace. Oxford University Press.
- Friis-Jensen, Karsten (2007). "Horace in the Middle Ages". The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press.
- Griffin, Jasper (1993). "Horace in the Thirties". Horace 2000. Ann Arbor.
- Griffin, Jasper (2007). "Gods and religion". The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge university Press.
- Harrison, Stephen (2005). "Lyric and Iambic". A Companion to Latin Literature. Blackwell Publishing.
- Harrison, Stephen (2007). "Introduction". The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press.
- Harrison, Stephen (2007). "Style and poetic texture". The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press.
- Harrison, Stephen (2007). "The nineteenth and twentieth centuries". The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press.
- Hooley, D (1997). The Knotted Thong: Structures of Mimesis in Persius. Ann Arbor.
- Hutchinson, G (2002). "The publication and individuality of Horace's Odes 1–3". Classical Quarterly 52.
- Kiernan, Victor (1999). Horace: Poetics and Politics. St Martin's Press.
- Kupersmith, W (1985). Roman Satirists in Seventeenth Century England. Lincoln, Nabraska and London.
- Loveling, Benjamin (1741). Latin and English Poems, by a Gentleman of Trinity College, Oxford. London.
- Lowrie, Michèle (1997). Horace's Narrative Odes. Oxford University Press.
- Lyne, R (1986). "Augustan Poetry and Society". The Oxford History of the Classical World. Oxford University Press.
- Mankin, David (1995). Horace: Epodes. Cambridge university Press.
- McNeill, Randall (2010). Horace. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-980511-2.
- Michie, James (1967). "Horace the Man". The Odes of Horace. Penguin Classics.
- Moles, John (2007). "Philosophy and ethics". The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press.
- Money, David (2007). "The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries". The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press.
- Morgan, Llewelyn (2005). "Satire". A Companion to Latin Literature. Blackwell Publishing.
- Muecke, Frances (2007). "the Satires". The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press.
- Nisbet, Robin (2007). "Horace: life and chronology". The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press.
- Reckford, K. J. (1997). Horatius: the man and the hour. Vol. 118. American Journal of Philology. pp. 538–612.
- Rivers, Elias (1983). Fray Luis de León: The Original Poems. Grant and Cutler.
- Rossetti, Christina (2001). The Complete Poems. Penguin Books.
- Rudd, Niall (1973). The Satires of Horace and Persius. Penguin Classics.
- Santirocco, Matthew (1986). Unity and Design in Horace's Odes. University of North Carolina.
- Syme, R (1986). The Augustan Aristocracy. Oxford University Press.
- Talbot, J (2001). "A Horatian Pun in Paradise Lost". Notes and Queries 48 (1). Oxford University Press.
- Tarrant, Richard (2007). "Ancient receptions of Horace". The Cambridge Companion to Horace. Cambridge University Press.
- Tollet, Elizabeth (1755). Poems on Several Occasions. London.
കൂടുതൽ വായനയ്ക്ക്
[തിരുത്തുക]- Davis, Gregson (1991). Polyhymnia the rhetoric of Horatian lyric discourse. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-91030-3.
- Fraenkel, Eduard (1957). Horace. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Horace (1983). The complete works of Horace. Charles E. Passage, trans. New York: Ungar. ISBN 0-8044-2404-7.
- Johnson, W.R. (1993). Horace and the dialectic of freedom : readings in Epistles 1. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-2868-8.
- Lyne, R.O.A.M. (1995). Horace : behind the public poetry. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press. ISBN 0-300-06322-9.
- Lyons, Stuart (1997). Horace's Odes and the Mystery of Do-Re-Mi. Aris & Phillips.
- Lyons, Stuart (2010). Music in the Odes of Horace. Aris & Phillips.
- Michie, James (1964). The Odes of Horace. Rupert Hart-Davis.
- Newman, J.K. (1967). Augustus and the New Poetry. Brussels: Latomus, revue d’études latines.
- Noyes, Alfred (1947). Horace: A Portrait. New York: Sheed and Ward.
- Perret, Jacques (1964). Horace. Bertha Humez, trans. New York: New York University Press.
- Putnam, Michael C.J. (1986). Artifices of eternity : Horace's fourth book of Odes. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-1852-6.
- Reckford, Kenneth J. (1969). Horace. New York: Twayne.
- Rudd, Niall, ed. (1993). Horace 2000: a celebration : essays for the bimillennium. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press. ISBN 0-472-10490-X.
- Sydenham, Colin (2005). Horace The Odes. Duckworth.
- West, David (1997). Horace The Complete Odes and Epodes. Oxford University Press.
- Wilkinson, L.P. (1951). Horace and His Lyric Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
പുറം കണ്ണികൾ
[തിരുത്തുക]ലാറ്റിൻ വിക്കിഗ്രന്ഥശാലയിൽ ഈ ലേഖനവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഉള്ളടക്കം ഉണ്ട്:
ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് വിക്കിഗ്രന്ഥശാലയിൽ ഈ ലേഖനവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഉള്ളടക്കം ഉണ്ട്:
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Quintus Horatius Flaccus.
- Horace എന്ന വ്യക്തിയുടെ രചനകൾ പ്രോജക്ട് ഗുട്ടൻബർഗിൽനിന്ന്
- Works by or about ഹൊറസ് at Internet Archive
ഹൊറസ് public domain audiobooks from LibriVox
- Q. Horati Flacci opera, recensuerunt O. Keller et A. Holder, 2 voll., Lipsiae in aedibus B. G. Teubneri, 1864-9.
- Common sayings from Horace Archived 2018-09-30 at the Wayback Machine
- The works of Horace at The Latin Library
- Selected Poems of Horace
- Works by Horace at Perseus Digital Library
- Biography and chronology Archived 2008-12-06 at the Wayback Machine
- Horace's works: text, concordances and frequency list
- SORGLL: Horace, Odes I.22, read by Robert Sonkowsky Archived 2009-05-27 at the Wayback Machine
- Translations of several odes in the original meters (with accompaniment).
- A discussion and comparison of three different contemporary translations of Horace's Odes Archived 2020-08-18 at the Wayback Machine
- Some spurious lines in the Ars Poetica?
- Horati opera, Acronis et Porphyrionis commentarii, varia lectio etc. (latine)
- Horace MS 1a Ars Poetica and Epistulae at OPenn
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