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Schade door aanvallen of natuurlijke redenen zorgt ervoor dat de hoeveelheid levenspunten daalt. Wanneer de hoeveelheid levenspunten daalt tot 0 zul je sterfen. Wanneer een mob steft zal deze items specifiek van die mob droppen, wanneer een speler sterft zal hij zijn inventaris droppen. Ieder hart bestaat uit twee halfjes, iedere hit point voor een half (maximale hoeveelheid levenspunten is dus 20)
Armor verlaagt de hoeveelheid schade dat van de levenspunten van de spelers (of mobs) levenspunten wordt afgetrokken (in plaats daarvan schaadt het het armor)
Schade toebrengen[]
Spelers kunnen schade aan mobs of andere spelers toebrengen door middel van items op korte afstand. Een aanval zonder een item (met de hand) brengt maar 1 () schade aan, maar weapons en bepaalde items brengen meer schade aan:
- Swords worden hier speciaal voor gemaakt. Zwaarden maken de afstand waarin een speler schade kan toebrengen niet groter, maar ze brengen aanzienlijk meer schade aan als andere wapens.
- Axes, pickaxes shovels brengen ook meer schade aan als met de hand.
- Ieder ander item brengt evenveel schade aan als met de hand. Dit is inclusief hoes, iemand raken met een boog (niet bij een geschoten pijl) en iemand raken met een pijl die niet is weggeschoten uit een boog.
- Wanneer de aanvallende speler valt brengt hij extra schade (critical hit) aan, dit gaat tot 50% + 2 (
) extra schade (naar beneden afgerond).
Er zijn een paar wapens waarmee je kan schieten in het spel:
- Arrows worden weggeschoten waneer je een Bow hebt aangespannen (rechtermuisknop ingedrukt houden). Pijlen brengen schade aan die afhangt van de spanning van de boog, meer hierover hieronder.
- snowballs brengen alleen schade aan aan Blazes en de Ender Dragon, terwijl chicken eggs geen schade aanbrengen, maar beide geven 'knockback' alsof de mob/speler wel degelijk werd aangevallen.
- Splash potions kunnen worden gegooid, deze brengen schade aan wat afhangt van het effect van de splash potions.
Wat items die mobs indirect kunnen schaden:
- De Flint and steel staat een speler toe een blok in fire en vlam te zetten, wat ervoor zorgt dat iedere speler en mob die de vlam aanraakt te schaden, met uitzondering van mobs die tegen vuur kunnen als de Zombie Pigmen, Magma Cubes, Blazes, Ghasts en Wither Skeletons. Spelers en mobs die in de fik staan blijven in deze staat totdat 15 (
× 7.5) levenspunten is afgetrokken of totdat de speler/mob water aanraakt.
- Dit hierboven gebeurd ook als spelers of mobs Lava aanraken.
- TNT is momenteel het enige explosief dat kan worden bestuurd en worden geactiveerd door vuur, redstone signalen of een andere explosie.
De waarden hieronder laten de hoeveel schade toegebracht zien per slag wanneer je verschillende items gebruikt. Voltreffers kunnen extra schade toebrengen.
Item | Schade | |||
Swords | 5 ( |
6 ( |
7 ( |
8 ( |
Axes [note 1] | 4 ( |
5 ( |
6 ( |
7 ( |
Pickaxes [note 1] | 3 ( |
4 ( |
5 ( |
6 ( |
Shovels [note 1] | 2 ( |
3 ( |
4 ( |
5 ( |
Hoes, handen en elk ander item. | 1 ( | |||
Arrowen (afkomstig van een Bow) | 1 ( | |||
Fire (Contact) | 1 ( | |||
Fire (Verbranden) | 1 ( | |||
Lava (Contact) | 4 ( | |||
TNT (Explosion) | 24 ( |

Een voltreffer op een schaap.
'Voltreffers' zijn aanvallen die extra schade toebrengen in vergelijking met de normale schade. Voltreffende melee aanvallen, maakt niet uit welk wapen, zorgen voor kleine ster effectjes die wegvliegen uit de getroffen speler/mob. "Voltreffende pijlen", deze komen voor wanneer een boog tot de max gespannen is, laten een spoor van dezelfde kleine sterren achter waar ze vliegen. Voltreffers betreffen alle entities die schade kunnen oplopen inclusief players, mobs, paintings, boats en minecarts.
Bij een meleegevecht komt een voltreffer voor wanneer de aanvallende speler een mob/speler aanvalt wanneer hij valt, niet wanneer hij springt. De aanval brengt een willekeurige hoeveelheid extra schade tot 50% (naar beneden afgerond) toe. Het kan ook worden gecombineerd met sprinting zodat de mob/speler extra knockback krijgt, alhoewel er geen extra knockback komt bij een voltreffer. De maximale hoeveelheid schade van een voltreffer hangt af van het wapen/item en zijn materiaal (vuisten en pijlen hebben geen materiaal):
De voorwaarden voor een meleevoltreffer:
- De speler moet vallen
- De speler mag niet op de grond zijn
- De speler mag niet op een trap etc. zijn
- De speler mag niet in het water zijn
- De speler mag niet beïnvloed zijn door blindness
- De speler mag niet op een entity zitten
In een abandoned mine shaft, een speler mag in een cobweb springen. Tegen de prijs van mobiliteit, zal de speler een enorme hoeveelheid extra schade ontvangen, omdat spinnenwebben de 'valtijd' wordt verlengd.
Schade immuniteit[]
Nadat een mob/speler wordt beschadigd, maakt niet uit waardoor, wordt hij voor een korte periode rood van kleur. Tijdens deze periode gaat iedere andere ontvangen schade niet van de spelers/mobs levenspunten af. Neem als voorbeeld een speler die heel vaak een mob aanvalt met zijn zwaard, als hij te vaak aanvalt wordt de limiet van de aanvaardbare hoeveelheid aanvallen overschreden en worden niet alle aanvallen 'geteld'. Wanneer een mob of speler aan het herstellen in van een aanval en hij ontvangt opnieuw schade wordt dit echter wél getelt.
Schade aangebracht door mobs[]
De schade die Mobs aanbrengen aan spelers hangt af van de difficulty van het spel. De waarden hieronder vertegenwoordigen de schade van een mob per moeilijkheidsgraad.
- Dit geldt alleen voor mobs die spelers aanvallen. Mobs die andere mobs aanvallen brengen altijd de normale hoeveelheid schade aan, maakt niet uit welke moeilijkheidsgraad er is ingesteld.
- De waarden van de Creeper en de Ghast gaan ervan uit de speler direct wordt blootgesteld aan de explosie.
- De schade van Slimes en Magma Cubes hangt af van hun grootte. Kleine slimes, wanneer ze vijandig zijn, kunnen geen schade toebrengen.
- De schade die wordt toegebracht door Zombies hangt af van hun levenspunten, des te meer levenspunten des te groter de schade.
- De schade van een Iron Golem is eigenlijk willekeurig.
Mob | Peaceful | Easy | Normal | Hard |
Blaze | - | 4 ( |
6 ( |
9 ( |
Blazes fireball | - | 3 ( |
5 ( |
7 ( |
Creepers explosie | - | 25 ( |
49 ( |
73 ( |
Charged Creepers explosie | - | 49 ( |
97 ( |
145 ( |
Ender Dragon | - | 6 ( |
10 ( |
15 ( |
Enderman | - | 4 ( |
7 ( |
10 ( |
Ghasts fireball | - | 9 ( |
17 ( |
25 ( |
Iron Golem | - | 4 ( |
7 ( |
10 ( |
Magma Cube (groot) | - | 4 ( |
6 ( |
9 ( |
Magma Cube (normaal) | - | 3 ( |
4 ( |
6 ( |
Magma Cube (klein) | - | 2 ( |
3 ( |
4 ( |
Silverfish | - | 1 ( |
1 ( |
1 ( |
Skeletons pijl | - | 3 ( |
4 ( |
6 ( |
Slime (groot) | - | 3 ( |
4 ( |
6 ( |
Slime (normaal) | - | 2 ( |
2 ( |
3 ( |
Slime (klein) | - | 0 ( |
0 ( |
0 ( |
Spider | - | 2 ( |
2 ( |
3 ( |
Wolf (tam) | - | 3 ( |
4 ( |
6 ( |
Wolf (vijandig) | - | 2 ( |
2 ( |
3 ( |
Zombie | - | 2 ( |
3 ( |
4 ( |
Zombie Pigman | - | 5 ( |
9 ( |
13 ( |
When receiving damage from a hostile mob you will also be knocked back, and similarly a mob will be knocked back when it is attacked. The resulting disorientation and loss of control should not be underestimated, as it is possible to be knocked back over a cliff or into lava, both of which are potentially fatal. A sprinting attack causes extra knockback. A thrown chicken egg or a snowball also causes knockback, despite not damaging most monsters. Players/Mobs riding an entity (typically a boat, a minecart or a pig) never receive any knockback when attacked.
Natural damage[]
Besides mobs, players can take damage from several other events in Minecraft.
Lightning damage[]
Lightning striking on or next to the player will do two 5 () damage, even through armor. Lightning strikes on the player are very rare, and only occur during thunderstorms. It is most likely that when the player gets hit by lightning they will be set on Fire, but fires and flaming mobs are very quickly put out from the rain during a thunderstorm.
You receive damage when falling from excessive height. Armor does not reduce fall damage, unless it is enchanted with Feather Falling or Protection. Fall damage is 1 point for each block fallen after the third. Thus falling 4 blocks causes damage. From 5 blocks,
damage. From 6 blocks,
points are lost and so forth. Assuming full health but no enchanted armor, a 23 block fall will be fatal (23 - 3 = 20 damage = 10 hearts of damage).
Mobs (other than chickens, ghasts, snow golems, blazes, magma cubes, iron golems, ocelots, bats and, presumably, the ender dragon and wither) suffer fall damage as well.
In some cases, it is possible to avoid falling or otherwise survive a fall. Falling damage is only dealt after a height of three blocks.
- Sneaking (default ⇧ Linker Shift) will prevent you from falling off most blocks.
- Landing in water will prevent you from taking fall damage. (Before 1.4.3, not all damage might be nullified.)
- Moving into a Ladder or Vine's area of effect during free fall will reduce vertical velocity to normal ladder descent speed and no damage will be taken.
- Moving into water during free fall will also reduce velocity.
- It is dangerous, but sometimes useful, to descend cliffs by walking off a cliff while in a boat. Exit the boat before impact, and you will only take damage for the distance fallen since exiting the boat.
- Jumping counts as falling for 1.5 blocks, therefore adding
to your total fall damage, so keep this in mind when trying to avoid fall damage.
- If falling next to a wall, emptying a bucket of water against the wall a few blocks from the ground can often save your life.
- Wearing armor that is enchanted with feather falling or protection reduces fall damage based on the level of the enchantment.
- Throwing an Ender Pearl and teleporting will reset your velocity, and you will only take damage from the pearl (
). This works better if you throw the Ender Pearl directly at the ground below you to guarantee the pearl hits the ground before you do.
- Falling into a spider web prevents all fall damage. (Test have been taken by jumping down a tower taller than 20 blocks into a one block thick layer of spider web.) If you place a spider web block beneath you fast enough while approaching the ground you can survive.
- Exiting the game near the bottom of the fall and re-entering the world will cause all fall damage to be negated.
(Note- These do apply for the xbox edition too; tests have been taken.)

The oxygen bar.
When a player runs out of air underwater, they will start drowning and will take approximately 2 ()/sec. Mobs can drown as well, though they usually do not, as all mobs (besides iron golems and slimes/magma cubes) attempt to swim upward when in water. Squid will drown in air instead of in water, and iron golems will not drown at all.
While mining, consider keeping at least one placeable solid block ready somewhere on your toolbar (such as Dirt or Cobblestone) for quick access. If you mine into a spring (or worse, the ocean), you should be able to place the block in the hole to prevent drowning.
If you place a torch on a vertical surface next to you at head height whilst underwater, you create an air bubble which lasts for the split second it takes the water to destroy the torch, thus refilling your oxygen meter without resurfacing. Ladders, signs, fences, trapdoors, doors and sugar cane can create permanent air bubbles underwater. You can also scoop up some water with a bucket to achieve the same effect, or destroy the block directly above you, if there is one.
Suffocation happens when a player or a mob is unable to breathe because its upper half is inside of a block. They will lose 1 () every half-second. Due to sand and gravel falling, it can easily cover the player. In first person mode, the player's screen will be blackened when suffering from this condition thus disabling them to see what is happening. In third person mode, the view will automatically switch to first person mode.
When inside a block, the player can easily step out of it as the blocks do not prevent their movement.
The usual ways to get one's head inside a block are:
- Sand or Gravel falling into the space the player or mob occupies.
- Riding a Boat or Minecart into a one-block-high space.
- Riding a Horse into a three-block-high space.
- Riding a pig into a two- or one-block-high space.
- Standing where a tree just grew from a sapling.
- Standing where a huge mushroom just grew from a mushroom.
- Standing where an Exit Portal just spawned after killing an Ender Dragon.
- Having a block pushed onto your head with a Piston.
- Throwing an Ender Pearl into a one block space.
- Sleeping in a bed that is surrounded by blocks.
- Being teleported into a block via command blocks or console commands.
It's worth noting that the player will not suffocate in glass, or indeed in any transparent block. Leaves from a grown Sapling will not suffocate you, even if you're on Fast graphics (which makes leaves appear solid).
When the food bar reaches zero, the player will take 1 () damage every four seconds. It also shakes indicating you are hungry. The player stops taking starvation damage when the player eats or the health bar drops to 10 (
) health on easy mode or 1 (
) health on normal mode. In hard mode or hardcore mode, the damage will not stop until the player either dies, or eats something.
Cactus contact[]
Touching a cactus will cause a player or mob to take 1 () damage, and rapidly continue taking damage if they continue to stand on or next to it.
By far the most dangerous natural occurrence (except for the unlikely case of a player falling into the void), players and mobs will take damage from contact with Lava extremely fast or quarter second, ( per hit), and stay on fire even if they exit it (
point per hit for 15 hits or more(
total damage) or until extinguished with water). If players do not have a water source available, they will die quickly. It happens if you are in a superflat world that has no water or in the Nether.
While mining, consider keeping at least one placeable solid block ready somewhere on your toolbar (such as Dirt or Cobblestone) for quick access using your mouse wheel. If you mine into a lava pool, you may be able to place the block in the hole and so prevent burning. It is possible to keep a fire-resistance potion at all times so you can prevent from dying in lava, although if you fall in the lava, you won't be able to use the potion in time. Instead, try using a splash potion of fire-resistance.
Cave Spiders will poison players when they bite (only in normal and hard difficulty). Eating a Spider Eye, Poisonous Potato, or drinking/being hit by a potion of poison will give the same result. While poisoned, the hearts in the health meter turn from red to an olive green () and the player takes 1 (
) each 25 ticks (1.25 seconds) until the poison wears off. The poison itself cannot kill the player, but it can reduce them to 1 hit point, thus leaving them very vulnerable to damage from other sources. Poison can be cured by drinking milk from a bucket.
Wither Effect[]
Wither and Wither Skeletons will give you the Wither Status effect with their attacks. (The Wither boss's skulls do not inflict the effect on Easy difficulty.) This will darken your health bar to , while inflicting damage over time. The effect deals 1 (
) every 2 seconds (40 ticks) for the Wither Skeleton's attack (level I), and every second (20 ticks) for the Wither boss's skulls. Unlike poison, withering can kill you directly, and the darkened healthbar makes it harder to keep track of the damage.
The Void[]
- Hoofdartikel: The Void
If one were to break through the bedrock barrier found at the bottom of worlds, the Void can be seen. Players in the Void, below height -64 will take damage at a rate of about 4 () per half-second or 8 (
) per second. You will usually die from falling in the Void, even in Creative mode, but the player may be saved by throwing an Ender Pearl before they fall to height -64.
Falling into the void in The End is more likely, so players must be cautious when entering The End.
Indev | ||||
? | Before suffocation was implemented, players that were covered by blocks could see through dirt and stone. Suffocation was added after Notch discovered that players were abusing this exploit to find underground caves and hollowed carvings. The patch added suffocation damage and made the player unable to see anything when experiencing it. However, variations of this glitch are still possible to perform even in the current version of the game. | |||
In Survival mode, eating a Red Mushroom would deal the player | ||||
Alpha | ||||
1.0.4 | Players no longer suffocate when riding in a minecart. | |||
All of Alpha | There was a rare bug where in certain worlds players do not take damage. This is only in single player survival mode. Players would not take damage even with all armor off.[referentie gewenst] | |||
Beta | ||||
1.5 | Unarmed damage was increased from | |||
1.8 | Unarmed damage was decreased from | |||
The Adventure Update extended the combat system with critical hits, sprinting (for knockback) and blocking. | ||||
Hunger system added: Health is no longer restored directly by eating. Instead, it recovers slowly when well-fed, but is lost if starving. | ||||
Poison added, which deals damage. | ||||
1.9pre1 | Armor no longer prevents certain types of damage. | |||
1.9pre3 | Sword damage was decreased (a diamond sword went from 5 hearts to 3.5 hearts damage). | |||
1.9pre4 | Enchantments added, some of which increase damage you deal or decrease damage dealt to you. | |||
Officiële release | ||||
1.0.0 | The sound of the player taking damage was changed from a masculine "OOF! or UGHH!" sound, to a painful sounding crunch. These were changed to remove the restriction that all avatars have a male voice, regardless of the gender of the character depicted in the skin. | |||
1.3.1 | 12w25a | Removed the downwards knockback while drowning. | ||
1.3.2 | Mobs no longer shove the player when moving into them. | |||
1.3 | 12w30a | Explosions damage the player different amounts in different difficulties, and the player doesn't take any damage from explosions on Peaceful. | ||
1.4.2 | 12w32a | Mobs can hold weapons, making them deal more damage. Also, the crunching noise from 1.0.0 was changed, sounding more like a slap rather than a bone-breaking punch. The fall damage noise was also changed from a crunch to a dull, thumping noise. | ||
12w34a | Wither effect added, which deals damage. | |||
1.6.2 | Instead of replacing the barehanded damage (1 ( |
- Critical hits can be done while reflecting a Ghast's fireball, but won't change the damage or speed of it.
- In Creative mode, attacking a mob while flying after having descended will score a critical hit.
- When attacking something with a Melee object (Fists, Swords, etc.), there is a brief cooldown before it can be hurt again. Having a Regeneration IV (4) Potion Effect however, seems to remove the cooldown, as the Player/Mob can be hit more often.
- When a player dies, the player falls to the ground, this animation was added in 1.6. You can also see yourself fall sideways on death while looking in your inventory.
See also[]
Health Status effect