SWT Indic Workshop Series 2020/Overview
Small wiki toolkits–Indic workshop series |
Welcome to the Small wiki toolkits – Indic workshop series wiki page! This workshop series has been designed for Indic Wikimedia community members, as part of the Small wiki toolkits initiative to help small wikis develop their capacities in various technical areas. As part of this series, four workshops around the topics of Wikidata, Phabricator, Gadgets, and brainstorming on needs and challenges faced by small wikis, will be offered online in June 2020. Each workshop will be 1-3 hours long, fully hands-on, and encourage participation from attendees in the discussions and the practice! In a survey conducted within the Indic community, participants expressed interest in learning a few skills that they could use in contributing to the growth of their language wikis. The sessions selected in this workshop series are based on the technical training needs identified in the survey results. This workshop series is an experiment! It will be run as a pilot for the Indic community, as it is home to various small language wikis and emerging technical contributors. The original plan was to organize this as an-person workshop in India in June. In light of COVID-19 pandemic, it is now adapting to a virtual format. If this pilot works well, it can be replicated or recommended to other Wikimedia communities, and also scaled up in India through various iterations of the program. |