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Licensing update/zh

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维基媒体基金会理事会提请维基媒体社群投票决定本次提议:将维基媒体计划的内容依知识共享授权-相同方式共享 (CC-BY-SA)协议授权,同时保持依照GNU自由文档许可证 (GFDL)协议的双重授权。理事会已经衡量过各种可行而且适合维基媒体内容的授权方式选项,并且相信本提案是通向达成我们的共同目标——也就是收集、发展、传播教育性内容,并永远地让所有人不论身在何处,也可以免费地取得这些内容——的最佳途径。


  1. 给现在按GNU自由文档许可证(包括“或更高版本”的条件)发布的内容附加CC-BY-SA 3.0(知识共享3.0-署名-相同方式分享)许可协议。GFDL的最新版本明确允许这样做。
  2. 要求此后维基社群的编辑按双重许���协议发布,但允许来自第三方的内容只按CC-BY-SA发布。
  3. 告知使用者:来自第三方的只按照CC-BY-SA发布的内容不能按照GFDL发布。






  • 我们现在不能同使用CC-BY-SA协议的项目分享文字内容(无论是从那些到这里还是相反方向)。全世界有数十万的作者采用知识共享(CC)协议(统计数据)。知识共享协议已经迅速地成为应用最广泛的作品版权许可协议(除软件之外)。因此,这个同其他非营利组织和在线社区互相分享的障碍已经不能适应维基媒体计划的要求。
  • GFDL协议有一些繁冗的要求,例如需要在每个副本中包含协议全文。这些要求阻碍了包括文本和多媒体信息(文章的语音或打印版本、图片的打印版本等)等自由内容的重新使用。维基媒体基金会需尽力顾及自由知识的传播。虽然我们一直允许使用比较低限制的再使用条款,但不一致性可能导致恐惧、不确定,以及怀疑合法与否。只有能够负担法律咨询费用的用户才能研究使用条款。这与维基媒体的使命有所冲突。






  • 是,我支持更新许可协议
  • 否,我不支持更新许可协议
  • 我对是否更新许可协议无所谓








  • 脚注文字将被改为:

All text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. Text may also be available under the GNU Free Documentation License. See ((link to copyright policy)) for further details. See the page history for a list of authors. Media files are available under different licenses; click the file for more information.

  • 编辑页面时显示的条款将改为:

By submitting an edit, you agree to release your contribution under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License and the GNU Free Documentation License. Re-users will be required to credit you, at minimum, through a hyperlink or URL to the article you are contributing to, and you hereby agree that such credit is sufficient in any medium. See ((link to copyright policy)) for details. If you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, then do not submit it here. You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT COPYRIGHTED WORK WITHOUT PERMISSION.

  • 一份(英文)标准版权政策会被提供,以作字面翻译至其他语言。在两项授权的文字以外,对用家的政策会包含以下预期(在CC-BY-SA下使用指引):
  • Attribution of text: To re-distribute an article page in any form, provide credit to the authors either by including a) a hyperlink (where possible) or URL to the article or articles you are re-using, b) a hyperlink (where possible) or URL to an alternative, stable online copy which is freely accessible, which conforms with the license, and which provides credit to the authors in a manner equivalent to the credit given on this website, or c) a list of all authors. (Any list of authors may be filtered to exclude very small or irrelevant contributions.)
  • Attribution of rich media: Rich media (images, sound, video, etc.) that were created through substantive collaborations between at least five people can be credited in the same fashion as text; other rich media files must be attributed in any reasonable manner specified by the contributor(s).
  • Attribution of externally contributed content: The above attribution requirements apply to content developed and uploaded by the Wikimedia community. Text and rich media contributions that come from external sources may attach additional attribution requirements to the work, which we will strive to indicate clearly to you on the article or the description page for the file(s) in question.
  • Copyleft/Share and Share Alike: If you make modifications or additions to the page or work you re-use, you must license them under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 or later.
  • Indicate changes: If you make modifications or additions, you must indicate in a reasonable fashion that the original work has been modified. If you are re-using the page in a wiki, for example, indicating this in the page history is sufficient.
  • For further information, please refer to the legal code of the CC-BY-SA License.

  • 版权政策将会包含以下关于第三方加入的CC-BY-SA授权内容的陈述:

You may import content from other sources that is only available under the CC-BY-SA license, but not only under the GNU Free Documentation License. You are under no obligation whatsoever to obtain such content also under the GFDL. If you import such content, you must abide by the terms of the license; specifically, you must, in a reasonable fashion, credit the author(s). Where such credit is commonly given through page histories (such as wiki-to-wiki copying), it is sufficient to give attribution in the edit summary, which is recorded in the page history, when importing the content.

  • 版权政策将会包含以下关于GFDL授权内容应用的陈述:

If you want to re-use pages under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, you must verify, for every page you re-use, that it does not include information that is exclusively licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. This should be noted in the page history, the footer, or the discussion page. If such information is included, you cannot re-use the page under the GFDL. Revisions created prior to ((date of license update)) can be reasonably expected to not include any CC-BY-SA-only text.

