Pangurus global
![]() | The following page is a translation of cross-project policy into Javanese language. Please note that in the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation between the original English version of this document and a translation, the original English version takes precedence. This page has been developed and approved by the community and its compliance is mandatory for all users. It must not be modified without prior community approval. |
![]() | For legal and security reasons, the Wikimedia Foundation has decided to require two-factor authentication for this role. |
This page outlines the standards and guidelines related to the use of the user rights assigned to the global sysop user group. If you need help from a sysop or a steward on your project, please see Meta:Requests and proposals , Global sysops/Requests and Steward requests/Miscellaneous.

Amarga kakurangan stewards lan panyalahgunaan (kayadéné vandalisme) sing terus terusan marang situs wiki kita, mula pambentukan sawijining grup panganggo global sing anyar diajokaké: pangurus global (global sysops). Wong-wong kasebut kudu panganggo sing dipercaya banget kanthi sajarah kontribusi antar-wiki sing signifikan. Pangurus global bakal diwènèhi hak aksès sing mèmbper pangurus (sysop-like) ing akèh wiki cilik, nanging ora panganggo kanthi peralatan pangurus (sysop) ing kabèh wiki. Minangka tambahan marang peralatan standar, wong-wong mau bakal nduwèni aksès migunakaké pamblokiran global, nanging panggunaan peralatan kasebut mung dipigunakaké ing kasus penyalahgunaan kanthi tataran sing wigati banget, utawa kanggo perawatan sing ora nimbulaké kontroversi. Wong-wong mau ora bakal nduwèni kendhali editorial tumrap isi utawa masyarakat saenggon.
Sacara default, pangurus global bakal diaktifaké kanggo saben proyèk sing ngebaki salah siji saka kriteria ing ngisor:
- kurang saka sepuluh pangurus sing ana; utawa
- kurang saka telu pangurus sing wis mlebu log jroning rong wulan pungkasan.
By default, global sysops may use this global user group's permissions on wikis that meet one or both of the following criteria:
- fewer than ten administrators exist;
- fewer than three administrators have made a logged action within the past two months.
Bots and the abuse filter pseudo-account are not counted as administrators for the above calculations.
A wiki set is used to specify a list of wikis where global sysops do not have access (list). This wiki set was originally populated in 2010. Since then, wikis that met the criteria have been removed from the wiki set, but wikis that stopped meeting the criteria have not been added.
Proyèk-proyèk bisa mlebu utawa nulak gumantung kaputusané dhéwé miturut konsènsus lokal. Sawijining wiki set bakal dipigunakaké kanggo mènèhi hak mung ing wiki sing mèlu.
Most global sysops also have global rollback . Unlike the global sysop rights, global rollback is truly global.
Check local policies
Should a wiki have an existing local policy regarding the global sysops' scope, global sysops must ensure to conform to the relevant policy before acting.
Links to existing rights policies (where known):
- Serbian Wikipedia: :w:sr:Википедија:Корисничка права на глобалном нивоу#Глобални администратори
- English Wikinews: n:en:Wikinews:Global rights usage#Global sysops
- English Wikibooks: b:en:Wikibooks:Global rights policy#Global sysops
- Note: English Wikivoyage uses the same local policy: voy:en:Wikivoyage:Administrators#Non-regular administrators
- Project:Administrators
- Note: Wikitech uses the same policy: wikitech:Wikitech:Administrators
Panyuwunan kudu dajokaké menyang Steward requests/Global. Panyuwunan bakal disetujoni déning steward yèn ana konsènsus tumrap panganggo dadi pangurus global sawisé periode dhiskusi, sing biasané watara rong minggu. Dhiskusi dudu pamilihan swara; komentar kudu nuduhaké titik-titik tinamtu sing ndhukung utawa nentang pasetujon panganggo. Kontributor jroning dhiskusi kudu nduwèni log mlebu global kanthi akun Meta.
Terus orané hak aksès pangurus global sawijining panganggo gumanting marang aktivitas apik lan dhukungan terus terusan saka komunitas Wikimedia.
Continued global sysop access depends on both activity and the continued support of the Wikimedia community.
- Kahanan ora aktif
- Pangurus global bakal sacara otomatis kèlangan aksèsé yèn ora dipigunakaké sajroning luwih saka enem sasi.
- Pamungutan swara kayakinan
- Saben steward bisa mbusak hak-hak pangurus global kapan waé yèn dirasa peralatan kasebut wis disalahgunakaké, utawa yèn ana panyuwunan komentar wis nuduhaké yèn minoritas sing signifikan ora percaya marang pangurus global. Yèn bab iki kedadéyan lan pangurus global ngarepaké peralatané manèh, sawijining mosi percaya bakal dilakoni, ing ngendi pangurus global kudu mempertahankan konsènsus komunitas kango mbalèkaké aksèsé.
Iki arupa dhaptar perizinan, kanthi panjelasan, sing pangurus global duwèni. Perizinan amèh idhèntik karo pangurus biasa; nanging, idin iki payu (berlaku) kanggo kabèh proyèk Yayasan Wikimedia sing durung milih metu saka daftar aksès pangurus global. Pangurus global uga nduwèni aksès menyang Pamblokiran global, ing ngendi pangurus lokal ora nduwé aksès kasebut.
This is the list of permissions, with explanations, which global sysops have. The permissions are nearly identical to those of regular administrators ; however, these permissions apply to any Wikimedia Foundation project that has not opted out of the global sysops' access list. They are not capable of changing any local userrights either (unless they also have appropriate local permissions).
Right | Description | Notes | |
1 | abusefilter-log | Deleng log salah-guna | Normally part of the autoconfirmed user group or granted to all users |
2 | autoconfirmed | Owah kaca-kaca sémi-reksa | |
3 | editsemiprotected | Owah kaca kang kareksa "Allow only autoconfirmed users" | |
4 | flow-edit-post | Menyunting kiriman Pembicaraan Terstruktur pengguna lain | |
5 | flow-hide | Menyembunyikan topik dan kiriman Pembicaraan Terstruktur | |
6 | ipinfo | Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries | |
7 | move | Ngalih kaca | |
8 | movestable | Memindahkan halaman versi stabil | |
9 | reupload | Tindhihi berkas kang ana | |
10 | reupload-own | Tindhihi berkas kang ana kang diunggah siji wong | |
11 | skipcaptcha | Nglakokaké aksi-aksi sing murupaké CAPTCHA tanpa kudu ngliwati CAPTCHA | |
12 | spamblacklistlog | Lihat log daftar hitam spam | |
13 | upload | Unggah berkas | |
14 | abusefilter-log-detail | Deleng èntri log salah-guna kang rinci | Governed by local policies where they exist, otherwise part of the sysop user group |
15 | abusefilter-modify | Owah saringan planggaran | |
16 | abusefilter-modify-blocked-external-domains | Buat atau ubah domain eksternal apa yang diblokir agar tidak ditautkan | |
17 | abusefilter-modify-restricted | Owah saringan planggaran mawa laku kawatesi | |
18 | autopatrol | Gawé supaya besutan otomatis tinengeran wis kapriksa | |
19 | autoreviewrestore | Otomatis ditinjau saat pengembalian | |
20 | checkuser-temporary-account | View IP addresses used by temporary accounts | |
21 | editautopatrolprotected | Menyunting halaman yang dilindungi sebagai "Allow only autopatrollers" | |
22 | ipblock-exempt | Bypass pamblokiran IP, pamblokiran otomatis lan pamblokiran rangkéan | |
23 | move-categorypages | Lih kaca kategori | |
24 | move-rootuserpages | Ngalih kaca naraguna oyod | |
25 | move-subpages | Pindhahaké kaca lan kabèh anak-kacané | |
26 | movefile | Lih berkas | |
27 | oathauth-enable | Urubaké otèntifikasi rong faktor | |
28 | patrol | Tandhani besutané wong liya yèn wis kapriksa | |
29 | review | Tandai sebagai revisi terperiksa | |
30 | rollback | Balèkaké kanthi gelis besutaning naraguna pungkasan kang mbesut kaca tinamtu | |
31 | templateeditor | Besut cithakan kareksa | |
32 | unreviewedpages | Melihat daftar halaman yang belum ditinjau | |
33 | apihighlimits | Nganggo wates kang luwih dhuwur ing kwéri API | Normally part of the sysop user group |
34 | block | Blokir naraguna liya saka mbesut | |
35 | blockemail | Blokir naraguna saka ngirim layang-él | |
36 | browsearchive | Golèk kaca kang wis kabusek | |
37 | centralauth-createlocal | Buat akun lokal secara paksa untuk akun global | |
38 | delete | Busak kaca | |
39 | deletedhistory | Ndeleng sajarah èntri-èntri kabusak, tanpa bisa ndeleng apa kang dibusak | |
40 | deletedtext | Deleng tèks kang dibusak lan owah-owahan antarané révisi kang dibusak | |
41 | deletelogentry | Busak lan wurung busak èntri log tartamtu | |
42 | deleterevision | Busak lan wurung busak owahan tinamtuné kaca | |
43 | editcontentmodel | Besut modhèl kontèn kaca | |
44 | editinterface | Besut mukantara naraguna | |
45 | editprotected | Besut kaca kang kareksa "Allow only administrators" | |
46 | editsitejson | Menyunting JSON untuk keseluruhan situs | |
47 | edituserjson | Besut berkas JSON naraguna liya | |
48 | flow-delete | Menghapus topik dan kiriman Pembicaraan Terstruktur | |
49 | import | Impor kaca-kaca saka wiki liya | |
50 | ipinfo-view-full | Access a full view of the IP information attached to revisions or log entries | |
51 | markbotedits | Tandhani besutan kang kawurungan yèn besutan bot | |
52 | mergehistory | Gabung sajarah kaca | |
53 | noratelimit | Ora kadayan watesing cacah besutan. | |
54 | nuke | Busak kaca gedhèn-gedhèn | |
55 | override-antispoof | Override pamriksan palècèhan | |
56 | protect | Owahi tataran rereksan lan besut kaca kang direksa-runtun | |
57 | reupload-shared | Tindhihi berkas ing panyimpenan médhiyah barengan lokal | |
58 | sfsblock-bypass | Bypass IP restrictions issued by the StopForumSpam extension | |
59 | stablesettings | Atur bagaimana versi stabil dipilih dan ditampilkan | |
60 | suppressredirect | Aja nggawé pangalihan saka kaca kang lawas yèn mindhah kaca | |
61 | tboverride | Mengabaikan daftar judul atau nama pengguna yang dilarang | |
62 | titleblacklistlog | Melihat catatan daftar judul yang dilarang | |
63 | undelete | Wurung busak kaca | |
64 | unwatchedpages | Deleng pratélan kaca kang ora ingawasan | |
65 | editsitecss | Menyunting CSS untuk keseluruhan situs | Normally part of the Interface administrators user group |
66 | editsitejs | Menyunting JavaScript untuk keseluruhan situs | |
67 | editusercss | Besut berkas CSS naraguna liya | |
68 | edituserjs | Besut berkas JavaScript naraguna liya |
Pangurus global kudu nduwèni kaca panganggo ing saben wiki sing dipigunakaké kanggo aksès pangurus globalé, sing nyadiakaké informasi kontak utawa pranala menyang kaca panganggo utamané (panyiptan bot sumadya).
Global sysops must have user pages on every wiki they use their global sysop access on, which provide contact information or link to their primary user page (creation bot available currently). Generally a global user page on Meta will cover that requirement, and those users are asked to include a user language declaration ("Babel").
For urgent help from a global sysop, join the IRC channel #wikimedia-gsconnect and type !gs
in the channel to get the attention of global sysops.
Yèn sawiji panganggo ora bisa ngrampungaké pasulayan kanthi rembugan karo pangurus global, bisa sambat ing Talk:Global sysops, utawa hubungi steward.
Global sysops may contact each other via the private mailing list.
Users with global sysop access
- Last updated: 2025-03-04 [edit]
Name | IRC nick | Languages spoken | Global sysop since |
A09 | A09 | sl, en-3, de-1 | 2024-11-16 |
Ameisenigel | Ameisenigel | de, en-4, nds-2, fr-1, tlh-1 | 2024-02-18 |
Amire80 | ru, he-5, en-4, ca-3, eo-2, es-2, it-2, fr-1, am-1, ar-1, la-1, lt-1 | 2017-02-02 | |
Biplab Anand | Biplab | ne, mai, hi-4, en-2, bh-2, awa-2, dty-2, sa-2 | 2016-10-06 |
CptViraj | CptViraj | gu, hi-4, en-3 | 2021-02-02 |
DARIO SEVERI | it, pt-4, en-4, es-2, fr-2, gl-2, th-1 | 2017-07-25 | |
Fehufanga | Fehufanga | id, en-4, ms-2, zh-2, la-1, su-0 | 2024-02-01 |
Galahad | Baskerville | es, en-2 | 2025-03-04 |
Iluvatar | Iluvatar_ | ru, en-1, be-1 | 2019-11-02 |
Infinite0694 | Infinite0694 | ja, en-3, de-3, fr-2, it-1 | 2016-01-21 |
LR0725 | ko, en-3, ja-1 | 2023-11-22 | |
M7 | M7 | it, en-3, es-2, fr-2, de-1, pt-1 | 2024-10-26 |
MF-Warburg | MF-W | de, en-3, fr-1, tet-1, la-1, es-1 | 2019-03-07 |
Minorax | Minorax | en, zh, nan-2, ko-1, ms-1, fr-1, yue-1 | 2020-12-09 |
Mtarch11 | Mtarch11 | it, lij-2, en-1, fr-1 | 2021-09-01 |
Praxidicae | Praxidicae | en | 2018-11-11 |
Renvoy | uk, ru-4, en-3, pl-3, lt-1 | 2023-07-21 | |
SHB2000 | SHB2000 | en, fr-1 | 2024-11-16 |
Superpes15 | Superpes | it, en-2, fr-1, es-1, la-1 | 2022-02-22 |
Syunsyunminmin | SyunSyunMinMin | ja, en-3 | 2023-06-28 |
Tanbiruzzaman | Tanbiruzzaman | bn, en-4, hi-1, ur-1 | 2024-10-22 |
Teles | Teles | pt, en-3, es-2 | 2011-05-20 |
TenWhile6 | TenWhile6 | de, en-3 | 2024-11-27 |
Ternera | en, rw-2, es-2 | 2025-01-15 | |
TheresNoTime | TheresNoTime | en, de-3 | 2024-03-26 |
Turkmen | Turkmen | az, tr-4, en-2 | 2019-09-18 |
Uncitoyen | Uncitoyen | tr, en-2, fr-2 | 2021-01-29 |
WhitePhosphorus | WhitePhosphorus / P4-mobile | zh, en-3, ja-1, lzh-1, wuu-1, yue-1 | 2019-12-12 |
WikiBayer | bar, de, en-1 | 2019-08-18 |