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This is where magic began. It is the Crystal Cave.
Taliesin to Merlin[src]

The Crystal Cave is a large cave filled with sparkling white crystals. It is located in or near the Valley of the Fallen Kings, and is the origin place of the Crystal of Neahtid. It is also the birthplace of magic itself.


Meeting Taliesin

Perhaps there is a reason you were brought here at this moment in time.
Taliesin to Merlin[src]
Taliesin (17)

Taliesin tells Merlin to look into the crystals.

Merlin first visited the Crystal Cave when he and Arthur were ambushed by bandits in the Valley of the Fallen Kings. They escaped, but Arthur was badly injured and Merlin was unable to heal him with his magic. Fortunately, they were found by Taliesin, who healed Arthur's wounds and showed Merlin the Cave.

Taliesin then urged Merlin to look into the crystals, assuring him that much would be revealed if he did. Merlin initially refused, as the last time he'd looked into the future he'd seen terrible things, but Taliesin convinced him to look anyway by suggesting that there was a reason he'd been brought to the Cave at that moment in time.

Merlin reluctantly did as Taliesin asked and looked into the crystals. He saw a number of visions in their depths, including one a Morgana murdering Uther. He later attempted to avert this future, and though he succeeded, his actions caused most of the events he was trying to prevent (The Crystal Cave).

Magic Itself

You wield a power you cannot yet conceive of. Only in the heart of the Crystal Cave will your true self be revealed.
Balinor to Merlin[src]
Balinor and Merlin3

Balinor points Merlin towards the light.

After his magic was devoured by the Gean Canach, Merlin went to the Crystal Cave in the hopes of restoring his powers. Unfortunately, Morgana learned of his plans and ambushed him by triggering a rockslide with her magic, injuring Merlin and trapping him inside the Cave.

Some time later, Merlin was visited by the spirit of his father Balinor, who urged him not to give up hope and told him to rest. Merlin did as he asked and later woke to find his injuries healed and his magic restored. He tested the latter by creating a butterfly, then used his newfound command over the crystals to warn Arthur about Morgana's attack.

As Merlin prepared to leave, Balinor reappeared and directed Merlin towards a light at the center of the Cave, where he said that his true self would be revealed to him. Taking his advice, Merlin bid his father goodbye and followed the light deeper into the Cave. He later used his magic to blast his way free, emerging in the form of Dragoon the Great (The Diamond of the Day).

The Crystals

They contain futures that are not yet born. The secrets they reveal, Emrys, are unique to you, and you alone.
Taliesin to Merlin about the crystals[src]
Merlin211 1526-0

Merlin sees the future in the Crystal of Neahtid.

The crystals of Crystal Cave contained knowledge of the past, present, and future. This knowledge could be divined through scrying.

According to Kilgharrah, the Crystal of Neahtid (which was hewn from Crystal Cave) could only be wielded by very powerful sorcerers. This may imply that only highly skilled sorcerers would have the ability to command the other crystals in the Cave (The Witch's Quickening, The Crystal Cave).


Series 3
The Crystal Cave
Series 5
The Diamond of the Day: Part One



See Also
