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Merlin Wiki

It's the feast of Beltane, the king must look kingly.
Merlin to Arthur[src]

Beltane is a religious celebration and a day of great importance to the Old Religion. It marks the end of spring and the darker half of the year and the beginning of summer and the lighter half of the year.


The people of Camelot traditionally celebrated Beltane with a feast. During the first year of Arthur's reign, the feast was interrupted by Morgana and Helios' surprise attack on Camelot (The Poisoned Chalice, The Sword in the Stone).

In the days of the Old Religion, the High Priestesses would gather at the Great Stones of Nemeton at Beltane and use the Horn of Cathbhadh to summon the spirits of their ancestors (The Death Song of Uther Pendragon).


Series 1
The Poisoned Chalice (Mentioned only)
Series 4
The Sword in the Stone: Part One
Series 5
The Death Song of Uther Pendragon (Mentioned only)



Beltane is an important event in Celtic pagan and Irish mythology that marks the beginning of summer. It was when cattle were driven out to the summer pastures and included a number of rituals to protect cattle, people, and crops, and to encourage new growth, such as feasts, bonfires, and flower decorations.

Beltane was a threshold festival when the boundary between this world and the Otherworld thinned, and spirits could more easily enter our world. People would traditionally appease them with offerings of food and drink.


See Also[]
