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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Captain Proton Opening

The Adventures of Captain Proton was a multimedia 20th century Earth science fiction series. The series was presented variously as films, prose stories and radio productions. (VOY episode: "Night"; VOY novel: Captain Proton: Defender of the Earth; DS9 short story: "Captain Proton and the Orb of Bajor"; et al)

History and specifics[]

The series, as the name indicates, featured the adventures of Captain Proton, along with his sidekick Buster Kincaid, and his secretary Constance Goodheart, who battled against dastardly villains such as Doctor Chaotica. (VOY episode: "Night"; et al)

As a child, James Wainwright was an avid reader of the Captain Proton stories as well as those featuring Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers. (TOS - Strange New Worlds III short story: "The Aliens Are Coming!")

In 1938, the Barnard Broadcasting System produced a radio adaptation of the series. It starred Peter Collyer as the title character. (DS9 short story: "Captain Proton and the Orb of Bajor")

The Bride of Chaotica, a film from the series, was amongst the motion picture library aboard the Enterprise (NX-01). (ENT episode: "Cogenitor")

In the late 24th century, Tom Paris created a series of holonovels based on the series. (VOY episode: "Night"; et al)

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Captain Proton stories[]

This is a listing of in-universe stories. See Captain Proton for a listing of real world publications.

Chaptered episodes[]

Chapter 1: "The Space Vortex of Doom"[]

Will the daring Captain Proton pay with his life when he tries to save humanity? And will Constance Goodheart ever stop screaming? (prose short story) [1]

Chapter 2: "Death of the Patrol"[]

In the last exciting episode of The Adventures of Captain Proton, Dr. Chaotica's evil plan to take over the Galaxy would have succeeded if Captain Proton hadn't intercepted his dreaded Blaster Ship and stopped the runaway flaming red sun from destroying Earth. But to save Earth, Captain Proton dove his ship into a deadly Space Vortex from which nothing had ever escaped. (novella) [2]

Chapter 16: "Spell of the Spider"[]

Arachnia sends Chaotica a vial of her irresistible potion. Now, whenever he gets a whiff, he's under her spell. [3]

Chapter 18: "Bride of Chaotica"[]

Chaotica's death ray is fully operational. He has kidnapped Constance Goodheart as a lure to draw Arachnia to his laboratory base on Planet X. Proton and Kincaid travel to the planet to rescue Goodheart and disable the death ray. [3]

Chapter 37: "The Web of Pain" [4][]


The diabolical Dr. Chaotica seeks revenge on Captain Proton and his friends by commandeering an Incorporated Planets war vessel and wreaking havoc and mayhem. (a.k.a. "The Wrath of Chaotica") [5]

Mines of Mercury[]

An ancient artifact uncovered in the gas mines of Mercury has taken control of Constance Goodheart, secretary to Captain Proton. Now she's on a mission to assassinate Ace Reporter Buster Kincaid. [5]

The Iron Fist[]

A new evil has journeyed out of the dark void and its name is Admiral Iron Fist. Can Captain Proton stop this unstoppable foe and his iron legions? [5]

Chaotica's Legacy[]

Could the villain who is holding the elders of the Incorporated Planets really be the son of Dr. Chaotica? Captain Proton and Buster Kincaid will have to unravel this mystery if they ever hope to see their good friend Lance McMurphy again. [5]

Earth in Peril[]

A giant asteroid is hurtling towards Earth. Will Captain Proton, Constance Goodheart, and Buster Kincaid be able to planet the explosives and destroy the monstrous rock before it extinguishes all life on Earth? [5]

Proton Strikes Back[]

Captain Proton has lost his ship, his reputation and his friends. Can he get them back with the aid of his worst enemy, Dr. Chaotica? [5]

Fall of Thyrion Six[]

The vile Golgrons of the outer reaches have enslaved the beautiful and peace loving race of Thyrion Six. It'll take all of Captain Proton's skills to free these poor downtrodded people. [5]

Queen Arachnia Pt. 1[]

Experience Captain Proton's darkest hour as Queen Arachnia captures our hero and tortures him mercilessly for the secrets of the Incorporated Planets defense system. [5]

Queen Arachnia Pt. 2[]

Can Buster Kincaid and Constance Goodheart save Captain Proton before he's crushed to death beneath the Wheels of Time? [5]

The Phantom Wedding[]

As the fate of the entire Earth hangs in the balance, Constance Goodheart is being forced to wed the most feared swordsman in the galaxy – the Phantom. Will Captain Proton overcome this hideous villain? [5]

Chaotica's Revenge[]

Chaotica, mad with lust for power, has issued an ultimatum — make him the ruler of the galaxy or he'll unleash a disease that will destroy all plant life on Earth. [5]

A Hero Falls[]

'Mad' Myron McConnel, a close friend of Captain Proton and a hero to the Incorporated Planets, is put on trial for treason. The only clue is a note with alien writing, clenched in the hand of the dead governor of Mars. [5]

The Way And The Light[]

Constance Goodheart must explain the concept of peace and brotherly love to the marauding bug race known as the Inhunz. If she fails, Earth and all its inhabitants will be bug food. [5]

The Legion of Death[]

At the frozen outer rim of the galaxy, Captain Proton must face a vile horde that had been floating frozen in space for hundreds of years: the Legion of Death. [5]

Unto the Breach Pt 1[]

A war is brewing between the Incorporated Planets and the flower children of Azkam — a war that shouldn't happen. Captain Proton has to find out who is trying to start the war, and why, if he ever hopes to save the galactic peace. [5]

Unto the Breach Pt 2[]

War ships on either side are squaring off, preparing for the final conflict which could wind up destroying both sides. In the grips of a Venusian virus that could kill him, Captain Proton struggles to keep the peace. [5]


What's this? Some fiend is going back in time and changing historical events that affect the creation of the Incorporated Planets. It's up to Captain Proton, Buster Kincaid and Constance Goodheart to journey back in time and set things right. [5]

Chaotica's Triumph[]

Buster Kincaid dead at the hands of Dr. Chaotica and his mind-melding machine? Don't you believe it; Captain Proton will save the day. [5]

Where's Proton?[]

After visiting the Plutonium cloud mines, Captain Proton's ship lands but there's no one aboard. Buster Kincaid and Constance Goodheart travel the galaxy hoping to find the whereabouts of their good friend. [5]

Fall From Power[]

Norton Smith, President of the Incorporated Planets, is thrown out of office and under investigation for the murder of a Martian space princess. It's up to Captain Proton and friends to save the president from the death penalty... or worse. [5]

Winter's Call[]

Constance Goodheart hears voices in her dreams until she can no longer endure it. Stealing Captain Proton's ship, she ventures out into the void to find the strange being who is trying to contact her. [5]

Evil Times Three[]

Due to a malfunctioning time machine, Captain Proton must face not one, but three Dr. Chaoticas. [5]

The Ultimate Price[]

Having mistakenly broken one of the most sacred laws of Pluto, Captain Proton must battle the viscous Rankel beast in the Pit of Souls to prove his purity of heart. But will he succeed before Constance and Buster run out of air in their damaged spacecraft as it orbits Pluto? [5]

Specters of Days Past[]

Captain Proton thought his days as a perimeter prefect were behind him, until the ghosts of three long dead friends begin to haunt him. He soon realizes he must dig deep into the past if he ever wants to have a future. [5]

The Final Showdown[]

Captain Proton and Dr. Chaotica are trapped on an asteroid that is on a direct course for the sun. The only escape vessel is a one man space craft. Who will survive, and who will die in a fiery inferno? [5]

Satan's Robot Conquers the World[]

Dr. Chaotica has unleashed his most diabolical invention yet, Satan's Robot. The robot has no trouble subduing mankind with its amazing computer powers, but can it defeat Captain Proton? (The final chapter, a.k.a "SRCTW") [5] [6]



Radio plays[]

Short stories and novellas[]


Cover images[]


External link[]
