Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Charlie offers Rand a perfume gift

Charlie offers Rand a perfume gift

Trent using perfume

Trent of Angel I using perfume

A perfume or cologne was a liquid fragrance that was intended to impart its pleasing scent to an individual or a thing.

In 2266, after Ruth Bonaventure's presence near the dormant medical scanner activated it, Doctor Leonard McCoy asked Ruth if she was wearing an unusual kind of perfume, to which she replied, "No, I'm just me." (TOS: "Mudd's Women")

Aboard the USS Enterprise in 2266, Charles Evans gave a gift of perfume to Yeoman Janice Rand. This kind of perfume was colored green and was Rand's favorite type of perfume. It wasn't available from ship's stores, so she asked Evans where he got it, though he gave her no answer and she hurriedly left to attend to her duties. (TOS: "Charlie X")

Males from Angel I used perfume in spray flacons quite frequently. When Data saw the perfume, he called it "an alcohol-based synthetic, artificially reproducing a floral scent." When asking about the purpose of a perfume, Counselor Troi added that some cultures consider perfume an aphrodisiac. (TNG: "Angel One")

Kevin Uxbridge's recreation of his wife Rishon was so convincing that Captain Jean-Luc Picard could even smell her perfume. (TNG: "The Survivors")

Lieutenant junior grade Aquiel Uhnari had a bottle of perfume on her nightstand. (TNG: "Aquiel")

In 2369, Julian Bashir asked Jadzia Dax about the name of an exotic scent she was wearing. (DS9: "A Man Alone")

In 2370, Keiko O'Brien gave Miles O'Brien a silk handkerchief with her perfume scented on it. (DS9: "Rivals")

In 2372, Jadzia Dax gave Lenara Kahn a bottle of Risian perfume as a get well present after an accident on the USS Defiant when attempting to send a probe through an artificial wormhole. (DS9: "Rejoined")

Flaxian assassin Retaya traded with perfumes and had several samples in a case he owned, including perfumes that smelled floral, musky, and spicy. By mixing some of the fragrances, he was able to produce a fatal gaseous mixgture that would cause a heart attack in those who inhaled the scent. (DS9: "Improbable Cause")

In an ultimately unused line of dialogue from the final draft script of TOS: "The Naked Time", "Captain" Kevin Riley informed the crew of the USS Enterprise, while suffering from polywater intoxication, that all female crewmen who attended an upcoming formal dance would each be "issued one pint of perfume from ship's stores."
In a stage direction from the final revised draft script of TOS: "The Conscience of the King", Lenore Karidian was characterized as "wafting" perfume as she walked off the bridge of the Enterprise.

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