Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A robot ship or automated ship was a starship that used automation to reduce or eliminate the need for a crew.

Trip Tucker referred to the Romulan drone ship as a "robot ship" when he was considering why it needed a bridge. (ENT: "United")

During the mid-23rd century, the Federation often utilized robot ships for tasks that required minimal monitoring. Antares-type vessels were often deployed as automated freighters during the 2260s. (TOS: "The Ultimate Computer"; TAS: "More Tribbles, More Troubles")

In an alternate 2266, Captain James T. Kirk obtained an armada of robotic mining and hauling craft near the Romulan Neutral Zone as reinforcements to the USS Enterprise. None of the craft were manned. (SNW: "A Quality of Mercy")

During the Enterprise's encounter with the Kelvans in 2268, it was recommended that a robot ship could be sent to Kelva with the Federation's proposal to allow them to establish a colony. (TOS: "By Any Other Name")

The personal vessel of the collector Kerner Hauze was entirely automated. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

The ships of the Texas-class were automated Federation starships introduced in 2381. However, the class' tenure would prove extremely short-lived due to flaws in its artificial intelligence that came to light after a hastily-called mission race with the USS Cerritos. First, the AI could not adapt to changes in situation, meaning the vessels would not follow the Prime Directive in cases where it unexpectedly applied. Far more seriously, the emotional processing turned out to be dangerously unstable, causing all three vessels to go on a rampage that resulted in heavy damage to Douglas Station, the USS Van Citters, and the Cerritos before ending in the destruction of the entire Texas-class line. (LD: "Trusted Sources", "The Stars At Night")

At some point after the attack on Douglas Station, such vessels were banned by Starfleet and remained so even long beyond the lifting of the ban on synthetics. This presented a problem for the USS Discovery after its jump to the 32nd century, as a combination of Sphere data and interactions with the crew had spontaneously formed the artificial intelligence Zora. Zora's clearly benevolent character and the unique circumstances which led to her formation had to be taken into account to create an exception for her. (DIS: "...But to Connect")

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