Tsathoggua is a post-game boss from the Last Bible New Testament series.
- Last Bible New Testament
- Last Bible New Testament II: Children of the Gospel
- Last Bible New Testament III: The Phantom Hero
Tsathoggua is from the Hyperborean cycle of Lovecraftian myth, a powerful deity that only eats and sleeps, needing a sacrifice to appease it. The sorcerer Eibon uses his powers in exchange for sacrifices. In the games he is always a post-game boss residing in N-Kai. He holds onto Eibon's book (implied to be The Last Bible) within his stomach.
In the third game there are 3 more members of the "Tsathoggua family"
Tsathoggua Family[]

A small child that appears from the back of Tsathoggua under a zipper. Implied to be another manifestation of him

Tsathoggua's father Gizguth who gives you a pipe upon being defeated. If defeated in under 3 turns, also gives a "New Dragon" which allows rerolling stats.

Zstylzhemgni or "Zysty" is Tsathoggua's mother and gives an apron upon being defeated. If defeated in under 3 turns, gives the "Reincarnated Dragon" which halves stats and returns the user to level 1, functionally giving 50% more stat points.
Last Bible | |
Characters | El - Kishe - Uranus - Zodia - Rafael - Mephist - Vaerial - Baal - Lucifer |
Lists | Demons - Skills - Items |
Last Bible II | |
Characters | Yuri - Larsa - Esau - Krau - Safia - Zodia - Ganzu - Solion - Gryas |
Lists | Demons - Skills - Items |
Another Bible | |
Characters | Cassiel - Pythia - Wylde - Hera - Stras - Freon - Alta - Rei - Reenfa - Spika - Esther - Sepia - Ozone |
Lists | Demons - Skills - Items |
Last Bible III | |
Characters (Party Members) | Ciel - Rudy - Du - Chibi Dragon - Alon - Glen - Ilia - Wrinkle - Jonathan - Mochowa - Ramon Jaeger - Harry - Baal - Lucifer - Belial |
Characters (NPCs) | Hades - Elmore - De Gualle - Ben-Shoah - Banipal - Randy - Huey - Maya - Bagi - Alec |
Lists | Demons - Skills - Items |
Last Bible Special | |
Characters | Mattel - Hoenheim - Gryas - Paragon |
Lists | Demons - Skills - Items |