Megami Tensei Wiki

Staredown (戦慄の眼光, Senritsu no gankou)? is an ailment-inducing skill


Staredown inflicts Fear on all enemies.

Game Effect Cost
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux
70% Fear to all enemies. 9 MP



Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey[]

By leveling up[]
Demon Race Level
David Fiend 22
Dionysus Zealot 41
Moloch Tyrant 50
Catoblepas Wilder 52
Demon Race Level
Macabre Spirit 18
Forneus Fallen - 56

Physical Skills
PhysIconPhys Skills Axel Claw - Ambush - Berserker God - Blight - Crescent Slice - Deathbound - Dream Fist - Explosive Fist - Fang Breaker - Feral Claw - Getsu-ei - Giant Slice - Hades Blast - Heat Wave - Iron Judgement - Lunge - Madness Crush - Madness Nails - Mega Claw - Megaton Press - Mortal Jihad - Nihil Claw - Occult Flash - Poison Claw - Rampage - Stun Claw - True Lobotomy - Tyranny - Zan-ei - Adamant Sickle - Air Dive - Asura - Death Bite - Horned Frenzy - Taking a Bite
GunIconGun Skills Needle Shot - Toxic Sting - Peter Piper - Dream Needle - Charm Strike - Hell Thrust - Grand Tack - Riot Gun - Needle Assault - Arrow Rain - Heaven's Bow - Fleeting Rain - Shooting Spree
Magic Skills
FireIconFire Skills Agi - Agilao - Agidyne - Maragi - Maragion - Maragidyne - Fire Breath - Ragnarok - Trisagion - Black Flame - Megido Flame
IceIconIce Skills Bufu - Bufula - Bufudyne - Mabufu - Mabufula - Mabufudyne - Ice Breath - Breath - Glacial Blast - Cold World - Hellish Spurt - Mother Earth
ElecIconElectric Skills Zio - Zionga - Ziodyne - Mazio - Mazionga - Maziodyne - Shock - Charming Bolt - Thunder Reign - Keraunos - Wild Lightning
WindIconWind Skills Garu - Garula - Garudyne - Magaru - Magarula - Magarudyne - Wind Breath - Floral Gust - Killing Wind - Alluring Squall - Untainted Wind
ExpelIconLight Skills Hama - Hamaon - Mahama - Mahamaon - Judgement Light
CurseIconDark Skills Mudo - Mudoon - Mamudo - Mamudoon - Die For Me!
AlmightyIconAlmighty Skills Megido - Megidola - Megidolaon - Kamikaze - Last Resort - Life Drain - Mana Drain - Energy Drain - Jihad - Babylon Goblet - Holy Wrath - Judgment - Sea of Chaos - Desperate Hit - Big Bang - Eternal Rest - Horn of Fate - Waking Dream - Sunset Melody - Evil Vortex - Mel Faize
Ailment Skills Bobasma - Staredown - Dormina - Lullaby - Poisma - Toxic Cloud - Makajama - Tricky Dance - Marin Karin - Frolic - Shibaboo - Binding Cry - Stone Curse - Stone Breath - Hostile Terror - Gehenna - Lethe's Whisper
Assist Skills
HealIcon SMTIVHealing Skills Dia - Diarama - Diarahan - Media - Mediarama - Mediarahan - Salvation - Posumudi - Patra - Me Patra - Posumudi - Paraladi - Charmdi - Petradi - Mutudi - Strandi - Bomdi - Amrita - Recarm - Samarecarm - Recarmdra - Invitation
Support Skills Tarukaja - Tarunda - War Cry - Rakukaja - Rakunda - Acid Breath - Sukukaja - Sukunda - Fog Breath - Blood Ritual - Luster Candy - Debilitate - Taunt - Dekaja - Dekunda - Silent Prayer - Tables Turned - Offered Soul - Tetrakarn - Makarakarn - Tetraja - Charge - Concentrate - Sabbatma - Lost Word - Illusory Ritual - Luster Soul
PassiveIcon SMTIVPassive Skills
Elemental Affinity Resist Phys - Void Phys - Drain Phys - Repel Phys - Resist Gun - Void Gun - Drain Gun - Repel Gun - Resist Fire - Void Fire - Drain Fire - Repel Fire - Resist Ice - Void Ice - Drain Ice - Repel Ice - Resist Elec - Void Elec - Drain Elec - Repel Elec - Resist Wind - Void Wind - Drain Wind - Repel Wind - Resist Expel - Void Expel - Resist Curse - Void Curse - Void Mind - Void Nerve
Counter Counter - Retaliate
Max HP/SP Life Bonus - Life Gain - Life Surge - Life Rise - Mana Bonus - Mana Gain - Mana Surge
Survival Endure - Enduring Soul
Recovery Spring of Life - Chakra Walk - Life Aid - Mana Aid - Victory Cry
Attack Boost Phys Boost - Gun Boost - Fire Boost - Ice Boost - Elec Boost - Wind Boost - Recovery Boost
Attack Amp Phys Amp - Gun Amp - Fire Amp - Ice Amp - Elec Amp - Wind Amp - Recovery Amp
EXP Bonus Watchful - Vigilant
Other Laplace Curse - Preparedness - Sleepwalker
Weapon Skills
GunIcon Gun Skills Snipe - Weakshot - Grateful One - Final Seven - Airstrike - Crossfire - Desperado - Cat Punch - BC Shot - Randy Shot - Shadow Bind - Rock Bullet - Say Goodnight - Terror Shot - Headshot - Armshot - Legshot - Cripple - Quickshot - Earthlight Ray - Moonlight Ray
FireIcon Fire Skills Fire Shot - Flame Shot - Inferno Shot - Fire Spray - Flame Spray - Inferno Spray
IceIcon Ice Skills Ice Shot - Frost Shot - Frigid Shot - Frost Spray - Frigid Spray
ElecIcon Elec Skills Elec Shot - Bolt Shot - Shock Shot - Elec Spray - Bolt Spray - Shock Spray
WindIcon Wind Skills Wind Shot - Gust Shot - Storm Shot - Wind Spray - Gust Spray - Storm Spray
AlmightyIcon Almighty Skills Moan Bullet - Freischutz - Riot Gun Copy - Soul Scanner