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The Fool Arcana (愚者, Gusha)? is an Arcana in the Persona series.

Quick Answers

What does the Fool Arcana symbolize in the Persona series? toggle section
In the Persona series, the Fool Arcana represents the life journey and the progression through the major Arcana. It signifies the protagonists' commitment to their chosen paths and is the initial Arcana for several protagonists. The Fool Arcana embodies the protagonists' ideals and their quest for peace. The Universe Arcana is given to the protagonist in Persona 3, while the World Arcana is given to the protagonists in Persona 4 and Persona 5, illustrating the Fool's journey in the Tarot.
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Why is the Fool Arcana considered as Arcana number 0 or 22? toggle section
The Fool Arcana, associated with freedom, spontaneity, and creativity, is designated as Arcana number 0 or 22, being the only Arcana without an original number. Its figures often include heroes or protagonists of mythological tales. The number zero, while suggesting nothingness, is also undefined and limitless, mirroring the Fool Arcana's attributes.
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What is the significance of the jester and dog in the Fool Arcana? toggle section
In the Fool Arcana, the jester signifies innocence, divine inspiration, madness, freedom, spontaneity, inexperience, chaos, and creativity. The dog symbolizes loyalty and companionship. The Fool Arcana, also referred to as Arcana 0, represents the origin of all things, emphasizing its importance in the tarot.
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How does the Fool Arcana embody the concept of 'jack of all trades' in the Persona series? toggle section
In the Persona series, the Fool Arcana, or Arcana 0/22, is a 'jack of all trades'. Its Personas inherit all skills, showing no preference. This Arcana, associated with chaos, creativity, and spontaneity, often features protagonists who are heroes or fools in their mythologies. Their defining trait is their determination to follow their path, symbolized by the Tarot's Fool's Journey.
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What is the connection between the Fool Arcana and the shadow journey tarot? toggle section
The Fool Arcana, also known as Arcana 0, symbolizes the start of the protagonist's journey in the Persona series, reflecting the Fool's path in the Tarot, often referred to as the shadow journey tarot. This journey signifies the transformation of bonds into strength. The journey culminates with the protagonist receiving the Universe Arcana or the World Arcana, marking the journey's end.
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"The Fool Arcana does not mean that it can be taken lightly. The Fool is number zero. It is the void from which all other things begin."
—Margaret, Persona 4

Portrayed as a jester laughing very close to a cliff, accompanied with a dog at his heels. The Fool represents innocence, divine inspiration, madness, freedom, spontaneity, inexperience, chaos and creativity. This Arcana is originally the only one that doesn't have a number, thus it is considered as the Arcana number 0 or number 22.

The Fool Arcana tends to be the "jack of all trades," since its Personas can inherit all skills without preference for any type. Mythological figures of the Fool Arcana are often heroes, fools or the protagonists of their own mythological stories. The common theme between the protagonists of the Fool Arcana is the concept of new beginnings and stepping into the unknown, represented by their transferring into a new city for a year.

This symbolism is preserved during Social Links as well, which usually revolve around the respective group undergoing a quest with surprises and twists, but when given the option to give up on their ideals for the sake of peace, in the end it's their determination to stick to their given path that maximizes the Social Link.

As such, the protagonists from later entries often start out with the Fool Arcana. At the end of Persona 3 the protagonist is given the Universe Arcana, with the Persona 4 and Persona 5 protagonists being given the World Arcana. This represents the Journey of the Fool in the Tarot, the path that the Fool takes through life and through the other major Arcana.[1] It is the journey one takes in life, which is also explained in detail by Mr. Edogawa in Persona 3 as the experiences that an individual must have and incorporate to realize themselves.[2]


List of Personas[]

Megami Ibunroku Persona[]

The Fool Arcana in Persona is a hidden set of Personas that can only be created through a very rare fusion accident. There are three of them; all are characterized by colorful skill sets, low SP requirements, "Strong: All attacks" properties and origins in Japanese folklore.

One can guarantee a fusion accident resulting in a Fool Arcana Persona by starting from a "hard reset" (as in, not already mid-game and loading a save or selecting "Return to Title") and performing a White Fusion after taking exactly 101 steps in an area where no enemies will attack, such as the Mikage Sun Mall, or 230 steps in the Black Market; it can also be achieved with a Red Fusion by taking exactly 275 or 546 steps.

According to the Persona World guide, the Fool Arcana represents the National Spirit (民霊, Minrei)? race.

Persona Level
PSP Revelations
Tenjiku Tokubei Tenji 30
Narukami Nari 47
Kamakura Gongorou Karma 61

Persona 2[]

Innocent Sin[]

The Fool Arcana in Innocent Sin is a hidden set of Personas that requires the exceedingly rare Fool Arcana cards, which are only issued under very special circumstances. Personas of the Fool Arcana are unlisted until acquiring one. In addition, the Velvet Room's Demon Painter cannot convert Blank/Free Tarot Cards into Fool Tarot Cards, making them a valuable commodity.

During demon contact, after an enemy demon asks 4 questions total (does not have to be 4 consecutive questions; demons only ask questions in response to being Angered or Eagered), a contact resulting in Eager initially has a 1/36 chance (increasing to 1/16 after getting the first Fool card) to result in the demon asking the contacting character what manner of human or demon they are; if the character replies with the response that contains "fool" or "foolish," the demon will give them a Fool Card. The Sumaru Genie's fortunes can be used to increase the chances of getting the Fool Question by getting the Five of Cups (IS) or Silver Dragon (EP) fortune, which raise the required emotion levels from 3 to 4, granting the player 1-2 more chances to give a demon an Interesting response to a question beyond the 3rd. A total of 10 Fool Cards are required to summon every Persona of this Arcana once.

Persona Level
Sarutobi Sasuke 15
Tenjiku Tokubei 30
Tobi Katou 45
Fuuma Kotarou * 60

Eternal Punishment[]

The method to obtain the Fool card during random encounters is very much the same as Innocent Sin. However, in this game an NPC named Salam will offer side-quests for completing maps of requested dungeons. If the party completes the map before finishing the final event of that dungeon (since story dungeons are locked from re-entering after all their scenarios are finished), Salam will reward the party with some Fool cards. A total of 15 Fool Cards are required to summon every Persona of this Arcana once.

Persona Level
Sarutobi Sasuke 20
Tenjiku Tokubei 35
Tobi Katou 50
Junnosuke Kuroda 55 (Ancestor Persona representing Jun Kurosu)
Fuuma Kotarou * 65

Persona 3[]

The Fool Arcana Social Link is represented by SEES, unlike other Arcana, Fool Arcana is unique by itself, as it automatically powers up as the story progresses. Later in the game, should the protagonist choose not to kill Ryoji Mochizuki, the Fool Arcana will max out itself, bestowing the ultimate Persona of the Fool Arcana, Susano-o, the raging god.

Igor also takes care to mention that the number of the Fool Arcana is zero. He, as well as other unrelated characters, remark that while the number zero suggests nothingness, it's also undefined and has no boundaries. Not only does this reflect in the fact that the protagonist will eventually have almost two hundred Personas to choose from, but also that the personality of the protagonist is a blank mold, which the players can shape as they see fit.

Persona Level
Orpheus 1 (Initial Persona of Makoto Yuki)
Legion 12
Ose 22
Black Frost 34
Decarabia 44
Loki 55
Susano-o 76

FES / Portable[]

The protagonist can gain access to a higher level Persona of the Fool Arcana than Susano-o, namely Orpheus Telos. True to Igor's words, Orpheus Telos of the Fool Arcana truly stands for nothingness, undefined and has limitless possibilities, as Orpheus Telos has only one skill, Victory Cry. The rest of Orpheus Telos' skills can only be acquired via the predecessor Personas used to fuse him. In Portable, due to the absence of Social Links for male party members and the availability of others, the Fool Social Link grants all party members with Co-op strikes and other assist skills.

Persona Level
Orpheus 1 (Initial Persona of Makoto Yuki / Kotone Shiomi)
25 (Aigis's Initial, The Answer)
Slime 12
Legion 22
Black Frost 34
Ose 44
Decarabia 50
Loki 58
Susano-o 76
Orpheus Telos 90


The layout is the same as FES/Portable, with the levels being slightly adjusted.

Persona Level
Orpheus 1 (Initial Persona of Makoto Yuki)
Slime 12
Legion 26
Black Frost 37
Ose 41
Decarabia 54
Loki 69
Susano-o 77
Orpheus Telos 91

DLC Personas[]
Persona Level
Arsène 23 (DLC)
Izanagi 46 (DLC)
Satanael 86 (DLC)

Persona 4[]

The protagonist starts out with the Fool Arcana, with its initial Persona being Izanagi of the Fool Arcana. The Fool Arcana Social Link is represented by the Investigation Team, where the Social Link is initiated after the protagonist, Yosuke Hanamura, and Chie Satonaka became the founding members of the Team, with the protagonist serving as the field leader. When the Social Link reaches maximum, the ultimate Persona of the Fool Arcana, Loki, the Shape-shifter, will be unlocked.

Persona Level
Izanagi 1 (Initial Persona of Yu Narukami)
Yomotsu-Shikome 7
Obariyon 13
Legion 21
Ose 31
Black Frost 38
Decarabia 46
Shiki-Ouji 56
Loki 64
Magatsu-Izanagi Persona of Tohru Adachi (Unused)

Persona 4 Arena[]

The Fool Arcana is co-represented by Yu Narukami and Aigis, the protagonists of Persona 4 and Persona 3 FES - The Answer, signifying their ability to wield the Wild Card.

Arena Ultimax[]

Both Yu Narukami and Aigis once again represent The Fool Arcana. In Ultimax the Arcana is also shared with Elizabeth, who gained it during the events of Arena, when she began a new journey of her own.

Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth[]

Due to two individuals coming together in the special space that the game takes place in, the power of the Fool is strengthened enough to allow all persona users to use two personas, one as the main persona and another as a Sub-Persona. Due to not having Personas, Zen and Rei cannot harness this power. The protagonists, on the other hand, have their power limited to two personas, which Margaret theorizes to be due to the world they are currently in being finite in its existence.

Persona Level
Orpheus P3 hero's Initial Persona
Izanagi P4 hero's Initial Persona
Slime 1
Legion 21
Orpheus Telos 26
Ose 31
Black Frost 47
Decarabia 52
Shiki-Ouji 61
Loki 72

Persona 5[]

The protagonist starts out with the Fool Arcana, with his initial Persona being Arsène of the Fool Arcana. The Fool Arcana is represented by the Confidant with Igor, which ranks up automatically since 12th April as the story progresses.

It along with the Chariot Arcana Confidant is one of the first 2 Confidants to be unlocked during the progress of the game. However, as the Confidant maxes out during December 24th and before entering the last dungeon Qliphoth World where no other Confidants can be progressed, it will always be the last one to max out during the game. When the Confidant reaches maximum, the ultimate Persona of the Fool Arcana, Vishnu, the preserver of humanity, will be unlocked. However, before the protagonist may fuse it, he must reject the conductor's offer right after the confidant maxes.

Persona Level
Arsène 1 (Initial Persona of Ren Amamiya)
Obariyon 8
High Pixie 16
Izanagi 20
Izanagi Picaro 23
Orpheus 26
Orpheus Picaro 29
Decarabia 32
Legion 38
Ose 42
Bugs 49
Crystal Skull 50
Dionysus 61
Black Frost 67
Vishnu 83
Satanael 95 (Ultimate Persona of Ren Amamiya)


In Persona 5 Royal, Fool Arcana has been adjusted with the relocation of Decarabia and Dionysus to the Councillor Arcana and the addition of Orpheus (F) and Raoul as DLC Personas.

Additionally, it is no longer guaranteed to be the last Arcana to be maxed out during the game, due to the events of the Third Semester allowing other confidants to be ranked up during the final Palace infiltration.

Persona Level
Arsène 1 (Initial Persona of Ren Amamiya)
Obariyon 8
Orpheus (F) 11
Orpheus Picaro (F) 13
High Pixie 16
Izanagi 20
Izanagi Picaro 23
Orpheus 26
Orpheus Picaro 29
Legion 38
Ose 42
Bugs 49
Crystal Skull 50
Black Frost 67
Vishnu 83*
Satanael 95 (Ultimate Persona of Ren Amamiya)
Raoul 76 (Third-tier Persona of Ren Amamiya)

Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth[]

Persona Level
Arsène 1 (Initial Persona of the P5 hero)
Orpheus ♀ (Initial Persona of the P3P heroine)
Izanagi (Initial Persona of the P4 hero)
Orpheus ♂ (Initial Persona of the P3 hero)
Satanael (Ultimate Persona of the P5 hero)
Orpheus Telos (Ultimate Persona of the P3 hero)
Slime 1
Bifrons 12
Mothman 20
Izanagi Picaro 23
Ose 31
Orpheus Picaro 35
Black Frost ° 37
Bai Suzhen 40
Decarabia 52
Shiki-Ouji 63
Ardha 74

Persona 5 Strikers[]

Just like Persona 5, the protagonist starts out with the Fool Arcana with his initial Persona Arsène.

Persona Level
Arsène 1 (Initial Persona of Ren Amamiya)
High Pixie 16
Legion 34
Bugs 53
Black Frost 67


Character Game
Makoto Yuki Persona 3
Kotone Shiomi Persona 3 Portable
Aigis Persona 3 FES (The Answer) / Persona 4 Arena
Yu Narukami Persona 4
Elizabeth Persona 4 Arena
Ren Amamiya Persona 5
Igor Persona 5

Card Designs[]


  • In Persona 4 The Animation, when Yu gets The Fool Arcana, the face of the card, instead of facing to the left, is facing to the right.
  • Protagonists possessing the Fool Arcana always have a party member who is secretly jealous of their special abilities, specifically Junpei Iori (Makoto Yuki and Kotone Shiomi), Yukari Takeba (Aigis), Yosuke Hanamura (Yu Narukami), and Goro Akechi (Ren Amamiya).
  • In Persona 5, the Fool Arcana's Confidant is associated with Igor, a standalone character rather than the Phantom Thieves. In the previous games, the Arcana was associated with the protagonist's own team of Persona users, which are S.E.E.S and the Investigation Team respectively.
  • Before Persona Q2, the protagonist of Persona 5 was the only character to have an Ultimate Persona of the Fool Arcana.
  • The Fool is the only Major Arcanum which has no enemies associated with it.
  • The symbol design of Fool Arcana was redesigned for the logo of Atlus' Creative Department 3rd Production, known as Studio Zero.

Major Arcana
0. Fool Arcana - I. Magician Arcana - 1(E). Councillor Arcana - II. Priestess Arcana - III. Empress Arcana - IV. Emperor Arcana - V. Hierophant Arcana - V(T). Apostle Arcana- VI. Lovers Arcana - VII. Chariot Arcana - VIII. Strength Arcana/Justice Arcana - IX. Hermit Arcana - X. Fortune Arcana - XI. Justice Arcana/Strength Arcana - XI(T). Hunger Arcana - XII. Hanged Man Arcana - XIII. Death Arcana - XIV. Temperance Arcana - XV. Devil Arcana - XVI. Tower Arcana - XVII. Star Arcana - XVIII. Moon Arcana - XIX. Sun Arcana - XX. Judgement Arcana - XX(T). Aeon Arcana - XXI. World Arcana - XXI(T). Universe Arcana - (VS) Faith Arcana - (VS) Hope Arcana
Minor Arcana
Suit of Coins - Suit of Cups - Suit of Swords - Suit of Wands
Shadow Arcana
I. Arcana Magician - II. Arcana Priestess - III. Arcana Empress - IV. Arcana Emperor - V. Arcana Hierophant - VI. Arcana Lovers - VII. Arcana Chariot - VIII. Arcana Justice - IX. Arcana Hermit - X. Arcana Fortune - XI. Arcana Strength - XII. Arcana Hanged Man - XIII. Death