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Jack using a Noise Card on Magnes in the Shooting Star Rockman 3 manga.

Noise Cards (ノイズドカード "Noised Card") are special cards brimming with Noise used by the Dealer organization in Mega Man Star Force 3 to make Wizards go out-of-control and then gathered up crystallized Noise called Crimson that was emitted by these out-of-control Wizards once they were defeated.

It is shown that Noise Cards also have suits (like a normal deck of cards used for games). While three suits are explicitly used to transform Wizards (as shown by Spade Magnes, Diamond Ice, and Club Strong), a Noise Card was also responsible for Bud Bison's transformation into Taurus Fire. Given that Bud had Taurus' residual data locked away within his heart, it is likely that the Heart Card was used to reawaken Taurus within him.


It is still unclear as to how the Noise Cards were created. One possible theory is that they were created when the power of Meteor G fused with Blank Cards. This is probably the best explanation because Blank Cards can be overwritten with any data and Meteor G, despite being Noise, is still technically data.

See also[]
