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List of Key Items in Mega Man Battle Network 3. The game has a total of eighty-one Key Items.
Icon | Name | Description | Location |
PET | Lan's portable terminal. I'm installed in here! | Beginning | |
○ data (○データ) |
This is data for the N1 Grand Prix! Let's take it there! | ||
× data (×データ) |
This is data for the N1 Grand Prix! Let's take it there! | ||
Parasol (ひがさ) |
This is a high-tech parasol! It shuts out all light! | ACDC Elementary School | |
KeydataA (キーデータ A) |
This data can bypass the lock on the Principal's PC! | ||
KeydataB (キーデータ B) |
This data can bypass the lock on the Principal's PC! | ||
KeydataC (キーデータ C) |
This data can bypass the lock on the Principal's PC! | ||
PasswrdA (パスワードA, "Password A") |
This password can bypass the lock on the Principal's PC! | ||
PasswrdB (パスワードB) |
This password can bypass the lock on the Principal's PC! | ||
PasswrdC (パスワードC) |
This password can bypass the lock on the Principal's PC! | ||
SubPET (サブPET) |
This is a SubPET to use if your main one is malfunctioning. | Yuichiro | |
Bag (おきゃくのカバン, "Customer's Bag") |
A bag forgotten by a custom at Higsby's Careful! |
OrderSys (オーダーシステム, Order System) |
This is a system for ordering chips from suppliers. | ||
PresData (プレスデータ, Press Data) |
The beginnings of a compression program. We can't install it. | ||
Needle (ブレイクニードル, Break Needle) |
It's the only tool that can smash BubbleMan's door! | ||
DataDisk (データディスク) |
This disk contains dad's research data! Take it to him soon! | ||
PET Case (PETケース) |
It's the PET case dad gave us! It's really strong! | ||
HadesKey (ジゴクのカギ) |
This key opens the door to the Victory Data! | Hades Isle | |
VictData (ビクトリーデータ, Victory Data) |
Whoever gets this data wins the N1 Grand Prix prelims! | Hades Isle | |
InsrData (ほけんデータ, Insurance Data) |
This data holds health info about all the students! | ||
TickStub (ちずのきれはし, "Map Fragment") |
This is half of a map, drawn by hand in crayon. | Part of the job "Look for friends(Tora)" | |
Tally (ウラのわりふ) |
Looks like a pass to somewhere. It feels evil, somehow... | Complete the job "Riot stopped(Tora)" | |
Tea (おちゃ) |
This is the tea that Yai wants! | Requested by Yai in the Seaside Hospital. | |
BsmntKey (地下室のカギ, "Basement Key") |
This key opens the door to the basement of Seaside Hospital! | Seaside Hospital | |
FireData (ファイアデータ) |
Match gave us this data. It looks like it can start a fire! | SciLab | |
HeatData (ヒートデータ) |
Match gave us this data. It's really hot...Ouch! | SciLab | |
FlamData (フレイムデータ, Flame Data) |
Match gave us this data. It's exremely hot! | SciLab | |
Rank 10 (ウラ ランク10, Ura Rank 10) |
This data proves that we were ranked 10th place! | ||
Rank 9 (ウラ ランク9) |
This data proves that we were ranked 9th place! | ||
Rank 8 (ウラ ランク8) |
This data proves that we were ranked 8th place! | ||
Rank 7 (ウラ ランク7) |
This data proves that we were ranked 7th place! | ||
Rank 3 (ウラ ランク3) |
This data proves that we were ranked 3rd place! | ||
Rank 2 (ウラ ランク2) |
This data proves that we were ranked 2nd place! | ||
Origami (おりヅル, Orizuru) |
It's an origami bird that we took from the hospital. | ||
GigFreez (ギガフリーズ, Giga Freeze) |
This is known as the "Forbidden Program". Use it for Alpha...? | ||
OfclPass (オフィシャルパス, Official Pass) |
This gives you the same rights as an Official NetBattler! | ||
DadsNote (パパのてがみ, "Papa's Letter") |
A letter from dad! It says... "I need to research Alpha. Sorry for worrying you!" |
CardKey (カードキー) |
It looks like a key to some lock... But I wonder which one? | ||
Aspirin (ちんつうざい, "Analgesic") |
It's a painkiller! We need to get it to dad! | ||
ID-DataA (IDデータA) |
This key opens a lock in the WWW security robot! | WWW Area 1 | |
ID-DataB (IDデータB) |
This key opens a lock in the WWW security robot! | WWW Area 2 | |
ID-DataC (IDデータC) |
This key opens a lock in the WWW security robot! | WWW Area 3 | |
ID-DataD (IDデータD) |
This key opens a lock in the WWW security robot! | WWW Area 4 | |
GramNote (そふのてがみ, "Grandfather's Letter") |
It's a message from Gramps to dad, but it's encrypted! | Ending | |
Old Tool (ふるぼけたスパナ, "Worn Spanner") |
It's a very old, well worn tool. Talk about craftsmanship! | ||
CashData (キャッシュデータ) |
This is ID data for withdrawing cash from a bank. | Yoka 2 (Job: "I'm broke...!") | |
Old Doll (ボロにんぎょう, "Tattered Doll") |
It's an old doll, repaired many times. | ||
WWW-ID | This is ID data for WWW members! Maybe we can pass as one! | Job | |
SkyTome (くものこもんじょ, "Cloud Komonjo") |
Old data that looks like a cloud...? "␣␣▮␣▮␣␣␣␣▮▮␣␣▮▮▮▮" |
Part of the job "Legendary Tomes". | |
LandTome (やまのこもんじょ, "Mountain Komonjo") |
Old data that looks like a mountain...? "␣▮␣␣␣▮␣␣␣␣␣␣␣▮␣␣▮" |
Part of the job "Legendary Tomes". | |
SeaTome (うみのこもんじょ, "Sea Komonjo") |
Old data that looks like an ocean...? "▮␣␣␣␣␣▮␣▮▮▮▮␣␣␣▮␣" |
Part of the job "Legendary Tomes". | |
StmpCard (スタンプカード, Stamp Card) |
If we get a lot of stamps on this card, we may win a prize! | Part of the job "Stamp collecting". | |
Will (ゆいごんじょう) |
"sierrthdiia qrlmweeeellr uraoararvpls" |
Part of the job "Help with a will". | |
Photo (かぞくのしゃしん, "Family Photo") |
It's a photo of a man holding a baby, and a woman. | Part of the job "Help with a will". | |
Camera (オヤジのカメラ, "Father's Camera") |
It's a camera that someone lost. Have we met him? | Lost by a boy in Zoo 2. Found in the same area. | |
ModTools (かいぞうツール) |
It's a tool that lets you customize Navis. | Sold by a man in Beach Street, near the station. | |
Hammer (グレートハンマー, Great Hammer) |
"For the smashing of seals" is carved on the hammer. | ||
WrstBand (名人リストバンド, "Meijin Wristband") |
Mr. Famous' personal wristband! What will happen if we try it? | Lotto Number 90690648. | |
Rank 1 (ウラ ランク1, Ura Rank 1) |
This data proves that we were ranked 1st place! | Defeat Serenade. | |
SpinWhit (スピンホワイト, Spin White) |
It lets you rotate white parts with the L and R Buttons! | Lotto Number 77955025. | |
SpinPink (スピンピンク) |
It lets you rotate pink parts with the L and R Buttons! | ||
SpinYllw (スピンイエロー, Spin Yellow) |
It lets you rotate yellow parts with the L and R Buttons! | Yoka Station (Reward for Job: "Help me with my son!") | |
SpinRed (スピンレッド) |
It lets you rotate red parts with the L and R Buttons! | Lotto Number 72563938. | |
SpinBlue (スピンブルー) |
It lets you rotate blue parts with the L and R Buttons! | Lotto Number 11002540. | |
SpinGrn (スピングリーン, Spin Green) |
It lets you rotate green parts with the L and R Buttons! | Lotto Number 28274283. | |
SpinOrng (スピンオレンジ, Spin Orange) |
It lets you rotate orange parts with the L and R Buttons! | ||
SpinPrpl (スピンパープル, Spin Purple) |
It lets you rotate purple parts with the L and R Buttons! | ||
SpinDark (スピンダーク) |
It lets you rotate gray parts with the L and R Buttons! | Mr. Prog hidden in Undernet 4. | |
MaylCode (メイルのPコード, "Meiru's P Code") |
This file has the passcode from the Net to Mayl's PC! | ||
DexCode (デカオのPコード, "Dekao's P Code") |
This file has the passcode from the Net to Dex's PC! | ||
YaiCode (やいとのPコード, "Yaito's P Code") |
This file has the passcode from the Net to Yai's PC! | ||
TamaCode (たま子のPコード, "Tamako's P Code") |
This file has the passcode from the Net to Tamako's PC! | ||
HospCode (WHPコード, "WH P Code") |
This file has the passcode from the Net to Hosp Comp 2! | ||
ACDCPass (あきはらキップ, "Akihara Ticket") |
It's a Metroline ticket to the ACDC Station! | Metroline stations | |
SciPass (かがくキップ, "Science Ticket") |
It's a Metroline ticket to the SciLab Station! | Metroline stations | |
YokaPass (よかよかキップ, "Yokayoka Ticket") |
It's a Metroline ticket to the Yoka Station! | Metroline stations | |
BeachPas (ビーチキップ, "Beach Ticket") |
It's a Metroline ticket to the Beach Station! | Metroline stations | |
CACDCPas (Cあきはらキップ, "C Akihara Ticket") |
It's a CyberMetro ticket to the ACDC Station! | ||
CSciPass (Cかがくキップ, "C Science Ticket") |
It's a CyberMetro ticket to the SciLab Station! | ||
CYokaPas (Cよかよかキップ, "C Yokayoka Ticket") |
It's a CyberMetro ticket to the Yoka Station! | ||
CBeacPas (Cビーチキップ, "C Beach Ticket") |
It's a CyberMetro ticket to the Beach Station! |
- The item Dex's disk is not part of the Key Items as it is returned to Dex as soon as it is found, being only present in the story.
- The descriptions of the SkyTome, LandTome, and SeaTome items obtained in the Legendary Tomes job form the word ハニワ (Haniwa) when combined in the right order (sky above, land in middle, and ocean below):
This hint was left unstranslated in the English GBA versions, but was translated as "CLAY" in Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection: