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Jack Corvus (ジャック・コーヴァス) is the EM Wave Change form of the characters Jack and Corvus from the Mega Man Star Force series. Jack Corvus is fought by Mega Man in Mega Man Star Force 3.


Jack Corvus is capable of the following abilities:

  • No Gravity - Jack Corvus is immune to Gravity and HP bug.
  • Float Shoes - Jack Corvus is immune to the effects of panels.
  • Air Shoes - Jack Corvus can move over holes.
  • If Mega Man locks on for too long, Jack Corvus sometimes takes flight, and in doing so he moves off the battlefield.
  • Grave Claw (グレイブクロー) - Jack Corvus summons three purple flames that will transform into claws and travel down the columns at different times.
  • Feather Sickle (フェザーシックル) - Jack Corvus attacks the player's current position by slicing with his wings. This attack inflicts HP Bug. The weapon is called Sickle Feather (シックルフェザー) in Mega Man Star Force Official Complete Works.
  • Aero Dive (エアロダイブ ) - Some panels flash and Jack dashes down the flashing panels. This attack is Breaking and Wind.
  • Summon Virgo (ヴァルゴ召喚) - Queen Virgo appears in his place, attacking with Hydro Dragon (ハイドロドラゴン).
  • Wicked Flame (ペインヘルフレイム, Pain Hell Flame in Japan) - Jack floats up and fires purple flames at different panels, with some targeting the player's current position.

Battle Cards[]

ID Battle Card Description Attack Element
Mega Card 13
JackCorvs 2-pnl claw atk on 3 far side cols 150 Fire
Mega Card 14
JackCorvsV2 2-pnl claw atk on 3 far side cols 180 Fire
Mega Card 15
JackCorvsV3 2-pnl claw atk on 3 far side cols 300 Fire
Illegal Card
(Mega Card)
JackCorvsX 2-pnl claw atk on 3 far side cols 380 Fire
Illegal Card
(Giga Card)
WickdFlame Unleash 12 WickdFlam on far 3 rows 100 Fire

Galaxy Advance:

Galaxy Advance Description Attack Element Battle Cards
JackCorvsGA 2-pnl claw atk on 3 far side cols 420 Fire KiloBomb1
WickdFlamGA Unleash 12 WickdFlam on far 3 rows 120 Fire DanceFire3



  • Corvus Noise also has a unique ability. The Corvus Noise charged shot inflicts Gravity on hit (same as Paralyze effect).
  • Jack Corvus' Grave Claw attack is very similar to EraseMan.EXE's Misty Demon attack.
