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BN4 Full Synchro concept art.

Synchronization, or just Synchro (シンクロ Shinkuro) is a state in the Mega Man Battle Network series where NetNavi and their operator become one to improve focus and their NetBattling abilities.

Full Synchro (フルシンクロ Furu Shinkuro), a high level of synchronization, completes the circuit enabling transmission of a operator's very will to their NetNavi, which greatly raises a NetNavi's fighting capabilities. Full Synchro fuses the mind of NetNavi and operator into one consciousness, getting rid of the delay between command and reaction (such as slotting in Battle Chips), which can make a big difference between life and death during a battle. However, it puts the operator into a direct connection with their NetNavi, transmitting effects (such as battle damage) from the NetNavi to the operator.



In Story[]

Synchronization is first introduced early on in the series as a storytelling function than actually significantly affecting gameplay.

In Mega Man Battle Network, synchronization was introduced when Yuichiro Hikari was to revive MegaMan using the Hub.bat. Yuichiro was originally worried on matching Hub’s DNA 100% to his twin, Lan Hikari, so he modified the code to be 0.001% different. After MegaMan was taken to the brink of deletion, Yuichiro had no choice but to match their DNA 100%. While it revived MegaMan and made him stronger, it's said that the internal and external state of the twins are now synchronized. When MegaMan gets damaged, Lan will too.

In Mega Man Battle Network 2, some Navis and their operators use synchro rate (シンクロりつ shinkuro ritsu) as a measurement for their abilities[1][2]. An Undernet BBS poster even suggests a Navi with Human genetics would synchronize better with their operator and be a stronger fighter[3].

In the fight against Gospel, Lan gets knocked out. With Lan unable to use his physical form and his PET, MegaMan uses his Heart Program (ココロ・プログラム Kokoro Puroguramu) to form Full Synchro with him. Allowing Lan to operate MegaMan using his heart.

In the postgame, Lan and MegaMan gets the opportunity to power their synchro rate to 200%, resulting in a continuous state of Full Synchro making MegaMan's subconscious run the dormant Hub.bat. Thus creating the Style Change, Hub Style.

In Mega Man Battle Network 3, when a operator enters the Cyberworld (in this case, via the Pulse Transmission System), they can fuse with their NetNavi, achieving Full Synchro and giving them a boost in their power and stats. When the WWW members perform Full Synchro, it results in MegaMan needing to fight a slightly upgraded form of the corresponding Navi, but it has no visible in-game effect when MegaMan and Lan do the same.

In Mega Man Battle Network 4, a scientist concludes that the best NetBattlers have synchro rates with their Navis[4]. When ProtoMan is consumed by his Dark Soul, Chaud's attempts a sort of synchro with MegaMan by operating him. It's an attempt to connect his feelings to return ProtoMan to his senses[5].

Full Synchro also appears in story's finale as an extra power boost, reactivating the control system to avert the incoming missile from Earth. The physical strength required to successfully reactivate it makes MegaMan pass out, and in turn, Lan as well. The demonstrated willpower convinces Duo from destroying the Earth.

In Mega Man Battle Network 5, a SciLab BBS post suggests that while Full Synchro is a difficult state to reach for Navis and their operators, the Rage emotion can be reached through Navis with developed hearts[6].

In Battle[]

Full Synchro emotion window.

Full Synchro is available in the game mechanics of Mega Man Battle Network 4 onwards, displayed using the Emotion Window (ココロウィンドウ Kokoro Windou, "Heart Window"). Full Synchro is obtained when MegaMan performs a counter hit (hitting an enemy as they are executing an attack) using a non-dimming chip attack. In this state, the next chip attack has doubled strength, and enemies flash during the moment when they can be countered, encouraging the player to sustain Full Synchro. Full Synchro expires when the player performs a chip attack that is not a counter hit, or if MegaMan gets hit.

In Mega Man Battle Network 4, if the player completes a large number of battles without the use of Dark Chips, MegaMan turns a slightly brighter shade of blue. There is also a Emotion Value, known as Heart Value (ココロ値 Kokoro-chi) in Japan, that can assist MegaMan reach Full Synchro without counter hitting. Each successful Battle Chip hitting on the enemy, or using chip recovery will increase the value. Once it's high enough, the next chip attack will make MegaMan go Full Synchro without landing a counter hit. The lighter color MegaMan, the higher Emotion Value he starts the battle with. This feature was particularly destructive if a player got lucky with multi-hitting chips like the Air Hockey series.

From Mega Man Battle Network 5 onward, the player can no longer attain Full Synchro through Emotion Value. Full Synchro also becomes available while Lan is controlling other Navis. In the DS remake, using the Party Battle System, switching Navis while one is in Full Synchro may initiate a combination attack between the two Navis.

In Mega Man Battle Network 6, if MegaMan enters the "Tired" state from using up his Beast Out or "Very Tired" from using Beast Over, he cannot perform Full Synchro. Full Synchro still can be used while he is using a Beast Out, however.


Full synchro3

Cross Fusion MegaMan in Full Synchro in MegaMan NT Warrior Axess.

Synchronization between NetNavi and NetOp is needed to perform Cross Fusion. The factor that determines whether or not an operator is able to use Cross Fusion is known as the Synchro Rating. A person with a higher rate is more likely able to use Cross Fusion than one who has a low rate. If the NetOp or NetNavi doesn't have a strong synchronization, or bond, they won't be able to Cross Fuse. During Cross Fusion, if a NetOp or NetNavi are arguing, their synchronization lowers and the Cross Fusion cancels. However, using Dark Synchro Chips, the need for a strong bond is removed. Also, a person that has the Crest of Duo has their Synchronization strengthened where they can Cross Fuse.

Full Synchro was achieved only by Lan Hikari and MegaMan at the end of Axess, where they lost a battle against Dr. Regal and LaserMan. When they were still Cross Fused, but greatly exhausted, they heard the voices of all the other Navis and were being strengthened by them. The amount of power given to Lan and MegaMan allowed them to achieve Full Synchro. Cross Fused Lan went to battle LaserMan and Regal once more, but CF MegaMan had the upper hand this time. When CF MegaMan's power was being read in SciLab, the computer malfunctioned and broke from the overwhelming power. CF MegaMan then finished off the giant LaserMan with a charged shot.

In Full Synchro, Lan had access to all Battle Chips and had great physical strength, as he was able to knock over the giant LaserMan and break out of the being gripped on. The power of the Battle Chips were also enhanced, as one of the chips managed to blast LaserMan's arm off, and a Sonic Boom managed to knock LaserMan down.


MegaMan NT Warrior (manga)[]


Lan and MegaMan reaches Full Synchro for the first time in Volume 1.

In the MegaMan NT Warrior manga, Full Synchro works much like how it is described, fuses the NetOp and NetNavi into one consciousness, but unlike other canons, it differs drastically in one way: Whatever happens to the NetNavi in their world, happens to the NetOp in the real world (i.e. if a Navi gets slashed, their NetOp would receive a slash wound on exactly the same spot). However, unlike game canon, once a NetOp and NetNavi successfully do a Full Synchro, they can do it again at will as well as undo it at any time (usually when the battle is over or the battle is becoming too risky). Using Full Synchro is also necessary for NetOp and NetNavi to stay in touch when the NetNavi enters the Undernet where the connection between them usually got cut off.

The manga also introduces Perfect Synchro (パーフェクトシンクロ Pāfekuto Shinkuro), a state beyond Full Synchro, which removes all delay from the NetNavi's battle routine. However, this renders the NetOp's body in the real world to be soulless - in the state between life and death. Lan Hikari and MegaMan are the only NetOp and NetNavi duo known to achieve Perfect Synchro. The state allowed them to obtain Hub Style. As the manga progresses, Perfect Synchro was unable to stand against newer enemies and became less used. Standard Full Synchro however, was still consistently used.

Battle Story MegaMan NT Warrior[]

Yamato Man's spear tip
Yamato Man


Rockman using Full Synchro in Battle Story.

In the one-shot chapter, Team of Blues Special Edition, Rockman uses Full Synchro vs Blizzardman.

Yamato Man



  1. Official Navi: "I'll generate a virus five times in a row. I'll measure your rate of...synchronization and response. I'm starting now. Are you ready?" -Mega Man Battle Network 2
  2. Purple Navi: "My synchro rate with my Operator is 20%. How could he abandon his own Navi in the cyberworld?!" -Mega Man Battle Network 2
  3. Undernet BBS poster: "A Navi with Human genetics programmed in would synchronize with its operator and feel invincible. They say that raises a Navi's fighting capabilities."-Mega Man Battle Network 2
  4. "After vigorous anal-ysis,I have come to conclude that the best NetBattlers have high syncro rates with their Navis. The question is,can humans ever be completely in sync with Navis?" -Mega Man Battle Network 4
  5. Chaud: I wanna sync with him via MegaMan. It won't be like your Full Synchro, but I'll be able to sense his suffering." -Mega Man Battle Network 4
  6. SciLab BBS: "Mizuppa,your Navi must have quite a developed heart. Is your Navi's Sync high? I guess it must be. My Navi's heart is still undeveloped. He hasn't even gone Full Sync yet. With a developed heart,the Emotion Window turns red in battle. It means your Navi is in a rage. It can double your attack power. And your Navi won't lurch back from attacks." -Mega Man Battle Network 5
