Shooting Star Rockman (流星のロックマン Ryuusei no Rokkuman, written as "Rockman the Shooting Star" in the manga) is a manga by Masaya Itagaki based on Mega Man Star Force. It was serialized in Gekkan CoroCoro Comic from November 2006 to January 2008, and was released in three tankōbon volumes in 2007-2008.
Release information[]
- In Japan, the manga was published in 3 volumes between 2006-2008 by Shogakukan.
- In Indonesia, this manga was released by Elex Media Computindo under the title Rockman the Shooting Star. All three volumes were released in 2012. As its successor, Rockman the Shooting Star Tribe, was not released in Indonesia, the last pages containing the teaser for it omits Tribe as an upcoming release in its text.
Volume 1[]
Chapter 1: Okashina Nitorigumi!? (おかしな2人組!? roughly "Odd Duo!?") is the first chapter. Geo Stelar and Omega-Xis can become Mega Man.
Chapter 2: Akogare no Hero (あこがれのヒーロー "Hero's Aspiration") has Taurus Fire.
Chapter 3: Kaimaku! Wave Coliseum!! (開幕! 電波コロシアム!! "Rising the Curtain! Wave Coliseum!!") has Cygnus Wing.
Chapter 4: Daikonsen! Tenkuu Wave Road!! (大混戦! 天空電波路!! "Big Melee! Sky Wave Road!!") has Gemini Spark.
Chapter 5: Tatakai he no Mezame (戦いへの目覚め)
Volume 3[]
Saishuukan Tokubetsu Kikaku (最終巻特別企画) is the extra content from Volume 3.
Extra Chapter 1: Maboroshi no Dai 0 Wa Tokubetsu Keisai!! (幻の第0話 特別掲載!!) was originally published in CoroCoro Comics in 2006.
Extra Chapter 3: Ryuusei no Rokkuman (流星のろっくまん) is a series of 4-koma shorts based on Mega Man Star Force 2.
Extra Chapter 3: Tribe Ryuusei no Rockman Butou Gaiden Chou Yokoku (TRIBE流星のロックマン武闘外伝超予告) is a preview of the Rockman the Shooting Star Tribe manga.
Mega Man Star Force series | |
Main characters | |
Geo Stelar (Omega-Xis • Mega Man) • Luna Platz (Vogue) • Bud Bison (Taurus • Taurus Fire) • Zack Temple (Pedia) • Sonia Strumm (Lyra • Harp Note) • Solo (Laplace • Rogue) Hope Stelar • Kelvin Stelar • Aaron Boreal • Bob Copper • Dr. Goodall Pat Sprigs (Gemini • Gemini Spark) • Hyde (Phantom • Dark Phantom) • A. C. Eos (Acid • Acid Ace) FM King • Dr. Vega • Hollow • Mr. King | |
Games | |
Mega Man Star Force • 2 • 3 • Shooting Star Rockman: Wave Change! On Air! • Rockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star | |
Media | |
Mega Man Star Force • Shooting Star Rockman Tribe Rockman the Shooting Star • Rockman the Shooting Star Tribe Shooting Star Rockman 3 • Shuugeki On-Air!! Shooting Star Rockmeen! | |
Related items | |
Battle Card • BrotherBand • Link Power • EM Being • EM Wave Change • OOPArt • Noise • Dealer • Satella Police • Mobile Terminals • Locations Wave Scanner • Wave Command Card • Noise Mod Gear |