Mass Effect Wiki
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Mass Effect Wiki

Patstriker25 Patstriker25 • 21 June 2015

What i would like to see in mass effect universe

Greetings everyone first i would like say this, i am very interested in Mass Effect Universe. One thing i would like to see is new species, new challenges, and new planets to explore as well as new sectors to explore. I dare say that whatever this new game is gonna be like, i think it will certainly be interesting.

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Patstriker25 Patstriker25 • 20 November 2013

The Indoctrination Theory- Why I believed in it and why i turned from it.

Hello everyone, like many people I was Blinded by my dislike of the endings and my dislike and disbelief of them was so bad that i fooled myself into believing this false theory, thus i grew desperate and blind enough to try to defend it. after a week or two of denial on the wiki and people asking me to stop i came to the realization that i may actually be in denial and my take on the endings started to divide as did my beliefs in the indoctrination theory. in the time before that i thought i was being unjustly attacked and in the end after realizing i had written some outrageous stuff, i realized i was the blind one. hear is how i turned from it, i started examining videos of endings and remembering previous endings i had seen, i realized…

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Patstriker25 Patstriker25 • 8 August 2013

The Thing I like about the endings of the Mass Effect Saga

Hello everyone this is Patstriker25, the thing i like about mass effect 1's endings is that that they are played out sort of based on your actions throughout the game demonstrating the fact the actions have far-reaching consequences.of course i know that it the endings do not change the missions in the game of mass effect 2 but actions like killing Wrex on Virmire, have a major impact on the story of the krogan in the other two games. of course i liked the Mission where you go after the Collectors once and for all as this is one of my favorite missions in mass effect 2. of course i did suffer endings in this game where i lost 1 or 2 team members but as far as i am concerned that is the chaotic nature of the galaxy in the series. Now i know…

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Patstriker25 Patstriker25 • 4 August 2013

Personal Favorite Mass Effect Bosses

Hi everyone my favorite Bosses are Benezia, The rogue Specter Saren, The Reaper Soveriegn, The Thrasher Maw on foot, and the Human Reaper Larva. and oh yes the Shepard Clone.

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Patstriker25 Patstriker25 • 28 July 2013

Things I find disturbing about Mass Effect 3

First off i question why the Reapers would take the citidel to Earth after the Illusive man informed the reapers of the other species plans to destroy them.

Second why would the Reapers build a teleporter where the United Galactic Battle fleet ground forces could infiltrate the citadel.

Third i question why the reapers would abandon the teleporter, which leads to the only means of victory, when there were still enemies gathering near it, in the end sequence a reaper is seen abandoning the beam of light just before shepard supposedly wakes up and makes his way into the teleporter, before then the reapers fire at you, i mean i think it is clear they did not want you to make it to it, so why would they let you board the citadel, that i do not …

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