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Strike Teams

After the arrival of the Initiative in Andromeda, the recently formed militia in the Nexus began recruiting anyone, soldier or mercenary, to serve on the front lines in the APEX Strike Teams. Strike teams are armed squads specialized in assault and extraction missions lead by Tiran Kandros. They serve as Nexus's Firepower to protect and help the colonization in the Heleus Cluster. Enrollment lists show over 300 active members with 150 in reserve, from a variety of species and combat backgrounds.

After the Nexus Reunion with the Hyperion, Pathfinder Ryder is given the authority to manage and dispatch Strike Teams via a console located in the Nexus Operations or in the Tempest.

Strike Teams management can also be accessed via the Mass Effect: Andromeda Multiplayer homepage or via the APEX HQ app. Most APEX Missions can also be performed in the cooperative Multiplayer.


Strike Teams Consoles[]

Strike Teams Menu

Three menus can be accessed from the Strike Teams console:

  • Teams: manage Strike Teams composition, traits, and equipment.
  • Missions: Dispatch and debrief Strike Teams on missions.
  • Rewards: Collect rewards to support colonization effort.

Manage Strike Teams[]

Each Strike Team is randomly composed of agents from multiple species from the Milky Way. Their default naming convention is based on the NATO phonetic alphabet, though they can be renamed from the APEX HQ app. The composition of the team is purely aesthetic and has no impact on the chances of success of the mission.

One Strike Team is available at the beginning but another 5 teams can be recruited for an increasing cost of Mission Funds, up to a maximum of 6. Existing teams can be retired to make way for fresh teams. Retiring a team does not give any sort of resources back or bonuses. However, if a Team is retired, the cost of recruiting a new one will decrease in line with how many Teams are active.

Active Strike Teams 1 2 3 4 5 6
New Team Cost N/A 40 MEA Mission Funds Icon 80 MEA Mission Funds Icon 120 MEA Mission Funds Icon 160 MEA Mission Funds Icon 200 MEA Mission Funds Icon

Experience & Levels[]

MEA Strike Teams xp

A fresh Strike Team starts at level 1 and can be increased to a maximum of level 20 by earning experience after each mission. A Team earns experience depending on the difficulty of the mission. A large amount of experience is gained with a successful mission while a failure only gives a smaller amount of experience and no special rewards. Higher levels increase effectiveness as well as the chances of success of the missions.

While evolving, experienced strike teams can also gain one or more Traits.

APEX Missions[]

Main article: APEX Missions

Strike Teams are dispatched in different missions throughout the game. They are generally used for assault and extraction missions located all around the Heleus Cluster but are also dispatched on unique missions that relate the evolution of the APEX militia. Missions are located in a several locations of the Heleus Cluster known as a Firebase.

Unique missions are always located in a specific Firebase against a specific enemy. The location has no impact on the chances of success of Strike Teams as it is only important for APEX Missions in Multiplayer mode.


Bronze mission Silver mission Gold mission Platinum mission
Bronze Silver Gold Platinum

Missions possess 4 different difficulty grades that have an impact on the chances of success, the timer and the Rewards. Unlike other APEX Missions and even if visible in APEX HQ, Platinum Missions are not accessible for Strike Teams and can only be performed by players themselves in the Multiplayer mode.


When a Strike Team is dispatched on a mission, it will take time to be completed depending on its difficulty and characteristics. The missions are running on a separate real-world timer independent from the game time. There is no method to reduce the timer.

Effectiveness and Chance of Success[]

Every Mission has a generic Chance of Success based on its difficulty. The only way to increase the Chance of success to a maximum of 94% is by increasing the Effectiveness of the Strike Teams. Effectiveness is the overall measure of how likely a Strike Team is to successfully complete a mission.

Difficulty Bronze mission Silver mission Gold mission Platinum mission
Base Chances of Success 70% 18% 5% N/A
Effectiveness Penalty 0 -55 -125 N/A

The primary way to increase effectiveness is leveling up a Strike Team. Other factors which affect this stat are Traits and Equipment.

Improving Effectiveness[]

Missions have a chance to be successful depending on their difficulty. This chance can be improve by:

  • Leveling: +5 Effectiveness per level, starting at 0 Effectiveness to a maximum of 95 at level 20.
  • Strike Teams Traits:
    • +/- 5 Effectiveness, Strike Teams may gain a generic Effectiveness bonus or penalty
    • +/- 10 Effectiveness, Strike Teams may gain a Effectiveness bonus or penalty in function of Missions Traits
  • Equipment
    • + 2-20 Effectiveness, Some Items give generic Effectiveness
    • + 10-40 Effectiveness, Some Items give Effectiveness in function of Missions Traits

Chances of Success Table[]

The following table gives the Chances of Success for Missions according to their difficulty grade, the Effectiveness of Strike Team based on their level and other modifiers (Traits & Equipment).

Effectiveness Team Level

(no modifiers)

Bronze mission Silver mission Gold mission
0 1 70% 18% 5%
5 2 74% 21% 5%
10 3 78% 25% 5%
15 4 81% 29% 6%
20 5 84% 33% 6%
25 6 86% 38% 6%
30 7 88% 44% 7%
35 8 89% 50% 7%
40 9 90% 55% 8%
45 10 91% 61% 9%
50 11 92% 66% 10%
55 12 92% 70% 11%
60 13 93% 74% 13%
65 14 94% 78% 15%
70 15 94% 81% 18%
75 16 94% 84% 21%
80 17 94% 86% 25%
85 18 94% 88% 29%
90 19 94% 89% 33%
95 20 94% 90% 38%
100 N/A 94% 91% 44%
105 N/A 94% 92% 50%
110 N/A 94% 92% 55%
115 N/A 94% 93% 61%
120 N/A 94% 94% 66%
125 N/A 94% 94% 70%
130 N/A 94% 94% 74%


At the end of each successful or failed Mission, a Strike Team will earn more or less experience. If the mission is a success, the Team will earn special rewards to help the colonization effort via Pathfinder Ryder or by improving APEX Strike Teams.

Mission Funds

Each Mission grants Mission Funds depending on the status of the mission and not its difficulty:

  • APEX Missions: 10 MEA Mission Funds Icon
  • Strike Team Missions: 5 MEA Mission Funds Icon

Missions Funds can be used to buy new Strike Teams or to equip them. Mission Funds can also be used for other APEX forces in Multiplayer Store.

Loot Boxes

Each mission grants two loot boxes per mission that are available for Ryder. There are several types of loot boxes:

  • Boxes based on mission difficulty separated in 3 types:
    • Credit Loot Box: Credits
    • Item Loot Box: A Weapon or a piece of Armor. The Rank of the item (I-X) is scaled to the level of Ryder at the time of opening.
    • Material Loot Box: A selection of Resources.
  • Research Data Loot box: Milky Way, Heleus, or Remnant Research Points.
Mission Difficulty Bronze mission Silver mission Gold mission Any Difficulty
Loot Box Type Bronze Loot Box


Silver Loot Box


Gold Loot Box


Research Data Loot Box
Research Data
Credit Loot Box Credits Credits Credits 30 Research Data

Rd icon milkyway orange or Rd icon heleus orange or Rd icon remnant orange

Item Loot Box Common or Uncommon Weapon Rare Weapon Ultra Rare Weapon
Material Loot Box Common or Uncommon Mineral or Material Uncommon or Rare Mineral or Material Ultra Rare Mineral or Material

The Military cryo pod perks APEX Tactics and APEX Tactics II give an extra 15% credits each (30% combined) when an APEX mission is completed and its loot box opened. The Ears to the Ground perk offers a 20% chance for an additional award of weapons or armor when an APEX mission is completed and its loot box opened.

Boxes can be opened by Pathfinder Ryder on Strike Teams consoles located in the Tempest or in the Nexus Operations. Boxes must be regularly opened as the max cap is fixed at 200 stored at the same time.

Rewards can be unlocked and used by any character on a player account, but will be scaled to that character's level. They can only be claimed once, meaning any other characters in an account can't get duplicates. An autosave is generated when rewards are claimed to ensure the character gets the items, though manual saving is still recommended afterwards.

Missions & Strike Teams Traits[]

Enemy Type

Strike Teams may encounter three types of enemy during their missions:

Mission Traits

In addition to the enemy type, each mission possesses two random traits that can have an influence on the chances of success for experienced and/or equipped Strike Teams.

Strike Teams Traits

After a mission, a strike team will earn experience and have a small chance to gain new permanent Traits that have a positive or negative influence on the chances of success of next missions. Positive traits are acquired through successful mission completion and negative traits are inflicted through mission failures. Those traits are permanent and cannot be removed.

A team can have a maximum of 5 positive and 5 negative Traits. Thus, it is advisable to retire teams that have incurred too many negative traits, provided there are available Mission Funds, in order to start fresh with a new team.

A Team can earn a generic trait that will influence the overall effectiveness for every mission while other traits will only have an influence with a specific Mission Trait.

In addition to those traits, certain types of equipment also have an impact on the chances of success based on mission traits.

Mission Traits Positive Strike Team Traits Negative Strike Team Traits Related Items
Universal Elite
Grizzled Veteran

+5 Effectiveness

Injured Teammate
Low on Supplies
Reluctant Soldier
Slow Reflexes

-5 Effectiveness

See Items
Kett Kett Specialist

+10 Effectiveness

Kett Hysteria

-10 Effectiveness

Outlaw Outlaw Specialist

+10 Effectiveness

Outlaw Hysteria

-10 Effectiveness

Remnant Remnant Specialist

+10 Effectiveness

Remnant Hysteria

-10 Effectiveness

Nighttime Nighttime Operator

+10 Effectiveness

Night Blindness

-10 Effectiveness

Night Vision I-IV

+10-40 Effectiveness

Poor Weather Conditions Rugged

+10 Effectiveness


-10 Effectiveness

All Weather Gear I-IV

+10-40 Effectiveness

High-Risk, High-Reward Daring

+10 Effectiveness


-10 Effectiveness

Breaching Charges I-IV

+10-40 Effectiveness

We Need A Hero Heroic

+10 Effectiveness

Hero Complex

-10 Effectiveness

Empowered Shields I-IV

+10-40 Effectiveness

A Hostage Situation Hostage Rescue Specialist

+10 Effectiveness

N/A Quick Response Vehicle I-IV

+10-40 Effectiveness

Alien Presence N/A Xenophobe

-10 Effectiveness

Bribe Attempt Virtuous

+10 Effectiveness


-10 Effectiveness

Enemies Everywhere Bloodthirsty

+10 Effectiveness


-10 Effectiveness

Key Intelligence Component N/A Poor Intelligence

-10 Effectiveness

No Room for Error Precise

+10 Effectiveness


-10 Effectiveness

Scary Fearless

+10 Effectiveness


-10 Effectiveness

Silent and Deadly Stealthy

+10 Effectiveness


-10 Effectiveness



Equipment is bought with Mission Funds for each active Strike Team to improve their effectiveness and thus their chances of success for missions. Some items give a minor improvement to the overall effectiveness while others can give a strong effectiveness boost but only for specific mission traits. Items don’t expire and carry over after missions, regardless of a Strike Team's success or failure.

Only one item can be equipped by a Strike Team. If an item is replaced, the previous one will be removed and lost.

Icon Item Item Requirements Item traits Cost
Strike Teams Adrenaline Shots Adrenaline Shots Level 1 +2 Effectiveness 25 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Crate Of Specialized Ammo Crate Of Specialized Ammo Level 2 +4 Effectiveness 50 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Weapon Rail Amps Weapon Rail Amps Level 3 +6 Effectiveness 75 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Amplifier Modules Amplifier Modules Level 4 +8 Effectiveness 100 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams N7 Armor N7 Armor Level 5 +10 Effectiveness 125 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Recovered Remnant Tech Recovered Remnant Tech Level 6 +12 Effectiveness 150 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Electronic Countermeasures Electronic Countermeasures Level 7 +14 Effectiveness 175 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Electromagnetic Pulse Device Electromagnetic Pulse Device Level 8 +16 Effectiveness 200 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Black Widows Black Widows Level 9 +18 Effectiveness 225 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Exceptional Human Intelligence Exceptional Human Intelligence Level 10 +20 Effectiveness 250 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Night Vision I Night Vision I Level 5 +10 Effectiveness during Nighttime Missions 50 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Night Vision II Night Vision II Level 5 +20 Effectiveness during Nighttime Missions 75 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Night Vision III Night Vision III Level 10 +30 Effectiveness during Nighttime Missions 100 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Night Vision IV Night Vision IV Level 10 +40 Effectiveness during Nighttime Missions 125 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams All Weather Gear I All Weather Gear I Level 5 +10 Effectiveness during Poor Weather Conditions 50 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams All Weather Gear II All Weather Gear II Level 5 +20 Effectiveness during Poor Weather Conditions 75 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams All Weather Gear III All Weather Gear III Level 10 +30 Effectiveness during Poor Weather Conditions 100 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams All Weather Gear IV All Weather Gear IV Level 10 +40 Effectiveness during Poor Weather Conditions 125 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Breaching Charges I Breaching Charges I Level 5 +10 Effectiveness during High-Risk, High-Reward 50 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Breaching Charges II Breaching Charges II Level 5 +20 Effectiveness during High-Risk, High-Reward 75 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Breaching Charges III Breaching Charges III Level 10 +30 Effectiveness during High-Risk, High-Reward 100 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Breaching Charges IV Breaching Charges IV Level 10 +40 Effectiveness during High-Risk, High-Reward 125 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Empowered Shields I Empowered Shields I Level 5 +10 Effectiveness during We Need A Hero 50 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Empowered Shields II Empowered Shields II Level 5 +20 Effectiveness during We Need A Hero 75 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Empowered Shields III Empowered Shields III Level 10 +30 Effectiveness during We Need A Hero 100 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Empowered Shields IV Empowered Shields IV Level 10 +40 Effectiveness during We Need A Hero 125 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Quick Response Vehicle I Quick Response Vehicle I Level 5 +10 Effectiveness during A Hostage Situation 50 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Quick Response Vehicle II Quick Response Vehicle II Level 5 +20 Effectiveness during A Hostage Situation 75 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Quick Response Vehicle III Quick Response Vehicle III Level 10 +30 Effectiveness during A Hostage Situation 100 MEA Mission Funds Icon
Strike Teams Quick Response Vehicle IV Quick Response Vehicle IV Level 10 +40 Effectiveness during A Hostage Situation 125 MEA Mission Funds Icon