This category comprises all of the missions from the Mass Effect games.
- Main article: Missions
- Main article: Missions (Mass Effect: Andromeda)
- See also: Assignments
To add an article to this category, put [[Category:Missions]]
at the end of that article.
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All items (1315)
- A Batarian Army
- A Better Beginning
- File:A better beginning - drack in a scrap.png
- File:A better beginning - glyph hunting.png
- File:A better beginning - introducing the nomad.png
- File:A better beginning - kett party crashers.png
- File:A better beginning - monolith convergence.png
- File:A better beginning - nexus leadership at pathfinder hq.png
- File:A better beginning - power pipes.png
- File:A better beginning - realtime bridge.png
- File:A better beginning - scanning reconstruction.png
- File:A better beginning - site 1 boundaries.png
- File:A better beginning - site 1 building labels.png
- File:A better beginning - site 1 kett goons.png
- File:A better beginning - site 1 outpost central control exterior.png
- File:A better beginning - site 1 outpost central control.png
- File:A better beginning - site 1 power pylon.png
- File:A better beginning - site 1 power relay station.png
- File:A better beginning - southwest monolith guardians.png
- File:A better beginning - start from somewhere.png
- File:A catwalk on the Barn.png
- File:A corridor to the outside.png
- A Dying Planet
- A Formula for Hope
- File:A formula for hope CZ1.png
- File:A formula for hope CZ2.png
- File:A formula for hope CZ3.png
- File:A formula for hope CZ4.png
- File:A formula for hope CZ5.png
- File:A formula for hope CZ6.png
- File:A formula for hope.png
- A Frosty Reception
- A Job for Danny Messier
- File:A long fight to get out.png
- A Lost Sister
- File:A meeting of krogan at the hollows.png
- A Packaged Deal
- A People Divided
- File:A shuttle to leave the Barn.png
- File:A trail of hope - conversation opportunities at the docks.png
- File:A trail of hope - don't piss off the guards.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - angaran brofist.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - angaran hug.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - aya vault entrance.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - captive Moshae.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - creepy cult stuff.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - destroy the facility or save the angara.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - gassy adversaries.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - holo Evfra.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - kett kidnap pods.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - kett klassroom.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - medbay moshae.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - military and cultural icons.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - moshae napping.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - press console to continue.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - rooftop long walk 1.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - rooftop long walk 2.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - shuttle pad boss fight.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - stars and skies light our way.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - teacher and student.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - the horrible truth.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - the moshae in aya's vault.png
- File:A trail of hope 2 - the moshae's fans.png
- A Trail of Hope I
- A Trail of Hope II
- Access Corridor
- File:Admiralty judgment.png
- File:Aeia - jacob's flying lessons.png
- File:Aeia - taylor headquarters.png
- File:Aeia's moons.png
- File:AeiaFemaleCampLE2.png
- File:AeiaHunterAmbushLE2.png
- File:Afterlife VIP - morinth chillin.png
- File:Afterlife VIP.png
- Aid APEX
- File:Alarei - father-daughter bonding.png
- File:Alarei bridge.png
- File:Alert on the Barn.png
- File:Aleutsk valley - snek path (no u).png
- File:Aleutsk valley - tunnel 1 entrance.png
- File:Aleutsk valley - tunnel 2 entrance.png
- File:An obvious trap.png
- File:Ana Carrell data pad.png
- File:AnayaPitneForLE2.png
- File:AnayaPortraitLE2.png
- File:Angaran resistance base - the mechanic and his monster truck.png
- Apien Crest: Banner of the First Regiment
- File:Archangel explosion.jpg
- File:Archangel mercenaries.jpg
- File:Aria's couch.png
- Aria: Blood Pack
- Aria: Blue Suns
- Aria: Eclipse
- File:Arrae - Ex-Cerberus Scientists.png
- Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists
- File:Ashley Williams Eden Prime.png
- Aspirations
- File:Aspirations - warlord barrett.png
- File:Assembler pair.png
- File:Athame Statue 1.png
- Athena Nebula: Hesperia-Period Statue
- File:Attican traverse - charr's resting place.png
- File:Attican Traverse - Krogan Team.png
- File:Attican traverse krogan team central chamber.png
- Attican Traverse: Krogan Team
- AVP Cryo Deployment Perks
- File:AVP cryo development perks dramatis personae.png
- File:AzureParkingLotBattleGuide.png
- Behind Enemy Lines
- File:Bekenstein - brute force guards.png
- File:Bekenstein - kasumi acrobatics.png
- File:Bekenstein - requiescat in pace.png
- File:Bekke mission CZ1.png
- File:Bekke mission CZ2.png
- File:Bekke mission CZ3.png
- File:Bekke mission CZ4.png
- File:Bekke mission CZ5.png
- File:Bekke mission CZ6.png
- File:Bekke mission.png
- File:Benning - dog tags location.png
- Benning: Evidence
- File:Biotic amp interface location.png
- Bridge Sabotage
- File:Briefing on Ice Giant.png
- File:BrokerShipExteriorBattleGuide.png
- Brought to Light
- File:Burning Sunlight on Haestrom.jpg
- Caleston: Last Man Standing
- File:Casino infiltration - red wiring (marked).png
- File:Casino infiltration - yellow wiring guards (marked).png
- File:Cerberus additions around the derelict reaper core.png
- File:Cerberus HQ fleet.png
- File:Cerberus is no match for Randall.png
- File:Cerberus lab artifact 1.png
- File:Cerberus lab artifact 2.png
- File:Cerberus retribution - arguing citizens.png
- File:Cerberus try to resist.png
- File:ChakwasRescuedLE2.png
- File:Chat with the volus.png
- File:Chora's den - fist defense.png
- File:Citadel - crucible schematics.png
- File:Citadel - med sabotage doc (also photo op 3).png
- File:Citadel - normandyjack.png
- File:Citadel - photo op 2.png
- File:Citadel - refugee memorial wall aka photo op 1.png
- File:Citadel - tactus and guys.png
- File:Citadel - ward control.png
- File:Citadel Archives - Escape.png
- Citadel Archives: Escape
- Citadel Arena: Charity Reaper Challenge
- Citadel Arena: Geth Challenge
- Citadel Arena: Medi-Gel Challenge
- Citadel Arena: Prothean Challenge
- Citadel Arena: Reaper Solo Challenge
- Citadel Arena: Thermal Clip Challenge
- Citadel Arena: Unusual Scores
- File:Citadel Docks - Retake the Normandy.png
- Citadel Docks: Retake the Normandy
- File:Citadel final battle - council chambers geth.png
- File:Citadel final battle - destroyed destroyer overspawns, electric boogaloo.png
- File:Citadel final battle - destroyed destroyer overspawns.png
- File:Citadel final battle - elevator geth.png
- File:Citadel final battle - final boss fight intro.png
- File:Citadel final battle - krogan slaughter squad.png
- File:Citadel final battle - Presidium husk bros.png
- File:Citadel final battle - sniperrocket threat.png
- File:Citadel galaxy mission CZ1.png
- File:Citadel galaxy mission CZ2.png
- File:Citadel galaxy mission CZ3.png
- File:Citadel galaxy mission CZ4.png
- File:Citadel galaxy mission CZ5.png
- File:Citadel galaxy mission CZ6.png
- File:Citadel galaxy mission CZ7.png
- File:Citadel galaxy mission CZ8.png
- File:Citadel galaxy mission CZ9.png
- File:Citadel garrus - 1 down 2 to go.png
- File:Citadel garrus - boom headshot.png
- File:Citadel garrus - sneaking around.png
- File:Citadel ME1 SLI - Citadel Security.png
- File:Citadel ME1 SLI - Docking Bays.png
- File:Citadel ME1 SLI - Flux and Wards Access.png
- File:Citadel ME1 SLI - Lower Wards.png
- File:Citadel ME1 SLI - Presidium.png
- File:Citadel ME1 SLI - Tower.png
- File:Citadel ME1 SLI - Upper Wards.png
- File:Citadel Wards - Ambush.png
- Citadel Wards: Ambush
- Citadel: Alien Medi-Gel Formula
- Citadel: Aria T'Loak
- Citadel: Asari Widow
- Citadel: Barla Von
- Citadel: Batarian Codes