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Station Sabotage

Technician Raj Patil believes someone is sabotaging Nexus systems, and he's asked your help investigating possible sabotage sites.


Prerequisite: Nexus Reunion

This mission is available to start when Pathfinder Ryder walks near the location of Raj Patil in Colonial Affairs and a non-Journal mission is added. Engineer in Trouble will be displayed with an objective Speak With Engineer Patil. A panel will shower a nearby technician in sparks causing him to yelp in pain.

Speak with Raj (marked with a MEA New Mission Map Icon) and he'll introduce himself explaining that he believes someone might be sabotaging Nexus systems. He hasn't reported it since he doesn't trust anyone after the uprising on the Nexus prior to Hyperion's arrival, and even if he wants to he's only an engineer not an investigator.

Raj Patil, uncovering a nefarious deed

Since you weren't there during the mutiny, you're in a position to assist. Agree to help Raj to start this mission. The non-Journal mission will complete after the conversation ends with no rewards. If you choose to decline for whatever reason, Raj can be talked to again to acquire the mission.

Note: This mission must be completed before Meridian: The Way Home as the Hyperion will become unavailable.


There are three potential sabotage points that can be attended to in any order.

Investigate Operation Center site[]

This panel is located adjacent to the northern ramp that leads from the colonial affairs block to the operations block. Scan the Explosion Site. The panel has been accessed remotely, so trace the wiring through the wall with the scanning tool to locate the nearby remote access site, near Nakmor Kesh's office. Scan the Compromised Panel.

Investigate Militia site[]

This panel is located in the Militia Office above eye level on the southern wall.

Investigate Pathfinder HQ site[]

This panel is located in Director Tann's office against the eastern wall. Scan the Explosion Site. This panel has also been accessed remotely, so trace the wiring to the remote access site on the Colonial Affairs deck. Scan the Compromised Panel.

Confront the saboteur[]

Zarah Kellus, potential fall gal

After examining all three sites and cross-referencing the names of the technicians that have worked on the panels, it appears that a technician named Zarah Kellus may be the saboteur. Head to the Hyperion Habitation Deck to confront Zarah with the evidence you've found.

After speaking with the supposed saboteur, it turns out that she has evidence against Raj. It looks like they have both been duped and are being used as a decoy.

Investigate the security footage[]

Head back to the Nexus and view the security footage to find that it's been scrambled. SAM is able to deduce that the likely perpetrator is a human male who works as security.

There are three terminals in the Militia Site that can be accessed for security vids and messages.

Security Footage 1

Day 522, --:--

Network access instability detected. Time stamp scrambled; playback corrupted.

Security Footage 2

Day 523, --:--

Network access instability regurgitated. Time stamp scrambled; playback corrupted.

Failsafe disabled. System restore required.

Security Footage 3

Day 525, --:--

Network access instability regurgitated. Time stamp scrambled; playback corrupted.

Failsafe disabled. System restore failed. Administrator override required.

Scan security people in the Ops Center[]

Use Ryder's scanner on security personnel in the Militia Office on the Nexus. There are only two people that need to be scanned and the area where each person is located has a navpoint MEA Tracked Objective Map Icon.

  • Liev Dutil
  • Bart Cummings

Both of them are innocent.

Scan Nexus security transferred to the Hyperion[]

Dale Atkins meddling where he shouldn't be

Scan personnel that have been transferred to the Hyperion on the Habitation Deck. There are only three people that need to be scanned and the area where each person is located has a navpoint.

When you scan Dale, SAM detects a partial match and the next objective is added.

Note: Only Dale Atkins is actually required to be scanned out of the four suspects; the rest can be ignored without penalty if you're in a hurry.

Confront Dale[]

Speak to Dale and he confesses to his crime.


You decide whether to let Dale leave the station in exile without further punishment or submit him to judgement by the leaders of the Nexus. The decision has no further consequence.


  • +530 XP
  • +73 AVP AVP icon