Mega Man X is the protagonist of the by Capcom. He is the direct successor to Mega Man and is created by . He was designed to be the template for a new series of robots that could think and feel for themselves, possessing a free will just like humans.
X is a playable character in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite.
X was designed to be a more advanced and older looking version of his predecessor. As such, he physically appears to be in his mid-teen year and has green eyes. His armor is similar to Mega Man's, but is more streamlined and features lighter accents and has a red jewel on his forehead.
X possesses a strong will and great sense of justice, intolerant of crime and violence wherever it pops up. He's compassionate, and is a pacifist at heart. This can at times clash with his duties as a Maverick Hunter. He can't understand his enemies or Sigma or their motivation for their actions, and often becomes frustrated when any sort of violence occurs. As the series progressed, he began to question his reason for fighting, to the point of even refusing to sortie because of the destruction that came about from his duties. However, he's had the assistance and guidance of Zero to guide him and help him realize the importance of their battle, helping to shape him into a powerful warrior in his own right.
In the intro of the original game, X's specifications were shown:
- Head is equipped with a Broad-range Eye Camera, allowing him to perceive at greater speeds than a human and an Ultra-sensitive voice recognition system that allows him to hear much better than a human.
- Chest is equipped with an Accumulative Energy Generation Device which stores solar energy and powers all of X's systems. It's also equipped with a secondary supply if he is deprived of solar energy absorption. An ultra compact fuel tank rests within his body can kick in if he's underwater or in dark places. Lastly, his "second brain" lies within this region, and controls his movements, acting as a "heart" of sorts.
- Arms are equipped with an X-Buster (Mega Buster Mark 17), a much more powerful version of Mega Man's Mega Buster weapon, capable of firing plasma shots and can be powered up to unleash Charge Shots through his energy amplifier. Like Mega Man, he can also copy weapons from fallen Mavericks via a Variable Weapon System.
- Legs are equipped with a Gyroscopic Stabilization System, allowing him to fall and land from virtually any height without damage whatsoever. An optional attachment could integrate an Emergency Acceleration System into his feet, allowing him to instantly dash at high speeds, but was later permanently integrated into his frame.
- The interior skeleton is built with a reactive armor that enhances his durability immensely, reducing damage by 93% and ensuring protection for his internal systems. His outer shell is made with a lightweight Titanium-X alloy, giving him both maximum mobility and further increased durability
- In the case that X would need to fight in especially tough battles, Dr. Light created various capsules and installed them in hidden areas around the world, providing him with sets of armor that augment his abilities even further or going so far as to grant new ones entirely. Early on, the armors found were just to generally upgrade his abilities, but eventually came across more situational sets to tackle various hostile environments and reach places his base form couldn't
- In at least two points in time, he wielded the Z-Saber, Zero's famous weapon. Though it can cut through nearly anything, he does not display the same skill and efficiency as Zero did with it.
- X is stated multiple times to have "limitless potential", which allowed him to overpower not only very powerful Mavericks, but the various forms Sigma has taken on. This was also the reason Dr. Light had sealed X away, fearing that his power could spell doom for the world. He would later surpass Zero, who was already an exceptionally powerful Maverick Hunter himself.
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite[]
X seems to have a big role in the story. X already has a connection to Ultron Sigma due to Sigma being one of the two to make him and Zero is under mind-control.
X is prevalent in a number of situations: The re-possession of the Power Stone against Grandmaster Meio, the freeing of Zero from mind control during said re-possession and the invasion against Ultron Sigma in Xgard, which is an effort to distract Ultron Sigma to battle X and his allies while Chris' team (consisting Chun-Li, Doctor Strange, Strider Hiryu and Rocket Raccoon) to rescue Thanos, with X ends up being under Ultron Sigma's heel by the end of the fight until the suicide rescue mission on rescuing Thanos is a success.
X, along with Strider, Captain Marvel, Gamora, Nova & Rocket head to Knowmoon to retrieve the Power Stone from Grandmaster Meio. While looking for it, X witnesses Zero being mind-controlled by Meio and is forced to fight him. X wins the fight and Zero regains his consciousness and allies himself with the rest of the heroes from then on while Strider and Gamora deliver the finishing blow on Meio.

A powered-up X about to fire the Infinity Buster.
X's arm cannon design was used by Iron Man to try and create the Infinity Buster to take down Ultron Sigma. X goes with a number of other heroes back to Xgard to keep Ultron Sigma busy while Iron Man and Thanos finish making the Infinity Buster. When Thor is freed from mind control due to the Soul Stone, he and X team up to weaken Ultron Omega, alongside Captain Marvel and Dante. Iron Man then arrives to summon the Infinity Buster. X is unable to hold the strength of the buster even when powered up, however with the assistance of Doctor Strange and Morrigan, X was able to be strong enough to fire the Infinity Buster and destroy Ultron Omega, ending the monstrous dictator's rule.
Profile Entry (MvC:I)[]
Robot researcher Dr. Cain discovered and awakened X from his slumber in a mysterious capsule. Dr. Cain was stunned to find that X was a completely new type of robot; one with the ability to think for himself and act upon his own free will. X was reverse-engineered by Dr. Cain, and although not all of his functions could be fully analyzed, the breakthroughs were enough to create "reploids," a new generation of robots that shared X's sentience. However, disaster struck as certain reploids, dubbed Mavericks, developed malfunctions and became a threat to humans. They caused widespread damage and mass panic. X chose to defend humanity as a Maverick Hunter. Now, in the current crisis, I know he will do whatever it takes to rid the world of Ultron Sigma.
Theme Song[]
- One of X's taunt quotes is a reference to Zero's infamous words[1] from Mega Man X4.
- Aside from Boomerang Cutter, all of X's Special Weapons are the weaknesses of Sigma's first forms in the games they appeared in.
- It is also possible that X can perform a Hadouken from his taunt by using Armor of Light Hyper Combo. While in his First Armor form, by using the taunt button, X can perform a Hadouken. However, as this taunt is considered as Easter egg, his Hadouken is much weaker and it can only hit in short range.
- X also happens to be voiced by the current English voice actor of Dan Hibiki.
- His theme is a remix of "Opening Stage" from Mega Man X.
External links[]
- Capcom Database:
- Mega Man Knowledge Base:
- Wikipedia: Mega Man X