Marvel Database

Quote1 Read my mind. What are you afraid of? Read it, and you'll see. The whole story. Starting with the day I came to the X-Men. The day you let me in through the door--even though you knew damn well I'd been sent there to kill you. Quote2

Appearing in "Chapter 1"

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Synopsis for "Chapter 1"

Walking through San Francisco, Logan reflects on the first time he met Charles Xavier, as one of the new recruits - along with Banshee, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Storm, Sunfire, and Thunderbird - brought together to rescue the original X-Men from Krakoa. Logan says he’s the only one of them who knew why he was there…

Logan meets with a man - a Tibetan monk, Tso Ren Wu - and asks him to take his amnesiac son, Daken, into hiding if he doesn’t hear from Logan in an hour. Wolverine returns to the X-Men’s Marin base of operations to find Emma Frost and get her help to clear the “mess” in Daken’s mind (the way Xavier did for Logan). However, when he sees Frost and Cyclops, he catches Xavier’s scent on them. Furious they didn’t tell him Xavier was alive, Wolverine enters a rage and attacks them both before storming off.

After an hour without hearing from Logan, the monk and his associates grab Daken and take him away. Logan, still fuming, is back in the city. He walks past a diner but does not see Miss Sinister sitting at a booth by the window, watching him.

Appearing in "Chapter 2"

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Synopsis for "Chapter 2"

Daken is brought by the monk’s people to an apartment building safehouse. The monk’s granddaughter tells him that as long as he stays put, he will be protected. However, Daken receives a psychic message telling him to come to the roof of the building. There, he meets Miss Sinister. She tells him he shouldn’t trust Logan; that in fact, Logan caused his amnesia and that she’ll tell him the truth if he comes with her. Daken refuses, and Sinister tells Sebastian Shaw it’s his move.

The air is suddenly filled with Hellfire Club helicopters, which drop napalm onto the safehouse. Daken, thanks to his healing factor, is the only one who makes it out alive. Outside the building, he takes out a couple of Hellfire soldiers before Miss Sinister steps out of the shadows. She invites him again to “come and play” with her, setting a Hellfire Club mask on the ground.

Logan follows Xavier’s scent to a cafe and finds the Professor sitting at a table outside, expecting him. Logan asks Charles to erase Daken’s mental conditioning like the Professor did for him, but Xavier, shaken by his recent meeting with Emma and Cyclops, refuses. Logan scoffs at Xavier’s newfound conscience and pops his claws - Logan isn’t asking. He tells Charles to read his mind so he can see that it was Xavier who wiped Logan’s memories all those years ago, because Wolverine had been sent to the mansion to kill him.

Solicit Synopsis


WHAT IS THE SECRET REASON WOLVERINE JOINED THE X-MEN? The X-Men event of the fall begins in this one-shot! For years, Logan has been a man without a past, whose memories existed only as conflicting fragments. And Charles Xavier has been a master of his own mind and others. Now the tables are turned, and as WOLVERINE struggles to rescue his son, DAKEN, from the evil and darkness that have consumed him, PROFESSOR X comes face-to-face with the most terrifying secret of all! Beginning here and continuing in the pages of X-MEN LEGACY and WOLVERINE: ORIGINS this month and next, ORIGINAL SIN is sure to turn your expectations on their head!

See Also

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