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Appearing in "The Splinter of Discontent"

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Synopsis for "The Splinter of Discontent"

At the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, a simulated battle in the Danger Room is disrupted by a mysterious blast from Dr. Henry McCoy's lab. Beast, obsessed with finding a cure for the Legacy Virus, seems to have inadvertently caused an explosion. X-Force members, Boomer, Shatterstar, Sunspot, and Warpath, rush to the lab to find Beast injured and amidst the wreckage. Despite initial uncertainty about Hank's condition, he assures them he's alive and absolutely himself.

Meanwhile, in New York City, Emma Frost discovers her office transformed into an icy fortress by Iceman. Unfazed, she confronts him, but Bobby, determined to seek her help in mastering his ice powers, takes matters into his own hands. He freezes the blood flow to her brain, demanding assistance in healing his chest injury sustained during the battle against Onslaught's herald named Post.

In the Colorado mountains, Bishop and Gambit share a moment of reflection on their pasts. Archangel and Professor Xavier join the conversation, discussing Psylocke's condition and Warren's weariness of the constant battles. For now, Warren will stay with Betsy and take a break from the X-Men.

Back in Frost Enterprises, Iceman continues his confrontation with Emma, determined to make her help him. However, Emma, always composed, plays mind games with him. She manages to confront Bobby with illusions of his father, ex-girlfriend Opal Tanaka, and even Beast. Emma challenges Iceman to transform back to his human form and making the chest injury disappear. In a moment of intense effort, Bobby succeeds, and Emma commends him on the achievement of finally pushing hilmself to his limits.

See Also

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