Marvel Database

Quote1 Aye, Vashti! 'Tis fitting that my road back to sovereignty of all Atlantis begin with the guardianship... of its newest citizen. Quote2
Sub-Mariner (Namor McKenzie)

Appearing in "Hands Across the Water, Hands Across the Skies"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Tamara (First appearance)
  • Haab (Unnamed)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



  • Tamara's Spacecraft (Destroyed)

Synopsis for "Hands Across the Water, Hands Across the Skies"

Namor returns to Atlantis and defeats a roaming Haab monster. He meets with Vashti and is introduced to Tamara and her cause. The Atlanteans help repair her space ship and send her on her way. Unfortunately, she turns her ship's weapons on Atlantis forcing a confrontation with Namor. Namor subdues her and destroys her ship. Tamara throws herself at the mercy of Vashti and is put in the guardianship of Namor.


  • Plot by Everett, script by Gerber. Layouts by Kweskin.

See Also

Links and References

