Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Alien Costume, Part 2: Paint it Black!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Alien Symbiote
  • Taser probe
  • Capture net launcher
  • Sonic blaster
  • Prometheum X


Synopsis for "The Alien Costume, Part 2: Paint it Black!"

When the Alien Costume almost drives him into killing Rhino, Spider-Man manages to refrain, realizing that the black suit is increasing his aggression. After defeating several bounty hunters seeking to claim J. Jonah Jameson's reward for his capture, he discovers that the suit appears to have a weakness to intense sound after a sonic blaster is used against him. Spider-Man then decides to confront Jameson, warning him to call off the reward, but the publisher refuses. However, after visiting John in hospital, Jameson discovers that the Rhino was indeed at the scene of the shuttle robbery, prompting him to fire Eddie Brock for his lies and call off the bounty on Spider-Man.

After watching Jameson's broadcast withdrawing the reward on Spider-Man and revealing the idea of the Rhino at the scene of the crime, Kingpin wishes to prevent the shuttle robbery from being traced back to him. Alistair Smythe suggests sending the Shocker to eliminate Eddie Brock.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man asks Dr. Curt Connors to carry out some tests on his black suit, and although reluctant at first Connors does so and reveals that the suit is actually a symbiote, a living organism which must bond to a host to survive. He warns Spider-Man that in time the symbiote will replace it's host, urging him to remove it. However, Spider-Man is reluctant.

When the Shocker confronts Brock and prepares to silence him, Spider-Man arrives and interferes, allowing Brock to escape. Shocker flees, and Spider-Man follows, stealing the Prometheum-X from him and Smythe. Back at home, Spidey analyzes the Prometheum and makes an interesting discovery.

The Kingpin demands that the Promtheum-X be recovered immediately, and Smythe arranges for Shocker to kidnap John Jameson and hold him at ransom for the Prometheum. J.J. then asks Spider-Man to help him return John, which is successful, but Smythe double crosses Spider-Man, ordering Shocker to destroy him. As they fight, Spider-Man easily gains the upper hand, webbing up an interfering Brock, before almost killing Shocker, although he refrains by saving him from a lethal fall. Spider-Man uses the sound of ringing church bells to separate from the symbiote. Weakened by the intense sound, the symbiote slithers down a crack in the floor, with Peter assuming it destroyed and fleeing the scene. However, the symbiote bonds with Brock to become the entity known as "Venom".


See Also

Links and References

