Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Gods of Bal-Sagoth"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Conan the Barbarian #17

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Groth-Golka, last of the Lizard-Gods (First appearance; dies)
  • Old Gothan, High Priest (First appearance) (Main story and flashback)
  • Ska, King of Bal-Sagoth (First appearance)
  • "Vertorix" (First appearance)

Other Characters:

Deities and Invocations:

Races and Species:



  • Rion's Pendant
  • Conan's sword
  • Jade Amulet of Kingship / Amulet of royal power (First appearance)


Synopsis for "The Gods of Bal-Sagoth"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Conan the Barbarian #17

Conan, arrived for the first time in Turan, travels on a Turanian galley on the Vilayet sea that is attacked by a pirate crew led by he pirate Fafnir, whom he met, briefly, in Shadizar some months ago (CB Vol 1 6). Conan's crew is defeated and killed, but Conan is pressed into service of the pirates. Before anything can happen, however, the ship is scuttled on a hidden reef in mysterious white mists, and only Conan and Fafnir make it to shore. They fight for a minute, then realize they are too evenly matched and have no real reason to fight anyway. Together, they rescue a girl from a dinosaur-like monster. The girl, Kyrie, reveals that the two are on the ancient island Bal-Sagoth, and that she also was shipwrecked on the island but, as she had scarlet hair like the sea-goddess Aala, was taken as an object of worship. The high priest Gothan, however, took over and killed those loyal to Kyrie, and dumped the girl on the lagoon to be killed. Fafnir and Conan, desperate for food, agree to help Kyrie get her kingdom back, fulfilling an ancient prophecy. The three reach the imposing castle and march right in, relying on the power of the prophecy of two men from the sea who will destroy the reptile guardian. Gothan's puppet king, Ska, has his champion, Vertorix, challenge Conan, but after a brief battle, the onlookers discover that Vertorix is an empty suit of armor that fights like a man! Kyrie realizes that Gothan controls the armor, and using her mirrored headdress, reflects the sun into Gothan's eyes, causing him to lose concentration. The armor crumbles to the ground and Gothan and Ska flee, leaving Kyrie, Fafnir, and Conan in charge.

Appearing in "The Thing in the Temple!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Conan the Barbarian #18

Featured Characters:

  • Conan (Also appears in recap)

Supporting Characters:


  • Aala (Kyrie) (Death) (Also appears in recap)
  • Old Gothan, High Priest (Death) (Also appears in recap)
  • Ska, King of Bal-Sagoth (Death) (Also appears in recap)
  • Groth-Golka (Only in recap)
  • Unnamed Demon (First appearance)
  • Unnamed servant of Gothan (First appearance; dies)
  • Aala's guardsmen (First appearance)
  • Unnamed bat-faced creature (First appearance; dies)
  • Gol-Goroth, god of darkness (Mentioned)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:




Synopsis for "The Thing in the Temple!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Conan the Barbarian #18

Kyrie, formally Aala, now rules Bal-Sagoth, with Conan and Fafnir as her de-facto bodyguards. One evening, when Conan and Fafnir are surprisingly drowsy, a brutish monster crawls from behind the wall hangings. Conan manages to push the creature into a fire, and, seeing more movement behind the hangings, stabs blindly. A priest loyal to Gothan, the former priestly ruler of the island, falls dead. He had cast a sleeping spell on Conan and Fafnir and sent out the monster; luckily Conan is made of sterner stuff. Unfortunately, a scream from Aala's chamber alerts the two that a bat-creature has sneaked into her room. The two warriors struggle with the monster and Fafnir chases it into the tunnels. Aala forbids Conan to follow his comrade whom she thinks is doomed there, and do not want to lose her second bodyguard. As Conan tosses her aside to follow Fafnir, she is furious with the two men and tells her soldiers to kill them both. Finding an underground temple, Fafnir and Conan come upon Gothan's body, who had apparently been killed by the bat-creature. With the death of its master, the temple begins to collapse, and as Conan and Fafnir try to flee, they run into Ska, another pretender to the throne. Fafnir makes short work of the man and the two barbarians make it out of the tunnels as the entire area caves in, and a volcano erupts, burying the city. The two men cobble together a raft and desperately sail away, only to find themselves at the mercy of Prince Yezdigerd of Turan, on the way to battle. Conan and Fafnir join his crew.

Appearing in "The Right Hand of Doom"

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Right Hand of Doom"

  • Synopsis not yet written


  • Date: August on cover, July in indicia.
  • This issue also includes:

See Also

Links and References

