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Quote1 You killed my brother -- and now you'll pay! Quote2

Appearing in "Sorcerer's Duel!"

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Synopsis for "Sorcerer's Duel!"

Continued from last issue...

Illyana brutally attacks Forge, accusing him or murdering the X-Men on purpose. Even though Forge tries to tell her that he was also deeply hurt by the experience and admits that it's his fault, Illyana refuses to see his side of the story. Sam manages to pull Illyana out of the battle to try and save Forge's life, but Illyana simply teleports herself and Forge to Limbo to turn the tide in her favor. The New Mutants follow against Illyana's wishes, so she traps them in vines to supposedly keep them out of harm's way.

As the vines begin to strangle the New Mutants, Illyana further progresses into her Darkchilde persona as she continues her assault on Forge, leading to a stray blast breaking her scrying mirror. Forge swears that it was an accident, but the Darkchilde just calls him accident-prone. Forge supposes that this is correct, reflecting on how his accidental depowering of Storm led to the entire Adversary situation in the first place. Disheartened, Forge tells Illyana to kill him as the Darkchilde's demons encourage her. The Darkchilde stabs Forge, sapping his magic but not killing him. Before she strikes the final blow, Dani projects Illyana's worst fear, her full demonic form, causing Illyana to snap out of her rage and save the New Mutants from the vines as well as sparing Forge. She gives Forge his magic back before dropping him off back in Dallas, stating that he doesn't deserve to join Storm in death. The New Mutants then return to the Mansion, where Illyana claims that she is a monster and she's going to destroy the world. Rahne manages to convince her that she's not a monster because she didn't kill them, causing Illyana to send her Soulsword back to Limbo and drop her Darkchilde armor.

In space, Spyder tells his pet servant Gosamyr that Lila Cheney's life is his and he needs Gosamyr to capture her for him.

See Also

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