Marvel Database

Quote1 Boy, you are so lucky... I'm the forgiving sort... when it comes to the man I love. Quote2
Lila Cheney

Appearing in "New Song for Old"

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  • a bus
  • Lila Cheney's tour bus
  • Lila Cheney's private jet - (Destruction)

Synopsis for "New Song for Old"

Sam goes home to visit his family, and is worried about how his mom will react to Lila Cheney, his girlfriend, who will be joining them for dinner one night. His brother Josh is resentful of him. He goes to see Lila that evening; Lila has brought something to give Sam's mother, but its obviously valuable so Sam thinks she stoles it and they part angry. Sam confronts Josh, but Josh doesn't want to hear it. Eventually they come to an understanding. Later, Lila crashes her plane and Sam takes Josh with him to see if she survived. He finds out Lila made the item herself from Ali, and begs her forgiveness. Finally, Lila comes over to the Guthrie house for dinner.


New Mutants Vol 1 41 The Guardians

The Guardians, by James Stephenson, winner of the 3-2-1 Contact Magazine Create-A-Mutant contest.

Report Card letters page has letters from Jim Meat of New Hope, Minnesota and Susan Pashkoff of the Committee for Palestine. Both letters are in response to New Mutants #27. Also, the winner of 3-2-1-Contact Magazine's Create-A-Mutant contest, James Stephenson of Staten Island, New York, had their drawing of The Guardians published, as selected by John Romita Jr..

See Also

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