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Quote1 You had your chance you turned it down! For ages we though you humans were our friends... We held back the munntosso for you... only we prevented the munntosso from destroying the surface of Earth! But now we will help you no longer! Now we will leave you to the mercy of the munntosso! And then, when human beings are gone from the Earth we will occupy it alone! I have spoken! Quote2
Lizard-Man (Zraa Zromm)

Appearing in "The Lizard-Man"

Featured Characters:

  • Lizard-Man (Zraa Zromm)

Supporting Characters:

  • United Nations


Other Characters:

  • Unidentified Police Department
  • FBI (Mentioned)
  • Numerous unnamed subterraneans

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Lizard-Man"

A representative of an underground race of lizard-men asks the leaders of UN countries for some surface territory for their people. When he is rebuffed, he releases volcanic activity upon the surface world.

Appearing in "The Werewolf Was Afraid"

Featured Characters:

  • Eric Lanson (Apparent death)


  • Unnamed Werewolf

Other Characters:

  • Numerous unnamed "sportsmen"

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Werewolf Was Afraid"

An English sports hunter journeys to Austria with the intention of hunting werewolves. Since his sense of fair play doesn't allow him to kill any animal in cold blood without first provoking it to attack, he is mortified when he comes upon a werewolf in a clearing sitting upon a stone reading a poetry book while sniffing flowers. The Englishman thinks that this just won't do and calls the werewolf all sorts of nasty names but the werewolf just tells him to leave him alone and stop bothering him. Finally the Englishman thinks of what the boys back home will say about his failure and this makes his blood boil with rage. Suddenly, the werewolf springs forward and knocks his gun away. "Not so brave without your gun, are you?" The werewolf devours the hunter explaining that the English are so droll he has to work them into a froth as they are better-tasting meals hot-blooded then cold.

Appearing in "The Collector"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Collector"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "The Face of Horror"

Featured Characters:

  • Derck Winters (Main story and flashback)

Supporting Characters:

  • Dr. Basil Blake (First appearance; dies)

Other Characters:

  • Emily (Only in flashback)
  • Janice (Only in flashback)
  • Unnamed Doctor (Only in flashback)
  • Unidentified Police Department

Races and Species:

  • Humans (Main story and flashback)
  • Pigs (Referenced)



  • Basil Blake's car

Synopsis for "The Face of Horror"

Derck Winters is quite possibly the ugliest man in the world. Trapped within a pitiful existence, Derck's shame prevents him from forming any sort of social bonds including friendships, romantic relationships or even the ability to hold a job. He once consulted a plastic surgeon, but the doctor told him that there was only man in the world skillful enough to change his face. His name is Basil Blake, but he lives in London and charges $10,000 per operation. Derck cannot even afford airfare to England let alone the cost of the operation. More morose than ever, Derck leaves his apartment and crosses the street. A car strikes him knocking him to the ground. Derck is uninjured, but upon seeing the affluence of the man who struck him, decides to take advantage of the situation. The man is apologetic and offers to help. Derck demands money for his "injuries" or else he will sue him. The man gives him $500, but Derck knows that he can get more. He flies into a rage and strangles the man. As the driver falls dead to the ground, Derck rifles through his wallet. Mad fits of hysterical laughter overwhelm him as he sees the I.D. of the man he just murdered - Basil Blake, the plastic surgeon.

Appearing in "3-Dimensions"

Featured Characters:

  • Rudi the Great

Supporting Characters:

  • Rudi's Gang

Other Characters:

  • Unnamed Film Projectionist

Races and Species:



  • Rudi's Hypnotic Movie

Synopsis for "3-Dimensions"

A hypnotist calling himself Rudi the Great puts together a team of thugs for the perfect crime. They set up a movie theater to play an image of him that hypnotizes the audience into giving up their valuables. The plan backfires however when Rudi and his men who are sitting in the theater are also effected by the film and like everyone else in the theater forgets it even happened to begin with.

Appearing in "The Wooden Woman"

Featured Characters:

  • Gustav

Supporting Characters:

  • Wooden Woman
  • Unnamed Witch (Apparent death)


Other Characters:

  • Dieu (Invoked)
  • Joséphine (Mentioned)

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Wooden Woman"

A lonely woodcarver is tasked to create a beautiful woman instead of the usual monstrous creatures he creates for the figureheads of ships. Gustav end ups falling for the wood carving and she speaks at midnight confessing her love before returning motionless. Gustav holds off his completion date to Napoléon who ordered the figurehead and visits a witch to turn him into wood so that he may spend his days with the wooden woman on the ship. The witch mentions the wooden woman and after taking the potion Gustav kills her to silence what she knows. Upon returning to his shop he drinks the potion and turns into wood at midnight, only for the wooden woman to turn human. If Gustav hadn't killed the witch he would have known she came to his shop earlier and cast the spell to do just that.


Publication Notes[]

  • Last monthly issue of the series. Beginning with Menace #9, the series is published on a bi-monthly schedule.
  • "The Werewolf Was Afraid" is reprinted in Beware #1.
  • "The Face of Horror" is reprinted in Fear #12.
  • A very similar story to "The Wooden Woman" is printed in Tales to Astonish #13 called, "My Friend is... Not Quite Human!" with minor changes and different art.

See Also

Links and References

