Marvel Database

Appearing in "Marvel's Secret Artist"

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Synopsis for "Marvel's Secret Artist"

Ron and Don leave the robot Cyril as a guard for Marvel's Secret Artist but the artist sneaks in a gets Cyriil dressed up as Doctor Doom and leaves a new version of Doctor Doom.

Appearing in "The Battle of the Four Armies!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #5

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "The Battle of the Four Armies!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #5

Mister Fantastic's worse fears have been realized: trapped on Battleworld by the Beyonder, Galactus has summoned his worldship so that he can consume this patchwork world and sate his hunger. Although this is awesome sight, the assembled heroes try to figure out what to do next. The healer named Zsaji is in a panic, so the Human Torch tries to calm her down, however there is a language barrier between the two of them. In order to break past them, Zsaji takes Johnny to her home where she opens a bottle containing a strange gas that allows them to meld minds so Johnny can tell her what's going on. He recounts how they were gathered by the Beyonder to battle to the death and obtain their heart's desire, leading to a clash with super-villains being led by Doctor Doom, this resulted in the injuries the heroes sustained before seeking Zsaji's help.

Elsewhere, the X-Man known as Colossus tries to sleep but cannot help but think about his girlfriend Kitty Pryde whom he left at home. His thoughts about her are quickly cut off by the telepathic summons of Professor X. Colossus joins the rest of the X-Men in meeting with Xavier and Magneto. With the threat of Galactus becoming apparent, Magneto orders the X-Men to attack him in order to distract the world devourer long enough for Magneto and Xavier to take a more subtle attack. When Wolverine balks at taking orders from Magneto, the Professor tells his team to follow Magneto's orders. Meanwhile, the Molecule Man and Volcano are bonding and growing closer together. As they walk past the Wrecking Crew and the Absorbing Man, Pile Driver decides to pick on the Molecule Man. When none of his friends back him up in bullying the Molecule Man, Pile Driver learns why that it is not a good idea to make him angry: Owen Reece channels his powers to change Pile Driver's costume into into an ultra hard metal causing him to fall over. Adding insult to injury, Pile Driver has his face pushed into the mud by Volcana and they leave him to be ripped out of his costume by the others. As the others just begin to notice Galactus' worldship hovering over Battleworld, Doctor Doom has long since been aware of its arrival and is busy working on a plan to use this to his advantage. His work is interrupted by the Enchantress who tries to seduce Doom by offering to repair the damage done to his face. Doom resists her offers and tells her to begone. Frustrated by being rejected by a mere mortal, the Enchantress teleports away.

As Magneto and Xavier channel their powers together to try and establish telepathic contact with Galactus, the heroes gathered at the base of his mountain decide what to do next. Mister Fantastic figures he can try to reach out to Galactus as he had recently saved the world devourer's life. However neither ploy works, and Galactus rebuffs telepathic contact and causes a section of Magneto's base to explode while also blasting Reed aside. Seeing the heroes as pests, Galactus unleashes a robot to keep them busy while he begins forming the device he needs to consume Battleworld. Although the heroes manage to destroy the robot set upon them, they are suddenly attacked by Doctor Doom's villains. While the battle rages, Doom watches from a distance. When it appears that his minions are going to succeed, the heroes are saved thank to the timely intervention of the X-Men. The sheer force of the battle is enough to temporarily distract Galactus from his work and while the world devourer's head is turned, Doctor Doom quickly pilots his ship in to the Worldship of Galactus. Doom's minions are forced to flee, but not before seriously wounding Colossus. With the battle over the X-Men pull back but are forced to leave their comrade behind. Although Wolverine protests this, Xavier points out that Colossus' injuries were serious enough that to move him would have killed him and that the heroes have a healer on their side who can save his life.

In the aftermath of the battle, the heroes find Colossus and see that he needs medical attention. When they get Zsaji to heal him, Colossus is taken by how beautiful she is and grows instantly jealous that she happens to be interested in the Human Torch. Colossus then pretends to be in even more pain in order to get more of her healing touch. Meanwhile, as Mister Fantastic and Captain America fear the worst about Galactus, they are unaware that Doctor Doom has gained access to his ship. From within, Doom hopes to find the tools he needs to defeat both Galactus and then the Beyonder. Suddenly his attention is drawn toward something of great interest on one of the walls of the ship.

Appearing in "Yesterday Man"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Alpha Flight #3

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "Yesterday Man"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Alpha Flight #3

Snowbird, having received a mystic communiqué from Shaman, flies across the Northern Territories, in search of her friends in Alpha Flight. She finds the crashed remains of the Omnijet, and uses her post-cognitive perception powers to replay the events that led to the ship's landing. In the vision, she sees a red laser beam originating from beyond the plains striking the ship and sending it down into the snow. Her friends survived the crash and left the ship, briskly walking northward. Snowbird begins following Sasquatch's footprints towards their destination.

Meanwhile, the rest of Alpha Flight has found an entranceway into the technologically advanced lair of the Master. In the hopes of expediting their search for the missing Alphan, Marrina, they split up into two teams. Vindicator and Sasquatch head off in one direction, while Northstar and Aurora fly down an alternate tunnel.

The teams get cut off from one another, and Aurora begins to grow scared. Northstar and she lock hands, generating a blinding glow of light, which illuminates the entire tunnel. As they explore further, large metal poles protrude from the walls. One of them strikes Northstar, rendering him unconscious. Aurora grows even more scared and slips into her meek Jeanne-Marie personality. Vindicator and Sasquatch manage to smash through several yards of thick wall in order to find them.

Meanwhile, the self-proclaimed Master of the World has captured Marrina and strapped her to a large torture device. He alludes to the fact that Marrina's heritage is alien in origin and that both of their destinies are intertwined with one another. While Marrina screams in torment, the Master amuses himself by relating his own origin.


The Master was once a member of a tribe of humans known as the Eshu that thrived in the Northern wastelands over 40,000 years ago. The Eshu maintained a strict code against the taking of human life, and discovered that the Master had in fact violated this stringent law.
Exiled from the community, he wandered south until he felt an instinctive need to change course and head farther north. An unidentifiable summons drew him closer and closer to the North Pole until he discovered the ruins of an enormous spaceship. Entering the vessel, the Master found himself at the whims of this seemingly living ship. The ship captured him and used his body for excessive experimentation. It slowly stripped away all of his biological matter for study, and then progressively replaced it with renewed tissue. The sheer pain and torture of the experience ultimately drew him insane, and he remained a prisoner of the ship’s controls for years. Eventually, he regained his sanity, and his consciousness evolved to the point, that he was able to wrest control of the ship and free himself.

The Master concludes his story and tells Marrina that the egg that birthed her originated with this ship, and that she belongs to a race of extraterrestrials that came to Earth millennia ago. Before he begins his ultimate takeover of the world, the Master is determined to eliminate all traces of the original alien race.

Suddenly, the Sub-Mariner and the Invisible Girl appear in the doorway of the Master's torture chamber. Neither hero is prepared to allow the Master continue with his mad plans.


  • Also includes a "S.H.I.E.L.D. report" which was a rewritten Handbook profile on Wrecker
  • To learn more about the "Marvel's Secret Artist" series please go here

See Also

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