Marvel Database

Quote1 I have a friend who believes in me. I have a brother whom I love. I am my own, and I will not sit long in any box built for me. These things are right. These things we'll keep. As for the rest... Let's tell a different story. Let's be something new. Quote2

Appearing in "The Magic Theater"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Skald (a teller of stories) (Only in flashback)
  • Odin (Only in flashback)
  • Thor (Mentioned)
  • Void (Mentioned)



Synopsis for "The Magic Theater"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

• Loki began his third life by annihilating the soul of his second - his better, purer self. Now he pays the price.

• King Loki has won the game. Loki is burning. There is no way out.

• What lie - or truth - will save him now?

See Also

Links and References

