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Quote1 This is the way Dory Funk, Jr. always starts 'rasslin' matches... and if it's good enough for the champ... it's good enough for ol' Benjamin Grimm! Quote2
The Thing

Appearing in "The World, My Jury!"

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Synopsis for "The World, My Jury!"


The Hulk begins rampaging across the landing strip at JFK International Airport. The Fantastic Four and a complement of military personnel try to contain him, but the Hulk easily tears through the army's tanks. The Thing grapples with the Hulk, but the green goliath reverses the hold and flips the Thing onto the asphalt. Civilians present at the scene begin scattering except for J. Jonah Jameson who barks orders at photographer Peter Parker to take pictures. Parker, however, feigns being sick, so that he can run off and change into his Spider-Man costume. Matt Murdock exits the plane that brought the Hulk to New York and secretly changes into Daredevil. As Daredevil rushes towards the Hulk, the Human Torch creates a blinding flash of light that temporarily distracts the Hulk long enough for the Thing to land a punch across his nose. Daredevil tries to intervene, but the Hulk grabs a hold of his billy club and slings Daredevil backward where he lands harshly on the wing of the airplane. As the Hulk turns to resume his fight with the Thing, Mister Fantastic brandishes a weapon called the "Nega-Gamma" and fires it into the Hulk. The excessive dose of concentrated Gamma radiation overwhelms the Hulk and he falls forward unconscious. The Hulk is then loaded into a triple-layered titanium steel containment pod designed by Tony Stark.

As days pass, Matt Murdock prepares his defense for the Hulk's trial. Unfortunately, he will be pleading the case against his old partner, now a district attorney, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson. Murdock confers with Reed Richards who tells him that he had hoped his Nega-Gamma gun might hold the key to curing the Hulk.

At the arraignment, Murdock argues that it is impossible for the Hulk to receive a fair trial and motions for dismal based upon the Hulk's obvious diminished mental capacity to stand trial. By law, the Hulk's presence is required in the courtroom, though he is bound and gagged with heavily fortified metallic bonds. The judge rejects Murdock's motion and proceeds with jury selection.

Reed Richards returns to the Baxter Building and continues studying the Nega-Gamma gun. He is desperate to save the life of the Hulk's alter ego, Bruce Banner, who in truth, is innocent of all the crimes perpetrated by the Hulk.

As the trial commences, Murdock calls the Avengers in to testify as character witnesses. The judge dismisses the relevance of their testimony, citing that Murdock is using their reputation and showy display of powers to prejudice the jury.

Reed arrives at the court and asks the judge for the opportunity to try his Nega-Gamma gun on the Hulk so that he can prompt the transformation back into Bruce Banner. The judge agrees and Richards activates the device. The tactic fails, however, and the only thing he succeeds in doing is making the Hulk stronger. The Hulk's anger intensifies until he is strong enough to break free of his bonds. He smashes through the courthouse walls to the outside and leaps away.

Solicit Synopsis

The Hulk on trial! Matt Murdock for the defense! A zillion surprise guest-witnesses! And then - but, you've gotta see for yourself!


Continuity Notes[]

  • The events of Avengers #101 happen during the events of this issue, specifically between the time that Tony Stark helps lock up the Hulk before his trial and when he appears as Iron Man to testify in his defense.
  • Foggy Nelson appears here as the District Attorney of New York City a position that Foggy held between Daredevil #12130.
  • The narration states that the Defenders couldn't be called to testify on behalf of the Hulk is because, since their formation in Marvel Feature #1, the Defenders operated in secret. It wasn't until Defenders #62 was the organization's existence made public.
  • The reason why Matt Murdock calls the Avengers to the stand is that the Hulk was a founding member of the team back in Avengers #1, although he left shortly thereafter in the following issue.
  • When asked to testify, Iron Man states that he had worked with the Hulk recently. This was in Avengers #100 when every Avenger -- past and present -- united to battle Ares.
  • The prosecution states that the Hulk's membership with the Avengers was "several years ago". Per the Sliding Timescale of Earth-616, the Avengers formed roughly three years prior to this story.
  • There has been a long-standing feud between the Thing and the Hulk and they have clashed many times. As of this story these previous times are: Fantastic Four #12, Fantastic Four #2526, Incredible Hulk #122, Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Comics Magazine #5, and Fantastic Four #112.

Publication Notes[]

  • Writer Roy Thomas provides some of the extra dialogue for this issue.
  • Pencils (story pages): Ayers pages 1-17, Trimpe pages 18-21 and Avengers and Iron Man figures on pages 15 and 16.
  • This issue contains a letters page, Green Skin's Grab Bag. Letters are published from Michael W. Barr, Michael E. Levin, and Rickey L. Shanklin.
  • As seen on page one, this issue is Story#774-Z.

See Also

Links and References

