Marvel Database

Appearing in "Cast Away"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Thaddeus Hatcher


  • pirates

Other Characters:

  • goats Billy and Nan
  • Johnny
  • woman

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Cast Away"

Bruce Banner wakes up to find himself in a strange hospital and his panic triggers a transformation into the Hulk. The Hulk is even more confused by where he is and smashes his way out of the building. He finds himself surrounded by a village of Africans who are afraid of him. When soldiers arrive to attack him, he fights them off enough to force them to flee. The Hulk is disgusted when he watches the frightened soldiers push down an elderly man as they try to escape. Fed up with humanity, the Hulk decides to find somewhere quiet where he won't be bothered.

The Hulk begins leaping across the continent until he comes upon a horseshoe shaped island that he decides to check out. The Hulk finds this island to be tranquil enough and he goes to sleep, reverting back to Bruce Banner. Banner is later found by the island's only inhabitant Thaddeus Hatcher. Hatcher has his goats lug Banner back to his camp, "Paradise Acres". When Banner wakes up, Hatcher explains who he is and while the pair share a meal he explains his life story. Thaddeus used to work at a wood mill until he was forced to retire. Unable to support himself financially or get a job, Hatcher moved in with his daughter and her husband. However, he felt that he was becoming a burden to them and tried to find work. Failing that, he took his money and traveled the world gaining new perspective. He spent almost the last of his money renting a fishing boat. After falling asleep on the boat he woke up to find himself adrift somewhere far away from land. Eventually, he found the island he would call Paradise Acres and live there for the next nine years. Hatcher explains that this new life has made him feel more alive than he has in his entire life. He shows Banner his "museum" to his old life, which consists of a sardine tin with the last of his money, what he believes is what is wrong with the modern world.

However, Thaddeus is an old man and is limited with what he can do. After deciding that Bruce is a good man, the two men work together for many days building up their shared home. Not long after they have constructed new lodging a storm hits the island and in a panic Banner transforms into the Hulk. The Hulk, not understanding where he is and what is going on, lashes out, destroying everything that Banner and Hatcher have built. The Hulk pauses when confronted by Thaddeus, and remembering the elderly man in Africa decides to leave the old man alone. The following morning, after the storm has passed, Hatcher goes looking for Banner who has once more fallen asleep and reverted back to his human form. Hatcher now understands Banner as both a blessing and a curse. Thaddues then tells Banner that pirates are scheduled to land on the island as they do regularly and they go to hide. However when they spot a boat with two tourists on board come to the island the try to warn them of the trouble.

It is too late as the pirates arrive and shoot one of the tourists. This triggers another transformation into the Hulk. The gamma-spawned monster easily sends the pirates fleeing and with the young man bleeding to death, Thaddeus impresses upon the Hulk how they need to get the boy to a doctor. The Hulk then dives into the ocean, and beneath the water punches through the bedrock of the island breaking it free and pushes it to the nearest shore. They land the island on a beach where the boy gets medical attention. Exhausted, the Hulk reverts back to Bruce Banner and Thaddeus makes sure that Bruce gets medical attention as well. When Bruce is released from the hospital, he learns that a local's boat went missing and whoever took it left a sardine can with money in it. Banner suggests that whoever took the boat paid for it.

Appearing in "Shadows In The Heart Of The City"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


Races and Species:


Synopsis for "Shadows In The Heart Of The City"

After the Hatchet Man has attacked Marlene with his axe, Moon Knight tries to go after him but has to fight off the police who mistake him for the Hatchet Man. Moon Knight gets away and follows the Hatchet Man's bloody path through Central Park where his disturbed brother starts attacking anyone who he encounters.

Finally confronting his brother, Moon Knight finds that the Hatchet Man has a hostage. But manages to get her away, and despite injuries sustained by the Hatchet Man's axe, Moon Knight manages to fight him off. However, during the course of the battle, the Hatchet Man is seemingly killed when he impales himself on a tree branch. Moon Knight then travels to the hospital where Marlene has been taken where he is told that her condition is unstable and they won't know if she'll live until the morning.


Continuity Notes[]

Shadows in the Heart of the City

  • The man who Moon Knight suspects is his brother is actually an impostor set up as part of a complex deception put in place by the real Randall Spector. This was revealed in Marc Spector: Moon Knight #37.

See Also

Links and References

