Marvel Database

Appearing in "Dead or Alive!"

Featured Characters:

  • Deputy Tom Nesbitt

Supporting Characters:

  • Gold-Dust Jones


  • Crag Yurdon

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Dead or Alive!"

Crag Yurdon shoots Fargo deputy Tom Nesbitt, then robs the bank. He rides off, but Nesbitt is still alive and names his attacker. A posse forms, wanted posters are printed and posted and Yurdon can find none of his former friends or acquaintances who will give him aid.

Appearing in "Town Without a Name"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Town Without a Name"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Gun-Shy!"

Featured Characters:

  • Ben Smith

Supporting Characters:

  • Nancy Smith


  • Moose Harper

Other Characters:

Synopsis for "Gun-Shy!"

Moose Harper and Ben Smith own adjoining spreads. Harper is a vicious bully, while Smith doesn't wear a gun and tries to be reasonable when sorting out disputes. His wife leaves him a note telling she can no longer live with a man who is gun shy. He pursues her and sees two men attacking the stage she is on. Despite being unarmed he charges down on them, manages to wrest a gun from one, and shoots. One of them proves to be Moose Harper. All present hail his courage and Nancy rushes back into his arms.

Appearing in "The Deputy!"

Featured Characters:

  • Rain Cloud;

Supporting Characters:

  • Zero Sharp
  • the sheriff
  • Caleb


Synopsis for "The Deputy!"

Rain Cloud wants to become a deputy sheriff, but he is a victim of racial prejudice and no one will take him seriously. Finally, he gives his life to save the sheriff from being murdered.

Appearing in "Hoofs of Doom!"

Featured Characters:

  • Martin Cassidy

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Hoofs of Doom!"

Martin Cassidy spies a beautiful wild black stallion and determines to capture it for his own.

Appearing in "Return of the Gunfighter!"

Featured Characters:

  • Fargo Dalton

Supporting Characters:

  • sheriff


  • the Bates brothers

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Return of the Gunfighter!"

Fargo Dalton is sentenced to three years in the state penitentiary. Having served his time he returns to seek out the sheriff who arrested him. But rather than wanting revenge, he thanks the sheriff for setting him on a straight path, and is made deputy.

See Also

Links and References

