Marvel Database

Appearing in ""Days of Future Tense""

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Warliquids
  • Black Air (First appearance)

Other Characters:



  • Attack Swarmers


Synopsis for ""Days of Future Tense""

In a grim future, the X-Men are dead, and the Sentinels have taken control of America. Mutants in America are imprisoned in concentration camps. In Great Britain, Black Air, a paranormal investigation agency, governs the country and hunts mutants. The team of Excalibur was forced to abandon their base on Muir Island and relocate to England. It now consists of Captain Britain, Meggan, Psylocke, Wolfsbane, Karma and Tangerine. They are led by Pete Wisdom who is bound to a wheelchair.

Rahne Sinclair, now a broken woman, monitors surveillance feeds showing the atrocities committed against mutants in Britain. Then Wisdom assembles the team to inform them of a mission to rescue the long lost Douglock, who may possess valuable information about Black Air. Karma will assist the field team by using her telepathic powers to possess a team member and maintain communication to the headquarters.

Excalibur forces its way in the Black Air building where the team encounters techno-organic creatures mimicking the Brood and they realize that the walls are alive and, thus, dangerous. After dispatching the creatures, they confront a neural lock protecting Douglock's enclosure. With Betsy's psychic powers, they open the door and find Douglock, who has been dissected and fully integrated into Black Air's operating system. Suddenly, Excalibur is surrounded by Black Air operatives.

Brian Braddock awakes from that nightmare. But was it just a dream or one of the many events he picked up when he was caught in the timestream?


Cover art is an homage to the cover of X-Men #141. The title is an allusion to the classic "Days of Future Past" X-Men storyline.

See Also

Links and References

