Marvel Database

Appearing in "X-Men: Divided (Part 1)"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny X-Men #495

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

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Synopsis for "X-Men: Divided (Part 1)"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny X-Men #495

Scott Summers walked around the destroyed X mansion, the area now littered with fallen Sentinels. He felt guilty for ending the team, and Emma began trying to convince him he'd done the right thing. It turned out Scott was merely dreaming, as the two were in a tree house they'd set up in the Savage Land. Two weeks ago Emma contacted Stark, getting him to meet up with Scott at the destroyed mansion. Stark told Scott about how he was being coerced into putting the X Men into the system. Scott told him about about Xavier's death, and how the team was disbanded.

In the present day Scott, and Emma continued their vacation in Savage Land. At night the two discussed why they loved Savage Land. They also discussed how they didn't really intend on ending the team, but could not lead it without Xavier. Ka-Zar, and Shanna met up the mutant couple. In Kurt, and Piotr were now in Germany. They met up with Logan at a bar, then the trio headed to a train station. After boarding, Kurt removed his disguise. The group planning to head to Russia, on Savage Land the group winessed a gruesome murder.

Emma spoke to Shanna about how Scott was studying the murderers, and how he'd do against them in combat. Later the two spoke about how they wouldn't let anything change their lives. The next day in San Fransico Warren flew through the skies, passing a bridge. He e-mailed Scott, who reviewed the message with Emma the next morning. He told Scott about how entire neighborhoods now lived in the 60's, and how he could not locate the others. A girl walked over to Warren, convincing him to come to a party.

Appearing in "X-Men: Divided (Part 2)"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny X-Men #496

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Goddess
  • Unnamed Russian criminal gang members
  • Unnamed Red Room Commander

Other Characters:

Races and Species:




Synopsis for "X-Men: Divided (Part 2)"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny X-Men #496

Hepzibah is at a party in San Francisco, the area transformed into the 60's. However now Martinque aka the Goddess has brought Warren to the party taking place. Delilah and Eli, two hippies, speak about the "angel" that had come. Eli goes to visit Martinque, while Scott and Emma are heading to San Francisco. Emma tells Scott about how she can't form a telepathic link with Warren, Hepzibah, and the others meeting there. While the trio in Russia have stopped by the grave of Piotr's parents. Piotr having an influx of sad memories, and Logan wanted to acquire alcohol.

The trio later gets together at a bar, planning to catch their next train. Piotr discusses his childhood with the group, telling them he is ready to leave Russia. Logan tells Piotr the reason he wanted to come to Russia, was to experience a sense of nostalgia. Scott and Emma pass by a sleeping Celestial. Emma learns a powerful psychic is responsible for the events taking place in the city. Emma learns the mutant responsible for the situation is NOT in control of their ability.

Scott wards off some hippies, Logan tells the trio how he misses The Blob. Armed gunmen comes to rob the bar, so Logan stops the robber and his allies with ease. Piotr joins in the action, as Kurt evacuates the bartender. The trio then leave, one of the people rescued watching them. Two hours later in Moscow, a man is glad to learn that Colossus is back in Russia, and that his men are tracking the trio.

Appearing in "X-Men: Divided (Part 3)"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny X-Men #497

Featured Characters:


  • Red Room
    • Mech7
    • Mech3
    • Unnamed Mech
    • Unnamed Red Room commander
  • Goddess
  • SFPD

Other Characters:

  • Several unnamed San Franciscan hippies
  • Eli
  • X-Men (Mentioned)

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "X-Men: Divided (Part 3)"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny X-Men #497

Wolverine, Colossus and Nightcrawler are sleeping in a train wagon in Russia. Suddenly, Wolverine smells something and tells the others to wake up. Suddenly, the wagon they are in is lifted by three mechs. Wolverine attacks one of them while Colossus destroys another mech. However, one mech blasts Colossus, knocking him unconscious. Wolverine and Nightcrawler are attacking one mech but the mech blasts Nightcrawler, sending him towards the ground. Wolverine catches Nightcrawler and uses his body to protect Nightcrawler from the fall. The three are unconscious and the mechs take them to their base, the Red Room.

In San Francisco, Cyclops and Emma are still investigating the 1960's illusion. Emma uses her telepathy to better sneak in the illusion. Then, she tries to locate the source of the illusion, which she thinks is a telepath who either is very powerful or lost control of his/her powers.

Meanwhile, in a room, Eli and the "Goddess" are speaking in how they met their friends. Eli thinks that the "Goddess" made the world beautiful again and that is why they were destined to meet each other. However, the "Goddess" detects Emma trying to get inside her thoughts. She then calls the police with her telepathy.

Emma fails in detecting the source of the illusion, and she and Cyclops are attacked by the police. Cyclops tells Emma that the cops are innocent men, and Emma understands and she tries to make them sleep. However, their minds are shielded against Emma's powers. Emma realizes the cops are not here to arrest them. Using her diamond skin as a shield, Emma allows Scott to subdue the cops with his optic blast. Cyclops and Emma then escape.

The "Goddess" realizes the the outsiders are the X-Men. She then prepares to fight them.

In Russia, Colossus awakens in the Red Room, where he is interrogated by an officer. The officer asks how in M-Day, Russia lost all of its mutant agents, while America was spared.

See Also

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